time, including the dangerous 70s. it's worse now than it's ever been ever in american history. but it's seen that's not a problem at all. it b was caused by their patrona of the democratictr party . so of course they're angry at fox news for bringing it up. watch. yes, there is a crime problem, but the way it's described on fox, you'd be afraid ton leave your house. i kind of think of it as a instagram filter. . wi t you start with a real image and then you take the filter and you pump it up 1000% and what you're left with is distorted. it no longerle reflects reality the goalth of this kind of coverage is to freak people out to cause them to live in fear. ironically, a lot of the fear mongering is about the things that are not actually mortal threats ahr. then there is ignoring the things that are mortal threat. you know, covid isn't realw, c n and climate change isn't real. i would argue that to me anyway those things are a little bit scary or have been scarier at s various points in the past couple of yearsca. ke the the dumbest person on television, the mask vaxx