michigan. >> martha: i'm not saying when you look at these polls and you see they are within the margin of error, i understand you feel confident and obviously understand the perspective you're coming from but the point of this article it is a lot closer than it looks when you look at the large gaps in favor of joe biden for example in the fox news poll against president trump. when you look at the swing states, much closer and a quote from "new york magazine" which says new poll shows democratic magazines living in a fantasy world and a piece by jonathan. the fact that they crushed trump's party, "the new york times" polling finds these voters are swinging back. almost two-thirds of the people who supported trump in 2016 and then democrats in 2018 plan to vote for trump again in 2020. that is the magazine. >> martha, here is an interesting poll that you didn't put out. and i think it is one of the many reasons -- >> martha: would you respond to that quote and what it said? what do you think about it? >> 46% of registered voters are