"to pimple butterfly" album and they had a deadweight judge who looked like ronald reagan. and that earned him an invitation to the white house. rock obama said he was his favorite rapper. so it is not symmetrical. they are angry because they can't control them. he's unpredictable and he has a special demographic, these 18-40-year-old man especially of all different races and ethnicities. and i think that is a rising rubric. when you look around at all the traditional outlets on the conservative or libertarian movement, people have tuned out the report, the sad demise of rush limbaugh, howard stern is sort of descending. he is the up-and-coming peer the problem with the left is not that he has 11 million listeners or 200 billion downloads, it's the beginning that's getting bigger and bigger and he's becoming a pop cult figure that they don't know what he's going