so the only thing that i can think that might have happened is maybe the officers weren't doing their jobs. there were sleeping. maybe unknown individuals, esmates, officers, civilians, i don't know, went into jeffrey epstein's cell, strangle them and then put a ligature around his neck to make it seem like he was hung, like there was a hanging. what else could possibly have gone wrong there? >> tucker: under normal circumstances i would say ad, that's crazy, but under the circumstances are not going to say that because it's clearly not crazy. thanks so much for coming on tonight, i appreciate it. >> thank for having me. >> tucker: roger stone was convicted in federal court last week on seven felony charges stemming from a sense-closed russia collusion investigation. his main crime was lying to congress about who he had or had not spoken to about russia. by the time stone's trial began in washington, the larger scandal that ensnared him had long been debunked. nobody was talking about wikileaks anymore. nobody cared. and yet prosecutors continue zealously as if it were still 2017.

Related Keywords

Jeffrey Epstein ,Thing ,Cell ,Officers ,Sleeping ,Individuals ,Dont Know ,Jobs ,Ligature ,Civilians ,Esmates ,Rob Tucker ,Thanks ,Crazy ,Circumstances ,Changing ,Neck ,Sad ,Roger Stone ,Russia ,Crime ,Felony Charges ,Federal Court ,Russia Collusion Investigation ,Seven ,Nobody ,Prosecutors ,Washington ,Scandal ,Trial ,Wikileaks ,Debunked ,2017 ,

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