into any kind of feud or fight with him in this impeachment battle the an enemy is clear, ny pelosi, adam schiff and the rest of them. we know they have been wanting to impeach this president since the day he has been elected, but in my opinion rudy giuliani on his associate inadvertently help provide the democrats with their latest ridiculous pretext. that's what i mean when the when i said the president is not always well served by the people around him. lesson i did the show from here in washington i did a piece called the swamp in the white house but i know some of you didn't like what i said and i know you feel loyalty to rudy giuliani and i totally get that, but my loyalty is not to any one person but all of you, my job is to tell you the truth as i see it so you know that whatever i say on whatever topic is my sincerely held belief and i will continue to call it as i see it