to buy but everybody had more stuff more money to buy stuff, and so prices just went ballistic and they're going to keep going up. dan: peter do you have any tips for regular consumer, you know middle class american family out there working their butt off to try to -- i mean listen rich guys they have fancy accountants they have hedge mechanisms against this. but what is the middle class family do to avoid this financial apocalypse of inflation coming. how do they handle it? >> first of all it is a tax. so when bidened a plrgs says they're not taxing the people that make less than 400,000 they're hittings twhem this huge inflation tax. but one way that the average american can try to avoid it is to stock up now. i mean, buy things that you think you may need a year from now, two years from now buy it now. especially the stuff that's nonperishable. because in the future, stuff is going to be even in shorter