received on campus by , say, people who believe in choice and bodily autonomyy and fighting the man. have they rush to your side, held you aloft r? >> no. no, they have not. t. sadly, so many people are soma very afraidny and they think ifn they're sheep now and they just followalong and they the rules, this will all go away. and the thing iss that's covid theater is never going to end e if we don't fight back now and then. no >> yeah, audrey, you are brave.y i hope, we see you again. thank you . s thank you so much. well, here's something weird covid rates are skyrocketing in the very countries with the highest vaccination rates that would include denmark, australia and israellu. h alex berenson has been covering this almost alone on substance . he joins us now h for his reporting now experiencing what iss>> this ? we're at a very dangerous moment, tucker , and i'm not exaggerating. i think this is probably important appearance