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that's it for this "special report." fair, balanced, and unafraid. our online show starts right now. 2010. i'm shepard smith. thanks for having us in. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> somebody who was advocating for the release of terrorists, that kind of person is unlikely to be able to put in place the policies that are necessary to keep us safe. >> bill: the "new york times" says there is a split among conservatives over lawyers representing captured terrorists. but is that true? we'll have a factor investigation. >> the only way to complete one of these battles was to, i'm sorry, kill them all. and does that sound familiar? >> bill: actor tom hanks telling "time" magazine the americans may be treating the muslim world unfairly. we'll take a look at that. >> the whole world is watching. the whole world is watching. >> bill: and dennis miller on the controversial congressman eric massa who is also leading our body language segment tonight. >> now they are saying i groped a male staff. yeah, i did. >> bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thank you for watching us tonight. did the "new york times" fabricate a story on page 1? that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. the headline today in the "times" reads conservatives split deeply over attacks on the justice department lawyers. the article saying that liz cheney's group, keep america safe, has alienated some on the right because the group is criticizing american lawyers who have defended captured terrorists. it is true that people like judge ken starr and groups like the federalist society have said there is nothing wrong with a lawyer defending a jihadist. and talking points agrees. best example is john adams who was a young lawyer defended a brit involved in the boston massacre, certainly an act of terror. but here is the kicker on the "new york times." we can find no high-profile conservative who has criticized attorneys for the job of defending incarcerated terrorists. certain live no journalist at fox news has done that commentator monica crowley said she believes lawyers who may work for the justice department may sympathize with some the terrorists. saying quote: >> bill: and that's true. the conviction of attorney lynn stewart in the blind sheik case proves it. so there is no controversy within the conservative community. i believe 90% of those on the right support attorneys for jihadists. again, that's our system. and it is an excellent example to the rest of the world. what the "new york times" doesn't get is there are legitimate questions about why attorney general holder hired nine lawyers who were involved with terror suspects. here is what i said about that. >> i think that when holder sent that letter to congress he was basically saying look, i am hiring these guys because they have expertise in this area just as a white collar defender would know the tricks of the white collar felons. i think that's what he meant there. >> bill: what the "times" also did not report that the report exploded because holder wouldn't tell the american people who he hired. fox news had to break that story. because you have a right to know who is working in the justice department. so the page one story was bogus. not about a controversy among conservatives. it's about who mr. holder hired and why. as i speculated, he may have good reasons, but i shouldn't have to speculate. holder should tell us. that's what the "new york times" should be concerned about rather than creating a phony story to denigrate people with home they they -- whom they disagree. that's the memo. now top story tonight with us political analyst dick morris, author of the upcoming book "2010, take back america, a battle plan." out next month and you can order it now on amazon. county title get any longer? >> yeah. >> bill: you are exhausting. >> and so is catastrophe. >> bill: you sign them on your web site. >> amazon or barnes & noble you can order autographed copies. >> bill: anything else you want to point out before we have -- okay, good. >> i notice you are not interrupting. >> bill: did you react the same way to the story as i did? i see this headline big split in the conservative movement. and i'm going what split? >> half and half. i agree with you there is no split in the conservative movement. and i agree with you that these jihadists are entitled to attorneys whether in the military court or a civilian court. what i don't agree with, and i'm not sure we disagree. but what i do think is that holder should not have hired these nine folks. it's not like a drug prosecution where you are going to hire lawyers who have been defense attorneys and they have obviously represented some drug types, because that's half the criminal justice system. to represent one of the 250 guantanamo inmates, you have to look for them. the closer metaphor is to be a mob lawyer. and, no, i don't think the justice department, organized crime division should hire someone who made a living defending mobsters. >> bill: then you are holding it against these guys it? >> shows a level of sympathy. you have to seek out these clients. they are not just -- >> bill: law firm did work with these jihadists at guantanamo bay. >> attorney general holder should be a. gr. >> bill: by the very fact he would know these guys. something is troubling me here. you say if you defend a jihadist. if you are an attorney who does it, then you are disqualified for working in government service? >> in national security and terrorism cases, yeah. i don't think that a mob lawyer should represent the organized crime division. >> bill: you are punishing these people. >> not a question of punishing. it's a question if you are going to work for a mobster, or you are going to work for a jihadist. you have to really seek those people out. >> bill: i got that but you are saying they are not trust worthy because they do it? >> i am. >> bill: that's not fair. >> no. it's perfectly fair. i'm saying they have an motivation that led them. >> bill: some of them do. >> it's not like they walked into the door. >> bill: some of these lawyers are just flat out crazy far-left kooks, all right? here is kook number one. and she is in jail for helping this guy. okay. i agree with that but i don't think you can demonize the whole crew. because there are people who say look, i'm going to do pro bono work. it's good on my resume. i think you take it on a case by case basis. >> get back to the tax problems. >> bill: get back to the "new york times." they throw this on page 1. usually page 1 usually about something polish industry going south or sweet potato crop in zimbabwe not doing well. instead they wipe those important stories off and put this up there. they want to give the impression that the conservative movement is in disarray. >> they want to change the debate. they are uncomfortable with the debate on whether they should be working for the government. and they want to change it into a debate of was it okay for them to represent john adams. >> bill: that's true. >> it was right for them to represent the jihadists. it's wrong, in my judgment, for them to be working on prosecuting them. >> bill: okay. let's get into rasmussen. >> by the way, just one minor other point. lawyers take clients but they turn down clients, too. >> bill: absolutely. you shouldn't be demonized because you are taking on popular clients. >> guys who have access to national security types. who have access to the guantanamo types learn what they would learn as a prosecutor of national security, should they be given that security clearance? i would say that a lawyer who represented a jihadist in guantanamo should not get a security clearance to have access to classified materials. you are begging for another lynne swan. >> bill: rasmussen poll 55% say they don't like it. we have two minutes left, give me 90 seconds on what rasmussen believes is holding back the american people from supporting obama care? >> what he says, and he is right, is that most people believe it will add to the deficit. most people believe it would lead to a middle class tax increase and most people do not believe the cost projections. but to understand the anatomy of why this support has been so -- the antipathy has been so solid, you have to look at the different motivations. seniors were the first ones to oppose it because they are worried about cuts. then the fiscal conservatives came along because they're worried about the deficit. and conservatives because they are worried about socialized medicine. the latest eruption has been democrats, liberal democrats who say, hey, don't be on saysed about -- let's focus on jobs. what are you spending morning noon and night on health care thing when we are close to 10% unemployment. your priorities are wrong. that's just how they felt about bill clinton and it's how they are feeling about barack obama. that's why they are shedding democrats. >> bill: smart money says it's still going to pass. >> i'm not sure. it's hand to hand combat now. >> bill: anything can last. >> web site 30 people who voted yes who could be got ton vote no. people need to call them. i think it is very possible we could defeat. this pelosi. >> bill: we? is there a mouse in your pocket? what is we? i know you don't like -- spend morning noon and night fighting this. >> bill: 30 seconds left. morris wants to tell a rahm emanuel joke. i have advised him against it but go. >> it's not a joke. i'm going to reveal to your listeners in all my conservations with rahm emanuel we were both fully clothed. that might be because i was his boss. in fact i want to put that on the record. >> bill: all right. morris. thank you very much for sharing. see what i have got to put up with, ladies and gentlemen? you have a tough job. next on the run down, tom hanks saying more dubious stuff. we will hold him to account. later, dennis miller will hold congressman eric massa accountable. that could get rambunctious. upcoming. >> bill: personal story segment tonight. what's up with tom hanks? i have always been a fan of the actor who does both comedy and drama very well. but lately mr. hanks has gone off the rails. he is out promoting a world war ii miniseries but will not appear on the fox news channel that is incredibly dumb since our core audience would watch a film like that. instead he goes on the left wing networks which very few watch and there he mocks fox news. no problem. now he is telling "time" magazine, quote: >> bill: mr. hanks, obviously, referring to the muslim jihad. another very dumb deal. my father was a naval officer during the occupation of japan. he respected the japanese people for their discipline and cooperation after the surrender. he didn't care about their religion. he didn't care what they looked like. he fought in world war ii because the japanese attacked the united states. much like al qaeda did. so you can see that mr. hanks needs a history lesson. but what's really going on here? joining us from washington, constitutional attorney and radio talk show host mark lavigne. you are a liberal guy. >> i am. >> you were on the program a couple of times. smart guy. can you kind of decipher this? because we invited mr. hanks on but he doesn't have the cohonos to show up. with all due respect he just doesn't. what is he getting at here. >> is he getting at there was a lo the of racist propaganda in world war ii. no one disputes us that we were attacked in. there was a lot of nasty propaganda. yellow peril songs like tap the japs. americans were against the nazis and the fascists. we took entire people and condemned them for their what their leadership did and we in turn japanese americans we didn't intern japanese americans. >> bill: maybe -- i don't buy that as a mass american trait. it could have happened on individuals, could have done it. i'm sure that the inpermanent camps, if they were revisited wouldn't have happened in modern america. but then he equates it to what's going on now. and basically saying that we demonize the entire muslim world. it's just crazy because we have not demonized the entire muslim world. >> well, it depends on how talk to, bill. >> bill: wait. depends on who i am talking to? i'm talking about the united states government. president obama, the congress, the press. >> no. >> bill: most fair-minded people. >> not president obama. >> bill: we have demonized the muslim world. >> it depends. there was the congressman who talked about the towel-headed muslims. >> bill: there is always nuts, mr. lavine. he is talking about collective terms. is he condemning his country for racism against the japanese and now racism against the muslim world. that is irresponsible. hanks should be ashamed. >> well, i think it's a warning sign. i think we should remember the reason we fought against japan was not because of the yellow peril. >> bill: i think we all know that all fair minded people. so what you are saying is that tom hanks is giving the country a gentle warning here? >> yeah. because there has been anti-muslim sentiment in the country. >> bill: there has been. there is anti-everything segment. you are a jewish guy, right? >> yeah. >> bill: there is anti-semitism. i'm irish guy. there is anti-irish. hanks falls into the far-left trap of demonizing his country for a legitimate war against terror. that's what this pinhead is doing. >> well, i think what he is reminding us is that when people fight a war there is often dehumanization. it was happening in japan. it's happening with some people with al qaeda now. you have got to remember we are fighting human beings. the ones that are out to kill us i have no problem fighting with. >> bill: we have to remember we are fighting human beings so president obama should not drop the hell fire missiles on them or put a note like they did on dr. strange love? we know you are a human being? enjoy the hell fire missile? come on. it's stupid. what you guys are saying is dumb. i will give you the last word. >> i'm not defending everything tom hanks said. >> bill: thank you. >> we should distinguish between the enemy and the people. we should distinguish between hiro and the japanese. >> bill: and my father did exactly that my father was in the occupation of japan as i said. he respected the japanese people. he treated them humanely as did the united states of america. they treated the germans humanely after we defeated them and the japanese. i think tom hanks owes everybody a big apology here and tom, if you are watching, man, have you got to knock it off. you are killing yourself. mr. lavine, thanks very much. directly ahead, a california school? colorado expels a 4 and a-year-old. wait until you hear why. and then, dennis miller wants a piece of congressman eric massa not literally. hide the kids on this one anyway coming up. >> bill: unresolved problem segment tonight, a controversial situation in bolder, colorado the authorities at the sacred heart of jesus school expelled preschool and kindergartner because parents are lesbians. as a roman catholic myself that seems to be a bit harsh. kids have no power over who their parents are. joining me is father jonathan morris author of the book "the promise." i went to catholic school all the way through. we are talking about a 4 and a 5-year-old here. and they can't go to catholic school. something doesn't sit right with me here. what do you say? >> well, first of all, bill, thanks for inviting me to speak with you about such a light-hearted, easy black and white. >> bill: this is a tough one. but it happened and we have to deal with it. >> it is a tough one. you are right. that's why i chose to come on. it's not just about the situation in denver. it's not just about that sacred heart school or church. it's not just about a question of homosexual marriage. it is a question, in my opinion, about a religious institution being able to preserve its identity on fundamental issues. that's what the real story here is. >> >> bill: the catholic church believes that homosexual conduct is immoral. but the children don't participate in any of that. so you are punishing the children out in this facility, this catholic facility. i don't want to see children punished and i will submit to you that jesus wouldn't punish the children either. >> right. i wouldn't either. you know what? jesus would embrace these children. >> bill: that's right. wouldn't kick them out of the school, father. >> well, let me explain this, bill. at least as i see it let's look at what the archdiocese is saying. this is not just the school. the archbishop of denver has said this priest has followed archdiocese policy. this has put it to a whole new level. bishops and archbishops and cardinals all over this country are going to have to deal with this now. let me tell you what the archbishop is saying. he is saying catholic education, its primary objective is what? it's teaching the faith. that's the primary -- that's why catholics get involved in education. number two, wait, bill, let me just say this quickly. second principal. >> bill: let's stop so the number one. >> let's get to the second it's important. >> bill: no one catholic church or school who they want to admit. the children are blameless and the ones who are suffering. >> absolutely, absolutely. >> bill: i will submit to you that heterosexual couples, because they are all sinners, what if there is a divorced catholic and the person remarries outside the church. are you going to expel their kids? what if they are living together and they are not married, are you going to kick their kids out? what if they commit a flagrant act of adultery, that is, you know, are you going to throw their kids out? you are going to have empty schools. you can't be doing this kind of stuff. >> bill, those are good questions. but the second part of this is this. that, according to the archdiocese, archbishop that parents when they decide to send their kids to catholic schools, they become equal partners in teaching the catholic faith. that objective of catholic education. and as soon as those parents become not only sinners, all of us are sinners, but very public, very public -- wait, let me finish. bill, wait, let me finish real quickly. >> bill: they are not demonstrating. >> real quickly, as soon as they become very serious public dissenders, disagreers with fundamental teachings of the catholic church. what they are saying we are no longer partners with you in teaching our faith. >> bill: as far as i know the lesbian couple is quiet. they don't do anything. they got branded this and they got booted out. i will tell you it's very dangerous territory because there are a lot of catholic parents who have married outside the church who are living together and aren't married adult tri truss and everything else. if you are going to chuck them all out, it's going to be tough on the children. i'm worried about the kids. not the parents, the kids. >> what if this, what if someone who is adulterer and saying i'm having affairs with all the teachers and parents and doing in a public way. >> bill: if it's a public scandal, i got tnches our policy is saying you should not be sending your kids to this school in a serious and public way they are saying i disagree with the church. >> bill: okay. all right, father. it's a very, very complicated issue. we appreciate. >> it is tough. it is tough. >> bill: we appreciate your point of view very much. body language on congressman eric massa having a tough time on the glenn beck show. that should be interesting. then, dennis miller has some advice for the congressman. we hope you stay tuned toooooo >> bill: body language segment tonight, all eyes are on congressman eric massa's quitting the house because of questionable behavior regarding some male staffers. massa has told a number of stories, including that the white house wants him out because he voted against obama care. well, yesterday massa appeared on glenn beck and the larry king. >> now they are saying i groped a male staff. yeah, i did. nau not only did i grope him i tickled him he didn't breathe four guys jumped on top of me. it was my fifthth birthday it was kill the old guy. can you take everything out of context. >> you admitted groping -- you ought no other way to define groping but sexual. >> in fact, i never admitted groping. somebody was sticking a microphone on the street walking in the street. in an interview that was an hour long, i described in detail the only incident i know of that could even come close to that. >> bill: okay. contradiction but is he parsing, tickling, groping. joining us now to analyze this body language maven tonya reiman. first of all, when he was on with beck, he seemed a little hyper. >> yeah, yeah. when he is on with beck, i mean, there is -- you see it comes across as natural and animated. look at all the facial expressions as if he is trying to really make beck believe him. okay? the big widened eyes that says hey, come on, i'm emphatic, i'm real. that was a little drama role. >> bill: i think it looked contrived. >> that's why i say drama. he is trying. >> bill: he created this. this isn't a natural conversation. >> you don't do that much with your eyes in such a short period of time. the eyes wouldn't be up and down that elm fat particularly when he is talking about it. something definitely happened. the question is, is it exactly what he is saying? and the reason i say that is because as this progresses, a lot of things change. a lot of things shift when we see the next clip, you will notice a big difference. >> bill: talking about the larry king clip? >> right. when they are talking about did this actually happen? you will notice an enormous amount of blinking. see how is he not blinking here. until he is asked a specific question then the blink rate goes up right there. >> bill: what does that mean again? >> high level of anxiety. the mind tries to keep up with the processing and the eye blink reflects the mind's processing. in addition, if you just notice, there was an extended eye closure. whenever you see that, you know someone is struggling. >> bill: he is trying to explain away his behavior. he was more flippant about it on beck. >> much more, yes. and here he is like wait a minute, let me try to clarify exactly what happened. >> bill: now, there is another clip about rahm emanuel, the president's chief of staff, allegedly in a shower situation, in a gym situation with massa. roll it. >> you say that rahm emanuel -- rahm emanuel said that the shower thing or the white house says that the shower thing never happened. you are saying that he lied? or the white house is lying? >> it happened. >> it happened. did he threaten? harass? or intimidate you? >> he made it very clear that i better vote with the president. >> did he do it in threatening or intimidating or harassing -- >> -- well, i wasn't intimidated because, you know, i do look like somebody who is going to intimidate? >> bill: yeah. is he blinking a lot there, too, right? >> blinking a lot there watch when the clip first comes on. you see the body shifting all around. that's literally shifting ideas, shifting thoughts, watch how the chair is moving, shifting around, uncertainty. so once the questions start rolling, in now he tries to calm himself. but he can't control -- >> bill: are you buying that rahm emanuel poked him in the chest or whatever he did? >> i see a level of credibility in some of these facts, a lot of them though there is some serious red flags. see how he dips forward and now when he answers the get right there there is is this little microexpression of a grin as if he is getting away with something. >> bill: i don't trust this guy. based on these two clips. you know, look, i didn't want to interview the guy because i don't care. >> right. >> bill: i don't care what he did in the shower. i don't care who he tickled. it doesn't matter to me. he is out of there. i like that. now, if he was still there, maybe i would have done it. but i don't -- mr. tickle, i don't care about mr. tickle. >> too many red flags. >> bill: you bet. mitt romney new book out former governor of massachusetts goes on "the view" to promote the book. he is talking about scott brown with the ladies. roll the tape. >> he and i are a lot of like in some respects both from the same state. we both married above ourselves. we have great families. >> hunky. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> you say that to all the guys. [ applause ] >> mitt romney's new book -- the hunk's new book available in stores now. >> bill: so what did you pick up from that. >> key things i want to hit on. first of all mitt romney looked fantastic. he was relaxed. even though he had a little bit of a closed posture he was relaxed. interesting things i saw. joy behar when she starts talking him about him a hunk, her leg starts to shake. >> bill: what does that mean? >> arousal so to speak. let me clarify that. >> bill: pull back. >> not necessarily sexual arousal. just an arousal. >> bill: what else? >> addition did you see elisabeth hasselbeck leaning forward tells you how much she likes him. sherri, when he starts talking about when we married above ourself pulls back. something about that comment bothered her. the last thing that i really thought was interesting, you will see it in a minute, when joy leans over to whisper something into mitt romney's ear you can see he pulls away and his mouth closes there is a real look of rejection. whatever she said. >> bill: are you telling me mitt romney is rejecting joy behar? >> rejecting her comment. >> bill: i had nothing to do with any of that. when we come back dennis miller and congressman massa. and why farrah fawcett was >> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the miller time segment tonight, the d-man has been watching the antics of congressman eric massa. all i can say is this in miller's wheel house or what? the stage of southern california joins us now. you know, miller, this is too easy. just pass. it's too easy here. >> i'm not saying he is fireman calendar on the refrigerator gay but the guy is a little quirky, bill. how many times have you and i been in the same studio over the year, 20? how many times have we laid hands on each other dmz? six, seven max. little bit of a track record here with the guy. i think you got -- i think he got caught with his hands on the cookie jar and i don't mean the ceramic one, i mean one of his senior aids cookster jr. iii. >> bill: does it really matter, miller? he is toast? he is out. >> he is about to be gossip more than the black dal i can't -- dalia that was gossiped about. the reason he voted no on obama care he found out they would not finance twice daily prostate examinations. >> bill: oh man, miller, miller. see, i knew it i did give the viewers a warning. i told you to hide the children. >> it's a health care issue. it's a health care issue. >> bill: certainly is. what did you think about him going after. [ laughter ] what did you think about him going after the white house? blaming obama. >> look who is twitching now. who is twitching? >> bill: i'm not twitching, miller. i'm absolutely in control of this broadcast. i knew you were going to take it somewhere in a dark place. >> no. i'm saying i'm twitching. i look like pelosi on a quad latte. >> bill: what did you think about him bringing in obama and bringing in the white house for his tickle me elmo moment? [ laughter ] >> is that what you are calling it? >> bill: you are not the only one with the lines. i'm trying to keep them clean here. [ laughter ] listen, obama is the straw man here. this guy got caught out. i guess he is having aides over and he is frisking them and he is in trouble. >> bill: he can get a job at the airport now. [ laughter ] >> for a front pick pocket. a pick pocket from the front. [ laughter ] >> bill: you know, the demonstrations in front of this building tomorrow are going to be endless. >> can we go to topic two? >> bill: yes. i desperately want to get there. immigration. last night we talked with lou dobbs about a national i.d. tamper-proof card. give it to you. everybody would know who is an american citizen entitled to work here. but the go. could track your every moment. so they would know what congressman massa was doing every moment of the day. what do you say? [ laughter ] >> well, sure, we could give the card out instead of just doing what we -- we got bigger holes in our border than the colander in michael moore's kitchen. if we are going to let these guys in. the mexicans must think this is so funny they can walk through the border then when they get here legally if they want health care they can't go across state lines. we have no idea what we're doing. but if we're not going to give the cards out, i say we put massa down there in tijuana and let him frisk everybody coming in. >> bill: that would discourage it. that's for sure. the lines would be shorter. >> there you go. >> bill: this is serious. do you worry about your privacy with the national i.d. card with d.n.a. built into the card so it is tamper proof? do you worry about -- is that a concern for dennis miller? the privacy issue? >> no. we got to do something, bill. i mean, come on. i have the same social security card i got when i was 14. you know, it's tattered frayed, yellowed. it's almost like a memorabilia piece. i like the idea of a state of the art card. we got to do something for gosh sakes. >> bill: did you watch the oscar telecast all 18 and a half hours of it? did you see it all. >> yeah, i did. i loved it. >> bill: number one my newspaper column this week first time in history no political humor. all the bomb throwers lined up. sean penn, barbra streisand. silence of the lambs. what happened? >> i think they realized they were about to jump the shark on commerce. you can only come out with eight films that are anti-our involvement in iraq in a row and have them totally make around $50 million before somebody out there and it is a city that runs on commerce says, hey, let's make the pro-troop one, all right? i know there were a couple troops thought they were depicted as cowboys. they are big boys and can make their judgments. i was glad that the pro-troop movie "the hurt locker" -- >> bill: were you surprised they didn't throw any political lines out there? i'm waiting. we had our pen and pad, nothing. zero. >> no. not at all. because there is expressing your opinion in hollywood. and then there is the bottom line. and i think somebody hit them on "the grapevine" that the bottom line was going to start to suffer eventually if they didn't get off the -- you know, what most mainstream america believes in. >> bill: i agree with you. i think the agents of managers of these people have said listen, the business is tough. the paychecks are shrinking. if you are going to alienate 40% of americans call themselves conservative, that's not good marketing so shut up. and they all did. now, farrah fawcett not mentioned in the montage of people who are deceased. and a lot of people upset about it you got a feeling on it? >> i have two minds on this. i didn't know farrah fawcett. she should -- could have been mentioned. once i'm dead around a tenth of a second. if my kids remember me as a good guy and my wife remembers me as a good husband. i don't care what montage you put me in with michael jackson nor should her family. ryan o'neil stunned. hey, pal, why weren't you stunned at your own ineffectiveness as a parent? why don't you wake up and quit worrying about crap like this. live a better life. hollywood is grave. once you get into show business, you are lucky. if they forget new a clip montage, life gets rougher than that. anybody watching haiti out there? anybody watching chile out there? anybody watching eric massa's life go to hell out there? it gets worse. >> bill: dennis miller, everybody. and always appreciated, dennis. thank you. in a moment, did you see that? the rebook sneaker company apparently likes nudity except for foot wear. we will show you what's going on there. another viewer warning. i'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen. we'll be right back. >> bill: back of the book segment tonight. did you see that the reebok sneaker company apparently responsible for videos running on the net featuring naked people undressed but for the sneakers. viewer warning we have to show you the video. you might not like it. now is the time to click off. roll the tape. ♪ let's get physical, physical ♪ i want to get physical ♪ let's get into physical ♪ let me hear your body talk ♪ your body talk ♪ let me hear your body talk ♪ let's get physical, physical ♪ i want to get physical ♪ let's get into physical. >> bill: that was that loon chad ocho cinco to plays for the bengals. the marketing aspect of this for reebok and reebok freely said yeah, we are doing. this. >> at first they wouldn't say anything. they weren't returning any phone calls that whole mystic which gets people talking, of course. this is, you know, you have my notes right there. this is brilliant. >> bill: it's brilliant? >> first of all it goes out. >> bill: this bad looking guy over here. >> chuck lazelle. first of all i can't stand seeing people kiss in public. i wouldn't be watching this video. >> bill: that's enough of the video. >> really? keep going, they shot it cinema -- >> bill: i don't care about that. >> that's the marketing ploy. >> bill: looks like caught. >> might be some voyeurism deal. what's the marketing strategy? this is a sneaker company? >> sneaker company that just got a lot of advertising because we are talking about it. >> bill: for what? >> the sneakers bill -- >> bill: the sneakers you can't even see them? >> you think these guys have sneakers on they are going to by reebok sneakers? >> that's the only thing they have on. people are watching that. >> bill: you really think this is brilliant. >> all of a sudden now i'm thinking reebok in my mind. am i thinking nike? no i'm thinking reebok. >> bill: 60% of americans are going to be so disgusted. >> you don't know of what you speak. >> bill: the only thing can i figure out is that reebok wants to sell to young men. >> why would young men be. >> bill: buy sneakers. >> why would they be running that? >> bill: showing a woman on a treadmill. >> got a lot of people talking. >> bill: chad ocho cinco whatever the guy's name is. i like this video on funnier guy this is the will ferrell web site because great impressions of the presidents. but the message is kind of lost on me. let's roll the tape. >> you two are the ones who stripped out all the regulations. >> why would i want advice from you? >> it was the 90's. people did all kinds of crazy things. [toilet flushing] >> yeah? if you would have listened to me, would have raised taxes. >> and then i would have had one term. >> and that second term of yours was a real victory lapper wasn't it? w's. >> i know a thing or two right about unpop glar great if this isn't let's get the party started. >> what you are saying i should clean up the mess take on the banks and their trillions of dollars. how does this help? >> it's a bitch. it's a bitch. but as george washington once said to john adams, tag, you are it. >> bill: ron howard. >> richie cunning ham. >> it's about finance reform. i can't even balance my checkbook. it puts me to sleep when you start talking about it anyway. why not sex it up a little bit. not literally sex it up. >> bill: what does howard want? >> howard's to reform all the credit card companies and banks and lenners who have been ripping people off for years and years. >> bill: he wants strict oversight. >> federal oversight. he gets together with the head of the congressional oversight panel. they have a little meeting and little breakfast. >> bill: they make this video. >> i agree with you that the message is kind of lost. >> bill: i don't know what the message is. >> i had no idea when this ended after watching the six-minute video what the message was initially because i was too busy going oh well he is playing jimmy carter. >> bill: took you a little while to figure that out? >> yeah, i'm blonde. allegedly. >> bill: i figured out right away and i followed legislation. >> that's because you are bill o'reilly not juliet huddy. >> bill: i don't know what the legislation is fast-tracked. >> congressional oversight panel is trying to push for consumer finances protection agency. >> bill: a new agency. >> why are you laughing over there? this one over here? >> bill: they are all intoxicated. [ laughter ] >> bill: stop. all right, so you agree, reebok is good marketing. i think it's stupid. >> brilliant. >> bill: and you agree with me that the ron howard commercial, we didn't really know what he was getting across because it was lost. >> not at first. if you watch it a few times. who did you think did the best job? >> bill: i always think that harvey's bush the elder. >> you are incorrect. it was dana. >> bill: pinheads and patriots starring jesse ventura. whoa, what -- whoa, that's him. right back with p. and p. . bill: time for pinheads and patriots. winner of the second bold fresh tour poster autographed by me and glenn beck an dale burger. we are auctioning off the posters to benefit wounded warrior project. the winning bid from dale who liveses in illinois was $8,550. way to go. i'm going to hatch that if you would like to help, bid on bill o'reilly do the. we have three more posters -- bill o' we have three more posters left. jesse ventura. >> how come the three stooges on later at night won't have me on? that's what i call them larry, moe and curly, o'reilly hannity and curly. they won't have me on. >> maybe it is because you call them that >> i just did that today. >> i don't think that helps your chances. >> they don't have the courage. >> i think curly is greta, right? pinhead? possibly. finally, i haven't mentioned this in a while we have a free factor newsletter. we'll just send it to you. you might likkméfe the letters after last night's reports on companies doing business with iran. tyson foods wrote saying they've stopped additional sales to the iranians. tyson is doing the right thing final finally. terrence: i disagree with you and lou dobbs. national id is not worth the fraud. bill you and dobbs are off base no card is foolproof. they say they have the technology we'll see. carl: the computer era has removed any privacy americans had. excellent point. it is very true. kevin: stossel must be insane, legalize polygamy? no thank you. singapore, thailand and costa rica all allow prostitution and healthier society. that's bull thailand is the child vice capital of the world. wise up. dan: stossel wants to legalize drugs and vice he's playing to satan. looks a little like satan, doesn't he? greg: stossel is wise that is a pithy comment there. carolyn: bill you said lindsay lohan should be sentenced to a week in cleveland. why do you want to punish us? my poll . they say cleveland is a great person city not a place miss lindsey would love. mr. o', i received many presents for my 17th birthday but my favorite is bold fresh. talking points memo, there it is. please e-mail us with pithy comments. o'reilly atfox name a town if you wish to opine. when writing to the factor do not be nugatory. that's it for us today. please check out bill o' i am bill o'reilly. the spin stops right here we are definitely looking out for you. ♪ >> good morning, everyone. thursday, march 11, 2010. thank you for sharing part of your morning with us today. democrats getting ready to go behind closed doors again to talk health care reform and president obama making his closing argument. or is it really because he was in st. louis yesterday and i hear he's going to cleveland monday. are we actually close to a deal? >> meanwhile, the president's own cousin is a doctor. and you know what, that doctor is coming out this morning against his cousin, the president's health care overhaul. what exactly he says won't work, straight ahead. >> i smell beer summit 2. congressman patrick kennedy fired up saying congress can't get his priorities straight because of the media. >> oh, yeah. >> citizens

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