answer, "the babylon bee," one of the very few remaining satire sites on the entire internet, he joins us tonight.e seth, thank you so much for coming on, the stuff is in your face every single day, you are the target of a lot of this. you have to wonder, the people trying to destroy your business and your life, they are a tiny percentage of americans, aren't they? >> they are, but they wield all the power. this is the funny thing. they really are a joke at this point because they try to project themselves as being marginalized. these are the marginalized, these are the oppressed. you can't make fun of them. the way that you can tell who holds all the power in a society is by who you can't make fun of, right? o o >> tucker: that's right. >> these are the people you can't make fun of. it is clear they hold all the institutional power in our culture and it is very interesting when you have comedians like chapelle, you have to worry about now, telling jokes, you don't just ask yourself, is this funny? you have to ask yourself, is this joke going to offend somebody who is more powerful than me, but identifies as being marginalized because i might lose my career?syo >> tucker: your site manages to be consistently funny, and i think probably most of our viewers get, you know,