as "unhoused individuals" or "people experiencing homelessness." in other words, they have a trite live in tents across from your house shooting heroin with their pants down as you walk your kids to school. they really think that when the city of washington, d.c. moved an encampment of junkies recently one city councilman described this as "an c eviction." in other words, your streets belong to them.ft now, these aren't just misguided attitudes. they are suicidal attitudes. any society that gives drug addicts preference over home owners will not last long. in the meantime, people die. people die and don't deserve to die. in florida the other day, a vagrant have a grant murdered 1-year-old boy out riding his bike. police say the killer is called williams, he had felony arrests in georgia and california including charges for aggravated assault and battery. why wasn't he in jail? well, because authorities in georgia and california let him go. so he went to florida and murdered a child. >> he appears to be a homeless drifter spending most of his time in the streets of miami. the incident itself appears to