really the cradle of anxious white liberalism, a place that defines the police first sounded like a good idea. in minneapolis, voters overwhelmingly rejected a measure to defund their own police and get rid of their police department. turns out we need police, even in minneapolis. and then in the state of new jersey, a truck driver who spent a total of $150 on his campaign is, as of right now, beating the longtime president of the new jersey state senate. and it is not mindlessly populous to suggest he will probably be better, actually. but the headline is the party that is calling for firing truck drivers is suddenly losing elections to truck drivers. and if that is not sweet, we don't know what the word means. meanwhile, the governor of that state, the self-appointed king of new jersey, the finance goon, phil murphy, was of course going to win is raised by some massive margin. it is new jersey. it is a machine state. joe biden 18 by 16 points a year ago. but that is not what happened,