lampoon. he's a dilettante. he has no experience. i thought he was satisfied with being a fake msnbc tough guy like donny deutsch. but now he wants to produce fake news. he's as much a journalist as al sharpton or joy rita. now he's busted. and again, he calls it an item. he did it in the crossover with rachel maddow. that means it's the lead story, the equivalent of the top of the front page with the newspaper. he says if true, if true. you work for print publications, that's the conversation you have with the city editor or the assignment desk. you don't go on live national tv and say "if true." >> tucker: [laughs] that's what i say -- i've never written a lead with that phrase in it. great to see her tonight, thank you for that. >> thanks. >> tucker: new reports tonight say that ilhan omar had an