house probably gave merrick garland a sense that this is a good suit to file, but i think it's not going to go anywhere. >> right. it reminds me of the eviction moratorium, paul. this was filed for political reasons. i think this is a side show. a lot of people would like to see roe overturned, see the issue return to the states and let it be decided on a state by state basis, but how you go about doing that matters. we have a rule of law in this country which includes judicial review, and this texas action is really an end-run around that, and it can be abused in other cases by someone who doesn't like handguns or free speech in a similar way. so this needs to be done the right way. i think this was largely a side show. the real abortion case to watch is the dobbs one that is before the court now concerning mississippi's ban on abortions after 15 weeks. i believe that's before the