question. where is our political system here. we have protests outside fox news over time. most people -- there are no process no mike outside pfizer. do you have a giant company which does a lot of good, not attacking no one everything, but no one is even allowed to ask questions about pfizer's behavior. that doesn't seem like a functioning system to me at all. >> i don't expect big pharma to be talking about natural immunity. never heard a wink about it from our public health officials. people have circulating antibodies that neutralize the virus, but they are antibodies that the government does not recognize. and because of this massive mistake, careers have been destroyed, teachers, nurses, soldiers have been fired. and let's be honest, these are not older people who are high risk for covid. those people if they haven't had the infection, i recommend they get vaccinated. these are young people. medical privacy privacy is basically dead. you have young healthy women now