one is, you know, the speechth itself, what it said, th the programs announced, the spending promise, the remedies, the bragging about what the 10% are and allaf that. the other way is looking at, this man, thisth 80 year old man ,the oldest president , i i guess, ever, and whether he got through the speech. well, and it seemed to me thatnf it was an awful lot of on. stumbling and slurring wordsbece left out and so on . s soom the question becomes this.s does someone sitting at home worried about the future of our country, perhaps sufferinge from inflation and the other maladiesot, worried about crime worried about the border?i look at this man deliveringhave this speece toh tonight and say i have confidence to give him te four more years. who lead our no well, fully in he's a man who has led ourr have nation so well, he's fully in command or they look at him and have doubts, doubts that they may already harbor based tg on afghanistan and certain other things. i have i have my is.onsidera hae considerable doubt as to whether this was a confidence inspiring speech tonight.