the kurds, the turkish media says erdogan has been defined saying u.s. sanctions on turkey won't force them to declare a cease-fire. the south carolina republican lindsey graham says president trump did not give the turks a green light. >> i would urge president trump to release to the public the letter he sent to erdogan urging him not to invade syria. it was a very good letter. the president did not wake up one day and tell him you can have syria. erdogan one and two syria against president trump's and counseling and now it's up to president trump and the rest of us to fix it. i blame erdogan, not drunk. the white house has opened an internal probe into the handling of the ukraine call according to "the new york times," some order could be a search for a scapegoat on capitol hill. see pelosi says there will not be a vote to formalize as impeachment inquiry, at least not now.