>> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the aclu now actively aiding al qaeda. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. this is an amazing story that you most likely will see nowhere else but the factor. as you may know, president obama and cia chief leon panetta have reeked havoc in the ranks of al qaeda by using predator drones to attack terrorists. it has been effective and obama and panetta are patriots for their actions. the far left opposes using the drone attacks. the aclu has filed a back door lawsuit to try to stop the campaign. please follow me closely here. this man anwr. >> alisyn: lack can i has been designated a global terrorist by the u.s. government. that means is he a prime target. >> al awlaki is a terrorist. and, yes, he is a u.s. citizen but he is first and foremost a terrorist and we are going to treat him like a terrorist. we don't have an assassination list. but i can tell you, this we have a terrorist list and he is on it. >> shepard: enter the aclu which has applied to represent al awlaki in any court proceedings which might occur that legislation has been not been enacted upon by the u.s. government so the aclu is suing in federal court saying the terrorists and others like him are being denied due process because they are attacked by u.s. authorities without warning. in other words, the aclu wants designated terrorists to be given rights before any action is taken against them. if the aclu succeeds, that would limit predator drone targets. it is simply unbelievable. now the aclu has always been a far left outfit but is actively aiding terrorists, actively helping al qaeda thugs who kill people all over the world. the aclu and other far left groups simply will not acknowledge there is a war going on. they see terrorism as criminal activity. not a military battle. if the aclu had its way, president obama and cia chief panetta would not be allowed to launch the predator attacks. so i ask you. how many americans do you believe support the aclu's actions? 5%? maybe 10? but you don't hear a word in the media but the aclu's subversive activities even when they are trying to help the al qaeda leadership. in a free society there is nothing we can do. the aclu has a right to exist. but i have a right to expose it. that organization is putting every single american in danger. it is disgraceful. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. reaction. with us scott finster maker criminal defense attorney has represented several detainees being held at guantanamo bay. so, of course you disagree with me on. this absolutely. absolutely. >> bill: all right. you don't want drone attacks on these people, correct? >> i don't want drone attacks on mr. al awlaki and i don't want drone attacks in pakistan. they are illegal. it's a con throw convention -- >> bill: you want that weapon taken away from the united states. you don't want drone attacks in pakistan where the al qaeda leadership is believed to be. and you don't want this guy al awlaki being attacked anywhere, right? i just want to be clear. >> i want any illegal actions by the united states government to be stopped, yes. >> bill: but it has not been ruled illegal by anybody but you, mr. finstermaker, you. >> well, i don't know that it has been. >> bill: it hasn't been ruled by anybody but but you. >> i don't know that it's been adjudicated by any tribunal at all. >> bill: no one but you have called this illegal and since you don't hold any power, that's your opinion. now, president obama and panetta, as you saw. >> yes. >> bill: they are going to continue to do this kind of thing. what i don't understand is, if you say it's illegal to attack the enemy by air, that's what this is, then is it illegal to attack them by ground? could we send commandos after al awlaki and shoot him in the head? could we do that? >> well, first of all, i disagree with you that they are necessarily the enemy. you have defined them as the enemy. >> bill: you don't believe al qaeda is the enemy of the united states. >> i don't know that mr. al awlaki is part of al qaeda. >> bill: that's what mr. leon panetta says he is. >> he is part of the american war ministry, yes. >> bill: okay. so leon panetta is part of the american war ministry. >> yes. >> bill: but you, courtroom fen counselor fenstermaker -- >> i don't know. you don't believe either of those men when they say he is a terrorist? you don't believe that. >> i don't think they have proven that he is. >> bill: they haven't proven that he is. to you? >> to anybody. they have offered no proof whatsoever. they have showed nothing. >> bill: so that you don't believe unless there is proof, direct proof sent to your home that the president, the commander and chief of the armed forces and the head of the cia have any right to take any action against him unless you get direct proof the guy is a terrorist? >> i think when the united states government is waging war against civilians, i think it's problematic in the first place. >> bill: all al qaeda are civilians. >> perhaps. >> bill: no. there is no perhaps about it al qaeda are civilians. they are not attached to any army. all of them are. so you say the united states can't fight al qaeda? we can't? >> i think that our battles with al qaeda are not necessarily well directed. let's put it that way. >> bill: no, no. i don't want to get into that rhetoric. are you saying we can't attack them because they don't have a military uniform? you are saying we can't take them out. commandos can they go into pakistan and shoot them. >> i don't know that they are in pakistan. >> bill: okay. can they go into pakistan if they are there and shoot them. >> i think that would be largely up to the pakistani government. >> bill: so the americans, in your opinion, can't shoot al qaeda in pakistan, cannot? >> i don't think al qaeda is posing any threat to us now. >> bill: oh, so you, counselor fenstermaker not pose a threat. did you at a al qaeda posed a threat before 9/11. >> i wasn't familiar with al qaeda before 9/11. >> bill: now 10 years later you don't think they pose a threat to us. you don't think al qaeda is is trying to kill americans. >> i think al qaeda is a symptom not a threat. >> bill: you don't think al qaeda wants to kill you. if you were wandering around waziristan and they grabbed you, you would be surprised. >> i think i'm probably a bad example. i'm probably a hero to al qaeda. >> bill: based on this interview i think you are right. i don't really think they care. i think that you are an american and if they could get you they will cut your head off. >> i don't think you have the first idea what you are talking about. >> bill: would you say that? >> have you ever spoken to anybody from al qaeda. >> bill: i have upon to afghanistan. i have been to iraq. i have seen pretty much everything there is to see on the battlefield. i have seen the directives that the u.s. military intelligence has. i'm pretty up to speed on. this you have seen what the american and israeli propaganda ministries want you to see, sir. >> bill: okay. but you know differently? you can show me things that counter leon panetta's assessment that this man is a terrorist? you can show me that he isn't. >> i certainly could but the united states government isn't going to allow that to happen. >> bill: i will. bring it on. what can you show me that this guy -- you say this guy is not a threat to anybody. he is just an innocent guy to this guy. >> what i say i don't know that he is. >> bill: you don't know. but you won't take the word of president obama and the cia chief. >> absolutely not. >> bill: you would not take the word of american. >> i would not take the word of representative of the government or israel period. >> bill: making that statement. everybody is corrupt. everybody is a bad guy in the highest levels of the u.s. government. >> i didn't say serve corrupt. bill you said you wouldn't take their word. >> i would like to see the evidence. i would like to speak to them. >> bill: before you support any action against anybody you have to have direct evidence. >> my support i'm not in a position of power so my support means nothing. >> bill: your opinion is interesting because you do represent some of these guys in guantanamo bay. >> i used to. i ono longer do. >> bill: you would if called. >> no actually i would not. >> bill: you would bail out of that. >> i would not represent anybody by any tribunal run by the united states and israeli governments when it has to do with terrorism because they are a sham. >> bill: we appreciate you being honest mr. fenstermaker. >> sure. thank you. >> bill: a woman -- harshly criticized by muslims. she will be here. dennis miller here on the ground zero mosque controversy. i believe they may be interesting. upcoming. host: could switching to geico really save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance? is having a snowball fight with pitching great randy johnson a bad idea? randy: sorry man, you all right? man: yeah, im good. yeah you just winged me. randy: think anybodys going to notice that? man: yeah, probably. maybe we should just go sledding... vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. >> bill: follow-up segment last night. head of the council on american islamic relations about the ground zero mosque controversy. and he said this. >> activity is smoke screen for bigotry. the main organizer of the protest against the cultural center. she has on her web site images of the prophet with urine on his head. >> bill: after hearing that she called and asked for equal time. she joins us now and author of the book the post american presidency the obama administration's war on america. i don't think you are leading the charge against this mosque, are you? you are just one of the three people opposed to it? >> i'm one of the three people opposed to. great many people. >> bill: on your web site you posted a draw mohammed day? >> if i could give a little background on that. >> bill: real quick. >> as you know cartoonists have been targeted with death threats, set on fire. and the comedy central producers as you know were targeted as with a death threat because of the hugy bear mohammed. and so unknown columnist and cartoonist in seattle said everybody draw mohammed day. it became viral on the net. mark steyn wrote about it brad thorpe supported it on may 20th it was everybody draw mohammed day. tens of thousands of people drew mohammed. and we all ran it on the net. why? because we felt that you couldn't kill everybody. you couldn't target everybody. >> bill: there were a lot of cartoonists offensive to muslims in this draw mohammed deal. >> yeah. >> bill: that's what he is talking about there. >> that's what he is talking about there. yeah. >> bill: he says that you are one of the leaders and you are bigoted against muslims and this is your -- why you object to the mosque. >> and this is patently untrue. i love muslims. the ground zero mosque is an offensive insult. it's a stab in the eye. i have no problem with mosques across the city. but we're talking about history. and islamic history of building -- mosque on the cherished sites of conquered lands. pointing out the dishonesty and the subversion is not bigotry or racism. it's a way of shutting people up. if you are called a racist, nobody wants to be called a racist. >> bill: you are going back to saladin who were they conquered territory built mosques in the thanksgiving of their victories that's what you going back to. >> care was named -- cair was named a coconspirator. >> bill: you made a statement that said muslims have a history of building mosques on conquered territory. i gave you an example and that is true that they do. but you're correlating this and saying that the reason the muslim community wants the world trade center mosque is to celebrate their victory there. that's what you just said. >> i don't think the muslim community wants it i think that islamic supremacist wants it. i think that if you look at jewish history, the holist site site. the first temple. they built a temple on top of the -- a mosque on top of the temple dome of the rock. >> bill: you think it is generated then by muslim extremists by jihadists, by people who want a calafate? >> by islamic supremacists. >> bill: do you have any proof of that. >> well, we know that the imam has been dishonest. >> bill: he is a very very staunch muslim. that's for sure. i don't know about being dishonest. >> he has been dishonest about the funding. first he said there was no foreign funding. we know he is in malaysia right now. is he a predominant member. >> bill: do you think this guy is a terrorist. >> i think is he tied to terror. he was a prominent member in padana. >> bill: you think the goal of this mosque is to build it as a triumph. >> a victory mosque. >> bill: really? that's what you believe. >> yes. >> bill: and cair and all of that are in on it. >> cair were named coconspirators in the holy land trial. their leadership has been convicted of terror. omar ahmed and planning meeting for hamas to do terror activities. their leadership has been convicted of terror. >> bill: i want to be clear. you believe that this mosque deal with a blatant attempt to put a victory mosque on the site of the attack on 9/11. >> let's take him at his word. let's take him at his word imam arouf who says it's outreach. it's had the opposite effect. if that's the case why not withdraw it. >> bill: i said that yesterday. if that's the case, listen, the muslim community would gain a lot of good will by -- >> -- tremendous. >> bill: we understand. we sympathize. we will draw it back and do the mosque some place else. i'm not entirely sure of the in your face, we want to put a victory. >> listen, if you are going to put a mosque looking down on the sacred ground of ground zero where they are still finding human remains, why not put a church in there and a synagogue? >> bill: that's what newt gingrich said. i think that would be a good idea. >> how about no mosque at all and community center like the 92nd street why that doesn't have a synagogue. >> bill: all of those things i think should be considered. thanks for coming. >> in thanks for the opportunity. >> bill: the ethics trials of congresswoman waters and congressman rangle are eroding black leadership in the country. looking at president obama on "the view" and your humble correspondent on leno. body language moments away. 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>> well, first, let's let the investigation be fully carried out. if they did something wrong, we need to take that seriously and they need to be punished. do i think that the investigation itself is racist? i would say no. i think whenever there is an ethical issue we need to raise it whether they are black or whether they are white. i think some of the conversation around the ethics investigation has become racialized though. when you start saying that members of the cbc are being investigated or saying black people in congress are being investigated which makes a racial flag go up. i say investigate them if they did something wrong. if it's true, get them out of there. if not, let things carry on. >> bill: i don't know who siz are ing the race card other than far left people. i haven't heard anybody saying the cbc is bad. the cbc is the congressional black caucus or they as a group or pernicious in any way. i haven't heard that all i keep hearing is from people like eugene robinson who traffics in racism every time you turn around oh, you know, this -- looking at that. >> no. he doesn't do that. >> bill: sure he does. google his columns and read them. he is always raising that card. >> he speaks truth about race. but the point here, bill, is if you have eight members being investigated and all eight are black, it does raise a kind of curious eye because these types of things, for example, if you look at maxine waters having a troublesome relationship with a bank or problematic meeting with a bank is something that a whole lot of members of congress do. >> bill: wait, wait. you don't know what she did. and i didn't know what she did. >> i know. >> bill: you can't be diminishing. look, if congress -- if democratic congress is raising it to that level. >> a question worth raising. >> bill: newt gingrich, marc folly, a whole bunch of white guys, duke cunningham. more white guys than black guys have been taken down by ethics investigations. >> i agree. come on. imagine, bill, if someone came on and said over the last two years eight white members of congress have been investigated. all of a sudden there would be an assumption that some kind of connection between their behavior and race. i'm saying investigate them. >> bill: let me ask you this question and i'm asking this with sensitivity. >> as always. >> bill: i try. >> absolutely do your best. >> bill: i try to be fair no matter what color you are. if you have a percentage of black lawmakers on the hill and it is a much higher percentage of investigations directed toward them, can you make two conclusions. number one, that there is a high er risk in the category or they are targets. you can go either way on it. higher risk on it or targets. >> there is plenty of reason to believe that they could be targets is all i'm saying. >> bill: give me one reason to believe that. this is a democratic-controlled administration now. you are telling me that democrats are turning on their own? >> this is going to shock you, bill. but there are reyess -- races sists in the democratic party. >> bill: why would they want to target any black lawmaker. that's insane. >> no one ever accused the democratic party being rise around the issue of race. >> bill: come on, professor. that's not wise. >> i agree it's not wise. it's a question worth raising to say if everyone being investigateside black, perhaps they are -- are they not being targeted here? >> bill: the tickle me elmo guy was white. a whole bunch of white guys in that mix. >> we're talking about the investigations that have happened over the last year. we're talking about the last case. >> bill: six months ago. >> but again, bill. i started from the point that i'm knot saying it's a racist thing. i said it's a question worth raising. i'm much more interested in finding out if they did this stuff. when we look at roland burris, for example, it seems to me he was misleading. when we look at william jefferson in louisiana he clearly did something wrong here. charlie rangel has four rent controlled apartments. i'm not going to defend that behavior. >> bill: liberal thinker see robinson and others right away throwing this race card out there along with congresswoman waters how do you react. >> first thing i want to figure out is what their reasoning is. >> bill: the reason is that they want to deflect the issue from what happened into a race deal. >> well, no. i'm not saying that. i think that -- again, i think that even if they did something wrong, there could still be a race dimension here. they haven't made the case here. let's keep investigating. let's not assume it's race. let's not dismissing it either. >> bill: i'm not dismissing anything. i just think that i agree with you, we should find out what happened and then on the back end of it. >> you agree with me? >> bill: yeah. once in a while. then on the back end of it. >> smart man. >> bill: after we find out what happened then you can discuss the other thing. you don't put the other thing as the headline. doc, i have got to run as always. thank you for coming on. body language takes a look at president obama on "the view" and me, your humble correspondent on leno. that should be interesting. and then dennis miller talking ground zero mosque and lady gaga. we hope you stay tuned to those as a home, there are things i'm supposed to do. like, keep one of these over your head. well, i wasn't "supposed" to need flood insurance, but i have it. fred over here chose not to have it. ♪ me, i've got a plan. fred he uh... fred what is your plan? do i look like i have a plan? not really. [ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. for a free brochure, call the number on your screen. >> bill: bed language segment tonight three interesting situations beginning with president obama on "the view." >> do you know that lindsay lohan is in jail? [ laughter ] >> i actually know that, yes. >> you knew that? >> i did. >> okay. does mel gibson need anger management? [ laughter ] >> i, i -- [ laughter ] let me answer the afghanistan question. >> should snooky run as mayor of with a wa zilla? >> i have got to admit i don't know who snooky is. >> you don't? [ laughter ] >> bill: here now body language maven tonya reiman the yes factor. just editorially speaking that's one of the president is criticized for going on those forums because it diminishes his stature as a leader. i don't necessarily buy that i want the president to have a sense of humor and to have a little bit of fun. now, what did you pick up from the conversation? okay, so when is he talking about lindsay lohan there is animation. did i know that and there is some truth there. when we talk about mel gibson you can see the tension in his face, the lip budges and the tongue comes out. i think he feels the anger here that this is happening with -- look right now. he doesn't want to answer this question. >>. no this put him in a tough to s. he doesn't want to answer the question about snooky. he doesn't know her. there is extended eye closure, the pullback, his voice changes and there are absolutely no signs of deception. my feeling is that he didn't know three months ago who she was. >> bill: who forgot who she is. i find it hard to believe that barack obama doesn't know who snooky is. >> his smile literally got smaller. i think he was laughing because the crowd was laughing. >> bill: he got off a good line. it was very well timed. i got because i don't know who that is. all right. but you can't tell. you said this many tims on this program. you can't tell by body language when somebody is telling the truth or not. >> no. it's tough. there is a percentage of times you are going to get it right. >> bill: was he comfortable? >> i think he was very relax dollars the question about mel gibson upset him buff other than that he was really relaxed. >> i couldn't. >> bill: me on jay leno. roll the tape. >> it looks like tony hayward is out now. >> this pinhead, unbelievable. he is the head of bp, right? so he screws up everything. and then says when am gig to get my life back? i would have jammed him in the hole right then. then it gets worse. then they pull him out, the brits pull him out of bp, send him back to london and where is he the next day? on his yacht. >> bill: what did you pick up there. >> i you start off and lean forward and nose flight comes. you are on. that's it it's your time. you are on. >> bill: nose flight means. >> you are getting yourself ready deep breath of oxygen you are on. >> bill: bill he did the nose wipe. >> jay leno let you have the floor and then even further, he goes to talk and then you cut him off, gaze avoidance you cut him off so that he can't talk. he can't take the floor. he gives that compliance. >> he had to. material i needed. >> you took over the floor and kept and it then of course the mock horror at the end of this where you cover your face. very good. >> bill: both jay and i were having fun there. >> it looked like it. >> bill: do you think jay hates me. >> no. he is apropos. >> bill: he gets good rating with me anyway. talking about his whoas, roll the tape on that. >> years ago i survived a chinese attack in north korea. and, as a result, i wrote a book that having survived that that i hadn't had a bad day since. today i have to reassess that. statement. thank you. >> bill: what did you pick up? >> is he on an emotional roller coaster here. is he overwhelmed because his eyes are darting all over the place. you see the mouth tighten in disappointment. immediately falling that you see the bounce in his step which you will see in a second. that's when he is talking about all those years ago. you see that little bounce up. that's a sign of pride. okay? so after that comes, he starts talking about the book. and, once again, you hear his voice inflection go up that there was the bounce. there is a sense of pride there at well. at the end he comes right back down though with the voice and he says i will have to reassess that. this was really roller coaster. >> war and saw action there and that's what he was referring to in the beginning. he looks like a broken man to me. i know him. and i know how he is without any of this, and is he very energetic. he looks like. >> flat. >> bill: he is done. all right, tanya. thanks as always. we appreciate it dennis miller warming up. plenty to say about the ground zero mosque controversy. the arizona situation, and lady gaga. miller up next. thanks to t venture card from capital one, we gedouble miles on every purchase. so wearned an l.a. getaway twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use oucard. no matter at we're buying. and since double miles add up quick... romans! get em! 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[ male announcer ] accumulate 10 nights and get a night free. welcomerewards from smart. so smart. >> bill: thanks for staying with us i'm bill o'reilly miller seeing: we did not chat last week because i was off on vacation. he has some thoughts on the illegal alien ruling and the mosque controversy. before we get to that i want to explain to the audience once again that this ruling overturning the vote in california on gay marriage the people obviously in california don't want it, proposition 8. we want to read that before we comment on it because, you know, we just don't want to off the top of oyou are ohead. so we will have it for you tomorrow. does that sound fair, miller? >> yeah. just let me say, this billie. you know this understanding faith that's setting up shop down in ground zero and we're supposed to -- we understand. we're going to bridle a little but we understand just let me say this, a couple gay guys in the village go in and ask the mullah to marry them they are headless in a second. >> bill: beheaded right there on the site. >> they have got decapitation on speed dial down there. all right? and you know something? bloomberg is so tied up in politically correct knots now he is just asking suicide bombers to not light up a smoke before they blow themselves up. >> bill: what do you think it is? you actually made an excellent point. i'm not even sure you know how good it is. but the muslim community is asking for tolerance so they could build their mosque two blocks away from ground zero yet, as you pointed out if two gays guy from the east village walked into the mosque and say would you marry me imam there would be trouble. the tolerance doesn't seem to cut both ways. >> there wouldn't be big trouble. they would kill them. we have got to start saying it like it is, billie. >> bill: i don't think they would kill them. >> we are going to let them build that mosque eventually. it's a stick in the eye but they will build the mosque. that tells you everything you need to know about us. >> bill: they won't build it down there, huh-uh there won't be a construction crew in new york city that will work on that mosque, i guarantee you. >> i hope there is understanding next year when you and i open up the tony romas at the hodge. >> which is a rib joint. now, what do you make of the mayor of no, coming out strong there that this is a rights issue. a freedom of religion issue? i was surprised the mayor took that tact because it's a sensitivity issue to me. that's the name of the game here. >> yeah, but it's a sensitivity issue about who you can afford to be insensitive to the other people. quite frankly, if the other people are you going to make them feel bad? yeah. are they going to blow you up? no, they are not. >> bill: do you think bloomberg wants to make the 9/11 families feel bad? i don't think he has thought it out. >> you are always harder on me than you are on islamists, people are afraid to say anything about radical islam because they get blown up. bloomberg is going along with that does he want to hurt people from 9/11? no, i'm not saying that. does he think they are going to blow him up? no, he doesn't. does he think if he goes the other way he might have a bomb on his hands somewhere? yes, he does. >> bill: interesting. >> you know something? if they go ahead and build that mosque i hope the whole beautiful -- shows up on the front door. the naked cowboy. the ons, the porno guys handing it out. the incessant car alarms going out during the five time a day prayers. welcome to new york, boys. i'm sure that you will be as accommodating as you expect us to be about all of this. yes. because that's your m.o. >> bill: all right. you were watching last week the judge's ruling on the immigration policy. and you say? >> >> i say we build a long skinny mosque all along our southern border with mexico. nobody will be able to whine with about anything with each other. >> bill: build a long mosque. >> skinny one. the mexicans will whine about that. everybody is happy. >> bill: trying to picture how many minute you -- that would take. >> i'm sick of everybody whining. i'm one of the guys trying to get by on a day-to-day basis. do i have a beef with islam and mexicans? i don't have a beef with anybody. i'm getting sick of everybody but me whining. and at least make it hard to get into this country. take that it v show wipe out where the fat women fall off the big balls and put that down at the border. at least make it a little difficult to get in here. >> bill: i agree with you. i don't think there can be any doubt that this country is not serving the people of the united states by letting walk in who wants to walk. in all right. now, i have not seen yet i understand you have this magazine that features lady gaga this month. why should -- i get mail all over the place. why do we care about this? why are you talking about this? i have got to ask you, do you care about this woman? >> i don't know. she is harmless, billie there are people who scare me more. i would rather have lady gaga speaker of the house than grandma gugu, i will be honest with you. >> bill: let me just stop you. you would rather have lady gaga as speaker of the house than lady gugu referring to lady pelosi. >> grandma gugu. >> bill: sorry. all right. continue, miller. >> listen, i saw the lady gaga thing. here is what i am saying, she is at the kid's table. it's the kid's table. she is a genius at being a twit. she is not a genius at being a genius. she wants to start weighing in on arizona. i have compassion about arizona. i have compassion for the family that had their old man blown away by some mexican druggy. i am sick of people breaking the law or overly whiney or insensitive. i'm sad for the guy that got killed. if she wants to start judging people down there, start judging the illegal mexican junky who killed crints. that's what is starting to bug me down there for god's sake. in that magazine article, billy, i seen where she says she doesn't have sex anymore because at one point she was afraid somebody robbed her of her creativity through her [bleep] i just want to go on record and say i got an alibi. i was at the boat show and i saved my stub. >> bill: i don't know if you were involved in that newspaper article, miller. but i'm glad you cleared the record. cleared the air. so that now you will never ever be accused of being an associate of lady gaga. >> listen, if they stole lady gaga's creativity, trust me, they will try that one in small claims court, billy. [ laughter ] >> bill: all right. miller, on that note we're getting out of here, man. you probably ruined the program anyway. in a moment, did you see that? chelsea clinton's wedding weekend mocked by jon stewart. ♪ [ man ] if it was simply about money, every bank loan would be a guarantee of success. at ge capital, loaning money is the start of the relationship, not the end. work with polaris every day. at ge capital, we succeed only when they do. whoo! awesome! yes! we've got to get you out of the office more often. ♪ my turn to drive. ♪ my turn to drive. i amrachel. i was given a bounce dryer bar and asked to try it out and then answer a few questions. the biggest thing was that it's effortless. you stick it and forget it. by not putting in the dryer sheet, it's one less thing that i have to do. >> bill: back of the book segment tonight, did you see that in we begin with our pal jon stewart who was not invited to cover the chelsea clinton wedding and is apparently very bitter. >> reporters set up camp as close as they could get to the wedding. which was held at the beautiful estate full day of coverage. let's hear the exclusive details. activity continues to gone outside the asker courts. there is another bus going in there across the street you can see what appears to be some kind of delivery truck. >> what's inside? could be a bomb. [ laughter ] or a cake. i guess the point is, it could be anything. that's what makes being a news imagine near so exciting. anyone got any real details? >> the secretive ceremony could cost $2 million. >> about $3 million. >> where are these numbers even come from really? >> honestly these numbers are coming from nowhere really. [ laughter ] >> bill: here now fox news correspondent juliet hudy. >> at least she was honest. >> bill: that's harmless stuff, right? >> it's harmless. the fact is that the summer months as you know you were a reporter. you were in the news business. >> bill: it was slow. i would never get an assignment like that. >> back off, jack. you saw a woman there who was a reporter out there covering it. >> bill: she has nothing to say. >> you have got nothing to say. what are you if not going to cover and it sit there and pretend it's not happening? >> bill: am i jack? you said back off jack. is that me? >> it's a term the kids use these days. i will explain it later. >> bill: i thought i had a name change for the segment. >> you are cool if you are called jack. so stewart, once again, mocks vulnerable people knowing that they don't -- they don't have any choice. they have to be out there. but you know what's important about this? stewart's beard. he looks like captain nemo. >> no. i think it looks good. another very hip thing goatees, calling you jack. that's hip. that's what the kids are doing these days. >> bill: i would like to grow a goatee but it's not happening. >> don't you think he looks like captain nemo? >> yes i do know. he drove some ship under water. >> bill: some ship. 20,000 leagues under the sea and giant squid got him. >> yeah. i know the whole story. that was another movie from 300 years ago. >> bill: if you go to the beach watch out for that squid because is he going to think you are captain nemo. >> did we give any information about this segment at all? no i just want to the run it michael moore old clip that it so offended me that i wanted huddy to analyze. roll it. >> you can't just line up and be a good german do what you are told to do. this brave soldier put up on the internet through wiki leaks footage that was just absolutely incredible and sad and pathetic to watch and for that now he has been arrested. he is in jail. this is -- the opposite should be happening. he should be rewarded for saying i witnessed a lie. and i'm going to tell my fellow americans the truth. >> bill: talking about the afghan exposure on that web site where u.s. authorities say that people could be killed because of it. is there a bigger pinhead in the world? >> no, there really isn't. this is the guy. we have heard this for years now. this is the war is a lie. but this guy is referring to a 22-year-old who is charged private first class bradley manning, who is charged right now with leaking out apache helicopter footage from iraq to wiki leaks. he is charged with leaking other documents on state department cable that he somehow got his hands on. now he is possibly the one who has leaked all of this information. documents that admiral mike mullen has said would basically leaf him with blood on his hands. this is a brave guy? this is a hero? this is michael moore's hero. >> bill: remember, fidel castro, hugo chavez. >> these are his buddies. >> bill: this is an interesting story. this guy, this private, he could be executed and charged with treason. >> do you think is he going to be? >> bill: they are not going to do it. >> why? >> bill: because it doesn't rise. >> if one single american life is in jeopardy because of this punk. >> bill: if they could show, you know, a line, yes. but he won't be now. he will do 202, 5 years, i believe. he is going to do a lot of time. >> the analogy that michael moore uses is that this is similar -- this guy basically employed the nuremberg principles which as we know every country is responsible and every individual is responsible for not committing crimes against peace, humidity, -- humanity. crimes of war. >> bill: afghanistan is not an oppressive war there is a reason for it he is done. they got him. this wiki leak is still out there. michael moore, i had to show everybody that good to see you. >> good to see you. >> bill: i am jack and pinheads and patriots on deck. tonight, david letterman accuses me, me, of being insincere. how could you? coming next. with aarp we can fly out to see family. ♪ and we canook out more with friends. my card lets me work out more. ♪ and ours lets us eat out more. aarp helps us do our favorite thing. the new website is my favorite thing. [ female announcer ] with aarp you get so much more out of life. discover the best of what's next at the new i hear hot babysitter a lot. hi. my sienna is great. it matches my style, it has great stuff for my kids, it has an available dual-view entertainment center. driving my sienna says, "sure, i'm a mom. but i'm not running around rocking mom jeans." miss, there's a diaper bag on your of. please. ♪ [ male announcer ] meet the family and the toyota sienna on youtube. ♪ >> bill: carolyn, i know summer is prime time for kool-aid but go easy, madam. jeesh. and, janey benson, grand rapids, michigan: >> bill: that is me, jamie, one sweet guy mr. desert. thanks for reading book. finally tonight pinheads and patriots the guy who ruined general stanley mcchrystal's career has been denied permission to travel with u.s. troops in afghanistan. you may remember that hastings scorched mcchrystal and his staff in rolling stone imagine zeenget the general was fired soon thereafter. apparently now mr. hastings is persona nongrad da in the military. whoever made that decision is a patriot. david letterman does not think that i your humble correspondent am sincere. >> i have a theory about bill o'reilly, smart guy. i think he knows better than what he is doing but he has just found a place to, you know, make a living. and if he needed -- you know, he would be a weather man if the money was right. [ laughter ] or he would do sports if the money was right. >> he is just doing this because that's where the money is i don't think you can be as smart as he is and actually believe what he believes. >> bill: well, maybe i'm not that smart. of course, that's preposterous. i would not say anything on that program i did not believe. that's why we are successful here. that is it for us tonight. check out the fox news web site which is different from biffle o' talking points memo each evening if you come in late. we would like to you spot out about the factor o'reilly at name and town, name and town if you wish to opine and here is a brand new word of the day when writing to the factor, no yawping. that's a real word. no yawping. i'm not going to tell what you it means. have you got to look it up. the nuns told me if i looked it up i would never forget it i forgot it anyway but did i look it up. no yawping, dave letterman. again, thanks for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you.

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