european leader to say no, we don't want millions of people we don't know to walk into our country. to put that in some perspective that year, almost a million people walked illegally into hungary. hungary tried to get them through the country to germany as fast as possible, but just put that in american terms. hungary, with a population of 10 million people, 1 million illegal coming in and a number of months. that is equivalent to something like 33 million illegal migrants coming through the southern border of the united states in a matter of that's threed times the estimad number of illegals currently in the u.s. coming in in a few months. so hungary said no, we can't cope with that. and after that, the demonization of the country and the demonization -- not legitimate criticism -- but the demonization of the hungarian people started in earnest, and it has never stopped since. >> tucker: so, i mean, it almost sounds, listening to the