began a 48 hour countdown clock because baghdadi's next relocation was thought to be imminent. as you said, the fascinating part, the reason the kurds new when baghdadi was is because a kurdish undercover operative was able to sneak into the terror leaders compound and steel a pair of his underwear. a rapid dna test and then confirmed with 100% accuracy that it was in fact baghdadi and a commander with the kurdish led syrian defense forces told fox news the kurds also had an informant inside the compound during the raid and the state department hasta acknowledged the kurds played a key role in the operation, though u.s. officials they the raid itself was conducted solely by the u.s. military. al-baghdadi was killed after he fled down a dead end tunnel with three children and detonated a suicidee vest. his had remained intact allowing u.s. commandos to use biometrics, facial recognition and near instant dna analysis to