>> tucker: yeah, it means our corporate chief is running companies incubated in america and there willing to lecture us because we disagree with unisex bathrooms, but china can murder people, but that's totally cool. this is not sustainable, is it? >> gordon: i don't think it is, because we will have our sputnik moment with regard to all of this. the nba could be part of it. we now have to realize that we can take chinese money or we can have a free marketplace of ideas in the united states. unfortunately, we can't have both, and we will have to make a choice, tucker. it's unfortunate, but we are not driving this. the chinese are by being ambitious, and trying to pull us in directions we don't want to go. >> tucker: gordon chang, great to see you. thank you. hillary clinton has a new explanation for losing three years ago. mysterious flashing videos appeared and disappeared without a trace. for real. first, it's time for "final