one of the thing she could doat and say, i see what is happening. the establishment, they are afraid of me. they want to shut offth the opportunity for me because they're afraid i'm going to strip them of their power because i want to change how things are done.e. i'm going to be the disruptor. she might be able to figure out a way to get in there and make that argument. just like president trump during the primary. >> tucker: i don't think there's any question about it. maybe donors are discovering that, you can spend all your time creating the perfect candidate in the laboratory, but if voters don't want to vote for the person. they're not going to be the nominee. >> exactly. you can see like a never elizabeth warren movement, from the democrats if they are willing to do that. another thing that happened today, joe biden being attacked from a few democrats, but mostly president rouhani. the new cnn poll showed that he is has widening his lead over. again, i go back to those