really a heartless monster and i'm glad that's clear to everyone now describes the rape of a child has phony right wing outrage? >> this is what come he's talking about parents being up in arms in virginia and basically claiming it is all cultural war stuff. first of all, never really cared about the fact that this is transgender. the bigger issue is that school districts do not have the same priorities as parents and that is really what he hit the nail on the head with, saying he doesn't think parents should be telling schools what to teach, the head of the teachers union said something similar this week. what is the appropriate role and the democrats seem to think they don't have one. these are our kids, we will raise them in our schools. it turned out to be a total hoax. this guy who was arrested, he looks like a blue-collar guy, he is angry at school board meetings, they thought it was a bigot, maybe opposed to masks. you can hear his wife screaming