but it's not the usual partisan chorus. this is the entire choir you just saw representatives from every faction in washington from adam schiff to dan cranshaw, as different as they seem and all the dummies in between and all of i them are promoting war against russia on behalf of our new and deeply belovedd ally, the government of ukraine. vladimir putin is our most dangerous enemy. they scream we can't let them hurt ukraine. so it turns russia. it was actually more effective even than we'd realize. the steele dossier has been debunked. but in washington the theme remains in force. russia, russia, russiahing, rusa is bad. >> what is this about exact? well, obviously it's the usualal collection of children falling for the usual collection of lies. but why this specific lie? on tuesday we tried to get tom the bottom of this because it seems like it matters. we spoke to a man called clint urlich. h. as urlich pointed out, there are a lot of factors here over w us toward war ukraine. but one of them, a centralkr one is natoai. so what is nato and what is the purpose of nato since