this is another example of television -- clearly there is something wrong. this is like a freak show. you shouldn't put him on tv. it's too ugly and weird and unfair. i don't know what's going on in the house -- i don't want to know, i'm not going to speculate -- but television producers are making it worse by putting this guy on the tube, i would say. >> it's actually cruel, and it actually speaks rather well for donald trump, whatever you think of the guy, that she's been there since day one. everybody else has come and gone. he's on his 27th national security advisor, or whatever it is, by now. she stuck by him and he stuck by her. even though this guy, who is just famous because he's mr. kellyanne conway, no one is interested in his legal scholarship, and wolf blitzer made him look -- made himself look utterly pathetic, sitting there, as kellyanne pushed back against him until some intern feeds into his ear, why don't