>> you can't because it's been provided for. >> we cap nothing state can't verify pickwick sled so they spite on my campaign too. >> we cannot verify that. participant totally verified. exiting say something leslie this is fox news we can put things on from 60 minutes in our pack of libra over the pulitzer prize committee impeccable i was all he needed to win the most prestigious awards where they collect, journalism? to save it for a moment these citations for the "new york times" the "washington post" awarded for their quote deplete source relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest. the dramatically furthered the nation's understanding of russian interference the 2016 presidential election and the connections the trunk campaign. amazing, actually amazing. as i callously looking glass. now people are asking what these newspapers get back the pulitzers? seems you have the wrong questions about the "new york times" and "washington post" about their handed out these prizes autotelic falls to basis it is the 2018 pulitzer board who should be ashamed.