coated with breakfast cereal, not a healthy food option. case great at first come eat enough and it starts to make you feel sick. so they began to buy less of what you were selling. following this? how would you react to that? if you were smart you would just rebrand. he would change the color, throw in some vitamin additives, rename the product, you may collect crunchy kale treats or healthy life nutrition bars. if you figured out that people don't want sugary garbage, they want something that is good for them so you would sell it to them. that seems like a rational choice. what you probably wouldn't do if you were selling rice crispy treats to a rapidly shrinking market is convince yourself you are not on the snack food business but on a mission from god. he would not claim that eating marshmallows is a vital moral imperative. you would not attack your own consumers for preferring something else. you would not denounce them as or racists for eating less sugar. you wouldn't try to band the