the worldd is going to be settled in asia. it's going to be over fifty percent of global gdp. europe moving down to 10%. and so i think you're right. i mean the ukraine situation may concern us to some degree, but it's far, far from the most significant thingfr and a fundamental reality is we have to make choices. you talked about the currency, but it's justut as true in the military context. i'm just a little bit mesmerized by this question that it is it is patriotic to support ukraine. i mean toal speak for myself.i i have no allegiance to either one . i don't have a deep interest actually in either one . no connection whatsoever. don't speak the language. never. but why is it axiomatic that supporting ukraine is your duty as an american citizen? >> what does that come from? you know, well, it's not t axiomatic. i mean, i think it's been a problem or product of t the last generation of hubris,he the neo conservative dominance and essentially the getting disconnected from regular americans interest. tok, i think it is reallyta important for us to behe strong in the world and to defend ourut interests. but we've got to be clear w aboo those and really connect, younnc know, very directly to american interests. and again, that'ses really about