Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240608

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the focus of tonight's angle. >> five months from election inues toshe list of democrat failures continues to grow by the day. now it's friday, so let'sonds have fun and quickly categorize them in chronological order. der.first, the biden team and tr press homies thought they could use jan six to intimidate trump supporters and scare away all the independents. >> history is watching, just like history watched three years ago on january 6th when insurrection storm. this stormed very capital and pe a dagger to the throat of american democracy. dagger the threat of a total flop. >> trump left office. january 20th if he didn't remember, and an insurrectio if >> the u.s. government without weapons. is that what? oh, okay. democrawell, then, of course, democrats using january 6, peacm thought a second impeachment trial would do him in. enulbut few paid much attention, according to the reuters ipsos poll. fewefewer onr than one in five d they watched multiple hours jus of testimony and most 55% have seen just clips or no excerpts at all. woops. then there wer te the efforts to remove trump from the ballot. well, we knothatw where that all ended up overturned by the supremes. n's greagreat defenders of demoy were goose egg nine zerowerful. and trump. he only grew more powerful . f of they also ended up unleashingntn a barrage of indictments and civil suits lawfare, spending tens of millions of dollars t in taxpayer money on cases in georgia, d.c., a new york that they thought would help biden because trump would be seen as a bad guy a crook and that he'd just end up bleeding suppor>> he ist >> he is facing multiple charges, multiplments,e. and they still expect to get at least another indictment, possibly two every time there are more charges. every time there is anothero up indictment. his poll numbers actually go up, as does his fundraiser as d >> but while jack forney and alvin and the rest of woe bideann apparat chipmunks were doing their dirty work, inflatioion stayn too high. and as americans struggled to pay for gast basi food and jt basic necessities, they saw waveeas of stream across our southern border, wrecking , eatities, eating our resources and committing crimes. >> when yon you receive immigra, you have to check them. you have to know who arehow ar the how you're going to receive people that you don't know who. thenar you don't have an ideoloy and you don't have any idea if they were in prison. had >> the white house didn't care, though. they had no democrat votervoter but the polls kept slidingth foy biden. but they really thought they really thought a guilty verdict in that hush money cas e would do the trick. >> he believes that they a one year ter.m in prison. s be and that is because whencaspend you spend a year prison in new york or under you serve in rikers island, he absolutely deserves jail time because co is an ongoing threat to society and, to ouril community, to dope. >> one problem biden's polls are still terrible and trump mor. strong and the more desperate the democrats are, it turns out, the dumber their ideas are getting. >> now, someone probably in th e biden campaign believed that if they could get the press on board, americans would watch list to joe biden and normandy and think, wowan he's really reaganesque. and today'd todas unintentionaly hilarious headline is from political playbook. biden storms the beach for democracy, but biden storms. re well, sort of, because with him, it's the forecast is mory toe to be mostly cloudyo with a chance of afternoon confusion by sending biden to normandy. the only thingced convinced americans of was that he should preft home watching jeopardy with a warm blanket across his lap, preferably a plaid one. now, the bottom line is none of their attacks and none of their attempted biden pivots rebranding. i mean, none of it has worked. the poll ne of its are simply mind blowing. and arizona and nevada. trump is uy p by five. but most shocking of all is virginia, a state that biden won by ten points, which is now, tied 48 to 48. come on, virginia, save telli yourself the once credible democrat party. ngyi'm you. creted they deserve everything they're getting here. remember, they ceded their influence to the far left. they cater to theme on issues, the trans push and all that. and on the border. and now they're all sinking. and how to think that aum campaign to destroy trump would somehop woulw make bad policies that produce bad results. populapular?r before he died.ima radio legend and mugy friend rut limbaugh predicted much of this. >> i knop gonew they desperatela trump gone, and i know that they desperatelnt iy it, ma codified that trump cannot runke agai mistan because make no mis they remain scared to death of you trump and. they remain scared to death of trump no matter what they've thd. tried they can't separate you from trump, and more importantly, they can't separate you from sep the ideas. they can't separate you from gre maga. they can't separate you from makeat america great again.noug, >> god, we miss them. and sure enough, trump is crushing fundraising goals, raking in nearly $300 million in may from over 2 million liber donations. >> and there are even signs of life in liberalal l lala lan. silicon valley investor david saks hosted a fundraiser r here last night in san francisco. ani and gavinlos newsom's home. that's progress. and that's.joinin the angle.ntur >> joining me now is david sacks, kraft ventures co-founder, co-hoser co-t of the all in podcast. david, now prett it's pretty in-your-face to host trump in one of the bluest cities in the united states. and this was scene outside of the fundraiser, only a smattering of anti-trump protestersg ofi-trump. so what was the turnout like inside? azing, >> the turnout was amazing, laura. you know, we. originally triedd up to raise $5 million for president trump and we ended up raising 12 million. e hae a hundred. lik people there. every seat was taken. we literally couldn't fit one more person in the house completely sold out. and by the way, those protesters who were outsid.eoplw those were actually pro-trump demonstrators. there were hundreds of peoplhode who turned out along the motorcade for trump to basicallallyy wave signs in favr of him. the number of people who actually wer oe protesting against trump there was maybe, you know, a couple of dozends o versus hundreds of people who are pro-trump. so even out on the streets was a tremendous enthusiasm gap. and if that's what's happening in liberaltrasm gap. san franci, what does that tell you about what's happening throughout the country? >> now, what is silicorossn valw and a couple of these guys i know we're from silicon valley. what do they hope for e for their support? honestly, it's not that transactional or, there is, it's not like there'sj some sort of overt quid pro quo. most of these people just reallyreally they wa love amerit they want to see america doing better. now, in termryuts of whatden ad the industry cares about, the industry wants to be able to innovate and bidenit's b administration has been very hostile towards innovation that's beeeeextremelhostiln exte towards the crypto industry. it's already trying to overregulate ai. it's basically put the kibosh on any m&a. and so i do think that thee industry would like to haveashig more pro-innovation policies coming out of washingtontothis e and that does lead to support for president trump. but again, it's not anything transactional. it reallgy is about having a better administration in washington. now, what message does i what happened last night? i know he was alsow he in l.a.,- a west coast swing. but what is message is thisvy have is it sending to other heavy hitters and you and i know them who are maybe nikki haley fans or otheley fansr thet really uncomfortable with trump. does this brinm moreg them overi make them more likely to support him? i thins tk so.wh i think this is going to melt the ice. i mean, look, i know there's alreadpporterse out therehe who are already trump supporters and they're just afraid to stick their their neck s out. i mean, that's the reality of the situation because they're afraid of getting are afraid of cancel culture. they're afraid of of punishment . and they're afraid becauseid the biden administrationf puni l political prosecutions and political investigations. sove t people have reasons to bu nervous about expressing their support for trump. but with each incremental person who sticks their neck re it, makesink,akes the rest of them feel more comfortable doing it. and you're seein a g think a cascade starting to happen now where more and more people are goingoing tog come out for . >> and to that point, david, i've been urging them not ral to just fundraise in california, but to do a rall iy in california. t i would think the central out valleyside would get a little outside, you know, san francisco or imperialalley. valley, get into an area wherek are more working class people. >> i think people need heartradt this message beyond justioink ev the traditionaenl states and i think even if it you know, even if you can't win california cal yet, i think it helps the entire party apparatus to see himthere. ther. >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, trump has immense supporgt, blue collar workers, middle class workers throughout californiathroughoe whol. he does throughout the whole country. and there is absolutely a receptive audience for trump.a trump we saw that even in san francisco. again, the enthusiasm for trump wa. itves it was really a loved fest. we were sold outth and the protesters couldn't really amount to anything, though the liberal publications had been sort of egging themg to come out all week o and nothing materialized. so there's a tremendoufs amount of enthusiasm for trump in california. >> well, what are they cheerin g at this point? more decline in san francisco. i mean, it makes no sensy eks that he's your only hope at this point. david. great to see you tonight f. m in >> thanks for coming on. take trump off the ballot. put him in jail now. just forget actual reporting. >> we need slanted should more slanted coverageh.. and i think we got to recognizet the threat that this guy in the maga, not just him, the entire maga movement from oneto and trump on down is a serious it's a clear seriousconsti and present danger to the existence of the constitutioed n. >> our state. and i mean democrats don't even believe in the constitution. trythe nejames nice try, thoug. and the new york congressional candidate is insisting on mega deprogramming project. >> even if we were to have liresounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like putting it all back together again after we've gone this maga nightmare and basically would you that sounds like a rather a reeducation camp. ri think we really want to call it that. i'm sure we can find another wa y to phrase it. >> this is why these have people love china. we already have reeducation camps are called the public schools. joining mejoining vivek now, vivek ramaswamy, former gop presidential candidate vivekviv that really does say it all slanted and reeducation camps. that's it. l >> this is orwellian. but the best part of this, laura, is theythey don guessin . guessing, i guess they gave as to what they're actually doing. contromedianl media, control. te every other institution, reeducate the masses . and then she catches her mistake and says that that's not exactly what we want to call ieian movet, whiche orwellian move at the end of this. but the good news is the american people are seeingg thr, through this, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shamamericane me.stemat >>ic americans understand that they have been lied to systematicall then y on the e of the last election, from everything about the origin of covid 19. during that to the one hunter biden laptop story suppressedg the eve of the 2020 election, people are seeing through the lies they've been toldth . i don't think those tricks are going to quite work the same way this time arouns g which is good news for us. >> and i mentioned the attempt to make biden reaganesque in normandy, whichn as someone who worked in the reagan administration, i just scream laughingi sc laughin when i heae but biden spent the dayspent grovelinthg to zelenskyy and basically throwing americans who are hesitantin about spending another hundred billion dollars. they're under the bus. this i. ttch. i apologize for the first weeks of not knowing what's going as a funding. and because we had trouble getting the bill that we had to pas ms, had the money in itve from some of our very conservative members m wer who holding up the fake. >> he acts likmoe monee our mont and the money they print and borrow belongs to.owin >> zelenskyy that's right. i mean, he's bowing to aif h new kind of idol, and if he wants to imitate reagan, look, peace through strength, different from peace through frailty and weakness, which is what biden's actually exhibitinfrailtied wetr the reality is that we have been forking over more moneye moneaine t to ukrait actually have, even accounting for how it's been spent in the s first place. so i think the apology, with all due respect, laura, need s to be running in the other direction, to say that we apologize for not being able to teloul you how your first hundred billion dollars was spent. and instead we have the us presidentsis is th on, his k. this is the problem with the american culture. boder the leadership of bide and the democrats is that we're taught to apologize for who we are. bothn th at home and on the glo stage to flog ourselves forothe actually helpingies we other countries. we're helping enough of that. we are done with this cultur oev of apologies, and i think weiv need to revive that sense of americafn exceptionalism that the actual ronald reagan stood for and that i think donald trump stands for unapologetically today. and you know t a lot what, a lot of people are hungry for it. we're done apologizing for our identity , for engagings sl in this self-loathing. i think that phase and that clou pashed slowly passing acros the country. >> laura and americans are hungr actually hungry for being proud of who we are again. that in well, i think that when you listen really carefully to biden and unfortunately, we all had to listen to him ov is sure soundsrussia like they're getting ready for war with russi sounda. t it sounds like it's the, you know, rallying everyone not to defenainet tod, but to go onn offensive push inside russia to defeat putin. and regimi guess, do regime che and if that's what they're planning, they better tell the voters now before election day. but it certainly sounds like this is wherwh headed.e they're. >> well, victoria nuland may not be in the building anymore,d but that's still the same spirit that pervades the current state departmentthit and beyond. and this is part of the reason, laura, why you have never heard articulate articuthisd what exactly is a goal of this war in the first place. there' as not been a war goaln a that's been articulated in part becas the whoe stri are pulling the strings to count for regime change as the ultimate goalngs accore that they're playing for. you've got to be careful what you wish for if you're actually going to root for regime change in russia, you think what succeeds putin is going to be betteime.ter thae what you have right now. we've played this game before. it does not en well.d. this road does not end in aa res place that advances american interestson. g and i think a reasonable deal to bring this to resolution is the w right way to go. and sadly, when i said that a year ago, people thought th controversial. unfortunately, the facts have vindicated that view. in the meantime me.e, we have no clear answer of what the next hundred billion dollars is going to do. and laurai think you're right, laura, smoking out a more subversive intentione we ne here that i think we need to step to the side of now, reagan was peace through strength , h weak their war through weakness. vivek, thank you so much. bu verall team biden says they d a really hot jobs report, but who's really getting hired? hmm. thinthink thrderk border next. o imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but insteadod remade over and over intod ou the things that keepr our food fresher, our families safer,to t and our planet cleaner to help us get there. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovativec products and new recycling technologies for sustainable changean. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. >> for years i've been sharing how creperie has helped my skin look smoother, firmer and younger. >> and now the system i've loved for almost a decade is even better. now you can transform your skin from this to this with new crepe erase 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people in may than numbe economists had expected. >> these are incredible numbers. rs problem , yoone problem here, ys the skirt a bit on the reportth and you see some disturbing trends. the job growth, the 272,000ther that the "new york times" and others are crowing about today comes with a higher unemployment rate. it went up t to 4%, fewer full time workers and more holdingp i multiple jobs because they just have to. now, let'sg digging deeper. the number of foreign born workers, illegals jumped 414,000 while native borne bo workers dropped 663,000. >> on cue, though, politicoo tried help the biden team deflect that story. someone named amarme moosa frome the biden reelection squad called the foreign versus native born jobs comparison racist nativist attacks. now, how weak is that? a tight labor market, one that's not saturated by illegals is actually the best thing for minorities and others, because thens be was are not suppressed. and this graph captures how americans are literally being replaced in the job. but look, why is anyone surprised the biden regime doesn'why ist in americans firs, they've proven that becaus fe all citizens of the world and they will always and i mean salways immigrants, legal or, ea illegal, first. >> joining me now, sean duffy, co-hosyt, the bottom line on fox business, and ben domenech, editor at large of the spectator. both are fox news contributors. now, sean, i. they keep going back and take another bite at thtake anoeo su biden-nomics apple thinking that it will translate intok? support, i guess, among independent voters. is thi have s going to work soos they have to be shocked that the american voter still is concerned about economyere so as the number one issue and inflation as the number one issue. if these numbers were so but to your point, laura, these are these are part time jobs that are being created that are going to foreign born, legal or illegal workerkers. as. the american workers are losing jobs. and in the household surved thi. mentioned this as well, there's been a loss of 408,000 so there are less jobs out there. workinbut more people working two jobs, which is why. and in virgini,a, the race is tied at 48 to 48 betweenrump donald trump and, joe biden and why donald trump is winning or improving his numberscause th with hispanics, blackses and young young americans underj the age of 30, because these are the issues they care about. ans ane not getting the jobsob and they can't buy homes because of joe biden's stupid spending and hig h rates and inflation. >> and now ben biden's chiefy to economic adviser was on fox today touting the of this labor market. >> as we we have one of the most persistently strong labors markets this country has ever seen. not only i ls labor marketrg amntinually offering up large numbers of good jobs for working americans, we're alslso wages beat prices. >> ben wages are beating a prices. i don't know a singl sine who fs that way tonight. do you? me i can't. i can't believe. you want me to respondbern to someone as stupid as jared bernsteistruel to n? i thi you're cruel to me, lara. i'm sorry, but loonke shouldk, the things that i think we should actually appreciate about this is thatthat some of the thing that we should understand is that a lot of this is happeningifk by. if you look back at may of last year to today, you have 2.8 million, 2.6 million, something somewhere in that range. created 1.1 million of thosetho jobs are in health services,u social services. you know, anotheknowr 400 pluse thousand to 600,000 of them are government jobs. so what does that mean? it means that they're directlyie ,indirectly funded by the taxpayer, essentially because, o joe biden doesn't know how to create a thriving economn doesnl in which people can get good jobs. good job your moneymaking to hire a bunch of people, making them both dependent on taxpayer funds and equivalently dependenton th. the democratic party, which is going to flow all of keep to, their jobs, keep them employed, etc.. and that's something that is happening by design. they want to dramatically increase the number of peoplasee who are dependent on taxpayer funding for their jobs . >> and that's not and that's not by accident. that is intentional. rchan this is all been intentional. sean judge merchan from trump'fs new york hush money trial sentro a letter to both prosecution and the defense notifying them about a comment that leftfacebo on the new york state unified court systems facebook page app that is from the day before the trump verdict. and it said, my cousin is aonvi juror and says trump is gettince convicted. thank you, folks, for all your hard work. now, sean, we have noten confirmed right who left that commenant, but any thoughts? >> but this story continues to be this this the verdict. everything is strange with the former president. but, yeah, there's got to bent b investigation, not just probably by the judge, but also by the donald trump teamhe eam.. s some find out was this just some rando who didn't know anybody that posted on the sitoe ? was this actually a cousin of a juror? juror.t, if any,t information flowed to that juror and what impact does this have on their verdics thatt. sn that only time will tell. but again, strange, stranggeeh e case. as can i make one last point? i disagree with ben on the last questionquestion t. by design, they think they can be the old soviet union. soen they want government jobs, government led economies, but they thinktheys goin that'sg to work and drive the private sector. we know wherever i that tried, it's called socialism or communism. it always fails. so aeconom they're trying to juo economy not by free enterprise, it a state run economies.bu and it never works. so i personally agret noe with , ben, but not fully. >> well, we'll see if they trye to play around with the interest rates. is the last gasp her ande right. sean and ben, thank you. all right. coming up, how democrats just gave a slap in the face to a thn police officer's family. he was killed in the line the of duty. plus, hunter biden may be gearing utand.p to. >> take the stand. a live report next. >> we partners, we brothers and we friends. how are you doing? what is it? it's your new best. bueller. bueller. let's get like. like moves pretty fast. you don't stop and look around once in a while. you could miss it. >> our military has been by a woke revolution. the military, i think we grew up. and you left your politics at the door. it's difficult to overstate the vision that is being sown into our military, about our sovereignty. it's about our liberty. it's about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war on warriors streaming now only on fox nation. if you're an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first year free. >> what is it about cindy crawford? the secret to cindy? surprisingly ageless skin is meaningful. beauty 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watch anytime on hulu when you can't watch. listen. get the latest news and news headlines on sirius xm anytime anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. news is hunter biden about to take the stand in his trial? davifox news justice correspondent david span is here with all the details. >> david. laura, abbe lowell hunter, o makebiden's attorney, has a ba decision to make whether or not to put the president's son one g the stand. he said today in court that he was done presenting witnesses. wid the judge the only witness that he would present potentially would be hunte mr biden. on monday, he said he'll make his decision this weekend. n emotmeanwhile, an emotionally charged day in court with the eldesttaking t daughter of huntr biden taking the stand. her name is naomshe is ai biden. she's an attorney as well. she took the stand in defense of heru ser father. you see her leaving with the black blazer and the sunglassesh on. as i said, she's hunter's oldest daughter. diedr his sistero who died as an infant in thatg car crash in delaware in 1972, along with hunter's mother, neilia. now, naomi hunter's daughter painted a picture of a clear minded, hopeful hunter biden when she saw him in late summer 2018. laura, this was weeks before he allegedly b on a federal gunnaomi form in october 2018. naomn wai she was uncomfortableo on the stand. she answered in a soft voice. shus.e said was nervous and she said she was well aware her dad was addicted to drug, s, said, quote, things got bad after my uncle died, end quote. tecalledshe recalled talking abu biden, the late beau biden. dad k ealls trying to se her dad in new york in october 2018, but did see him laterll that month and said that he seemed good. now, the first lady,was the to r was there today. she was there monday, tuesday, wednesdangy on yesterday. she was attending d-day eventsyk in france only to fly back to wilmington to sit in court today. she's turning back around to go back to france for a state dinner with he r husband and thelmingt french president and his wife tomorrow. then she's cominonnday.g to wiln on sunday. quite a schedule there. now, abbw, abbe foce focused hr on this gun form. that's hunte gun form that huntr biden filled out. you see his name. he argued that different itemsts were put on the formt or at different times, including hunter's signature was notigin originally on there. hunter had to sign it later. bottom line, hunter biden testifies we could see a day, but he's really openingcs himself up with cross-examination. if he does nots-ation. testify, will likely move right into closing arguments. jury instructionjurytructions, y could get this case and render a verdict by monday afternoo atn at the earliest. >> laura. wow. david, thank you so much. all right. they deny it, but democrats really d s reallyo despise lawor enforcement. and this next segment is oneesd more confirmation of that. thousands gathered on wednesday to mourn the loss of connecticut state trooper kiron pelletiekentuckyr, who wad in a hit and run duringll a traffic stop just last weea t to honor his memory, a town council member in,blue lin wethersfield, connecticut, suggested flying the thin blue line flag., but democrat members refused, citing concerns of racism.dia, w >>ik i quickly went on to the wikipedia. wikipedia's indicating the thin blue line symbol to be used by thelives ma lives matter movt since 2014. it says here it's become emblematic of white nationalist, neo-nazi and all right movementd neo-hites in.atd the united states, particularly just displayed by attendee tsf h of the unite the right rally in 2017 and the january 6 storming of the capitol. e well, what they did instead watowns order flags outside town hall to be flown at half mast. thnow the american flag and thew pride flag. >> joining me now is briana kimbrough, one of the republicans on the town counci ted inl voted in favorn blue of flying the thin blue line flag. councilwoman, aside from fac the fact that your colleague that on wikipedia for all of his historical knowledge, what does this tell connecticut voters, frankly, voters everywhere about what democrats reallysreally t of the police?e, >> well, i i honestly, it shows that more and more republicanssi are representing views of the majority. and sometimes takes situations like this to bring that out. i flabbergasted, you know, not sitting on the council. we did notate it it to go in ths direction at all. and honestly, what was cited was extreme, in my opinion. so it was very unfortunate, especially in a time when the entireas state was mourning the loss of trooper first class aaron pelletier. well, i grew up in glastonbury. my aunt in wethersfield, so. i know the area very well. and connecticut't iss always kid of a quirky political state, >>t it was always very pro police, first responders, you know , honorings their service. and this democrat party has gotten s o bollixed up and floyd riots all that so that they wikipedia says, wow, that's long since, what, 2017 is honoring the fallen officers ,those who are injured.e and that's a threat. but the pride flag gets to befl flowow n half mast. i mean, i'm sure a lot of people don't want that flown at half mast, right? >> no, absolutely. and i think that know not only the wikipedia reference, but the comments were doubled down in news interviews and ate the pride ceremony saying that it was out of respect, that it was at half mast forl the fallen officer. >> so, againy , i will say, though, that the outpouring from wethersfield and from the statsee has been largely in favor of the thin blue line flag. i did want to make a note of that because that has been incredibly encouraging to see. >> and what i say, brianna, is that connecticut needs to vote to save itself, save its manufacturing, save its economy, save its safety. and one of the council members, mickey derek ,ba said unfortunately, our town has far too many people with bad intentions. >>of tsome of them are willing e the death of a state trooper just to gain some politicaine p. points apparently at attacking you. >> yha doingt what you're doinge or you're trying to make political pointsn,? ain, all yeah, i mean, absolutely not. again, all republican, all tn a the councilors who brought this have law enforcement familiemy my father in law served for over 30 years. thethe other two councilors, their father served for over 30 years. and the honest was to justth honor and respect the fallen officer in the way that we felt fit best for the situation. t wawe asked for one daynythin in addition to what was already being flown, not take anything down that postpone any ceremony. just in addition. eve so i honor the fact that that even said is is very disturbing. they're saying it's a processing issueed 30 dayso pr. we need 30 days to process a request that just i mean, come doesn on. that doesn't even pass the straight face test. but that's what they're arguing here. councilwomane test thank n, you s thanko much y. we'll be following this. and coming up, we'll recap tumultuous morning in france. plus, i grant raymond three wishes. it's frida'sy friday follies with raymond is next. >> artificial intelligence is agriculture advancing life saving health care and strengthen these small businesses. this game changing technology is supporting every sector of america's economy. today, america leads the world in ai because our companies are investing billions in this new technology. but china wants to leap ahead of america and become the global leader in technology. in technology. our leaders in congress to stand up for innovation and protect america's competitiv t to enje edge. tracl >> we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck patio too hot to enjoy. now, thanks to our new sun set ,a retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shadet instae in just 60 second. the sun setterfor and wesform get instant protection from livis and. sun 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know, when john kerry is staring at yoh just au with t a look of shock, something is very wron>>g. rry. although mayer looked like he was melting out there, top gear. i >> well, i could see the melting pot on page. biden also held a press avail with ukrainian president zelensky wity, and his note cards took center stage. >> yeah, you know, as iple said yesterday, creative people have been incredibly brave, never giving up, never say never, never even yielding. and, you know, you haven'td bowed down. you haven't yieldeatd at all. you continue to fight in a way that is is this remarkable, just remarkable. and once we got to national security bill passed, that was political fruition. >> tony blinken, looks like he's going to crack in halnyf. - >> he looks terrible. it's like ready to jump in, right? he's like, o'th, hubba, hubba, hubba. >> please don't talk any moment. cost tnuse the america taxpayers $225 million, which he announced today a in aidoney to ukraine. this is just unbelievable. money growrowsn s trees or the apprentice. >> now, one of the two cards. ge i am feeling very f generoueg to you tonight, so i am wishe granting you three wishes, aren't sweet. >> my first wish is that that those host. i didn't bring the lamp today. i figure you could. you could improvise. but lookmy firstish is my firstt those hosting the miss usath pageant would actually crown misses. the other day, the winner of the miss maryland pageant was a biological malt wae. a the u.s., laura baileys and kelly is now a miss contender. the trans beauty contestant is not eveiseven then the first biological male to compete. miss nevada crossed that barrier in 2021. why don't they jusll it call it the person usa pageant at this point? >> well, againi guess i guess s is what women want. this is this is women, though they came a long way to have their own space, their competitions. and i guess that's jusust --t t it's -- it's this is insane. well, all right. we're going to talk what's your second wife? remember during the trump trial, for weeks and weeks, we were subjected to those deformed sketches that seemed to be created by a toddler with a crayon? look it looks like you joined the cast of planet of the apes. well, i wish trump would have had hunter biden's sketch artist, who appears to be norman b rockwell. >> look at the flattering lines, the details of these drawings. >> i mean, hunter biden, make it look so good. laura, can you answer ca of th? me is can we get rid of the court? sketch artis?t is this 1812? the can't they just have a photographer come in and letsit the judge approve the photos and release them? why do we need a sketch artist sitting there with gray hair in norman rockwell? >> but he looks like it's a throw. it looks like it's a throwback to to like my three sons or something, right? >> oh, looks so polished. oh, it's not that one. but th t e other one. i don't need to look at the nice line on his nose. it's a dick tracy. it's like a tracy moment. i don't know. he looks like a matinee idol. my third wish concerns the plusl plus size influencer, jaylin chaney. we discussed her las t when shene urged the airlines to give free seats to obese passengertos. this would be like delta granting private bathrooms to those with crohn' deltas dis. but i digress. the influencer now has a new n sht. r she's upset that rideshare companies like uber and lyft don'n't havet seatbelt extenderr her. so on tik-tok, she wants the tm reimburse the drivers for plus size belt extendert extes. e i wish she would just call thinc override next. ps >> they can accommodate wide loads and the straps come with every model com every. . tand why raymond, i don't understand why. thinks they're a victim. you're not a victim. you're a strong person. you can do it. this is completely. raymond. thank you. your three wishes, grant, have a great arachnophobia. spi beware. all right. flying spiders. you know how afraid of them i am. could wenow ho soon coming to 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a bit of a media sensation, are they? mediaion.well, tell us, do youv have one with you or that? >> my staff just teasing me about that. was si, i do, yes. you know, but first, you need to know that a t this stage are of their life teasing, they are very, very small and.a grai so think of a grain of riceth with some legs. so i have one right here h in this little jar. and so small you can barely see it. but okay, so it's not veryhat'so dramatic. look, container heret very d ann set it up on my microscope right behind? me so you can see it. there is. c and so you can see that itt looks like a little tiny spiderr right now. it's very small size of a grain of ricsmall,of ae. the e at the end of the summer, there will be a sort of spider size. that's when everybodnd for arts to see these for real. >> and do they fall off trees? i is that just an urban legend?an i mean, do they jump off treesss ? >> they jump off bushes. where are they jumping? not really, no. they're very jumping>> not sedet like any other spider. they'll set up a webentary i and they'll be in that web for three or four months. and you ca b for thn walk by them the and they won't bother you if you don't bother them. nowill notr w, you walk through, you know, you'll get a face full of we facb and, then, you know, then they'll be some on ying, wait, wait. >> but when they land on you, which i so every time i walk in the woodsal with my dogs andi do that a lot. yeah. i seem to walk through these webs. i don't know anyone ever walks. that seems to always happen "cor to me. and i scream. of course, i'm trying to throw the web off, but ise ai throwf f the spider ends up on yourr an person, will it bite you or will it it just crawl? oh, my god, i would die. it migh yeah, it might. and so how great. you would have to really tussle with it a lot for it to bite you, because really becard thatte shy as a spide and i've actually tested that in my labn my and. what i get from what i've heard, their bite is kind of like a bee stinerebisg. and so it's not going to killli you. you know, you won't likeke it b but most of the time iff you just leave them alone, they'l leavel be fine and you are reassuring. >> now, you were so nice e on.m thank you so much. great to see you. great to see you. >> gu,k you. oh, boy. it was a very emotional day fort the ingram, my oldest and my only daughter, maria. mycaroline graduated high school today. can you believe it? it was a beautiful ceremonhay, h and like all parents all the time, i'm saying where did the time go?d she was three years old,co 2 seconds ago, and now she's off to texasnds ag for coi soon. and i'm going to be an absolute wreck. you're all going to have to help mente wreck it give me some advice. but we're all so proud of the so aren that she's become. she loves the lord. she loves her family and hershe friendlove s. and, boy, do we love maria.a. that's it for us tonight. it's americas at now and foreveu >> enjoy your weekend. see him monday. jessi's next next.

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, Agai Mistan , Cannot Runke , Television Set , Screen , Sep The Ideas , Gre Maga , Makeat America Great Again Noug , Life , May , Signs , Liber Donations , Fundraising Goals , Raking , Liberalal L , God , Lala Lan , 00 Million , 300 Million , 2 Million , David Sacks , San Francisco , Fundraiser R , Gavinlos Newsom , Silicon Valley , Progress , Investor David Saks , Ani , Co Hoser T , Kraft Ventures Co Founder , Angle Ntur , Y Joinin , Fountain , Water Feature , Midnight , Face , Cities , Podcast , Scene , Smattering , Anti Trump Protestersg , Fan , President , Turnout , Hundred , Hazing , We Hae , 5 Million , 12 Million , Million , A Hundred , Photography , Window , One Way Or Another , Hundreds Of Peoplhode , Seat , Demonstrators , Protesters , Outsid Eoplw , Wave Signs , Motorcade , Basicallallyy , Snapshot , Passenger , Pope , Tuxedo , Flag Of The United States , Veterans Day , Endurance Sports , Number , Couple , Streets , Hundreds , Enthusiasm Gap , San Franci , Dozends O , Wer Oe , Liberaltrasm Gap , Pro Trump , Flower , White Collar Worker , Ceremony , Support , Country , E , Guys , Silicorossn Valw , Crypto Industry , Sort , Love Amerit , Most , America Doing Better , There Sj , Whatden , Quid Pro Quo , Termryuts , Bidenit S B , Innovation , M A , Kibosh , Thee Industry , Beeeeextremelhostiln Exte , Overregulate Ai , Retail , Convenience Store , Supermarket , Action Figure , Publication , Vending Machine , Anything , Message , Lead , Washingtontothis E , It Reallgy , Factor , Hitters , Nikki Haley , Otheley Fansr , He In L A , West Coast Swing , Alsow , Situation , Tk So Wh , Brinm Moreg , Alreadpporterse Out Therehe , Reality , Neck S Out , Ice , Flat Panel Display , Culture , Investigations , Sove T , Punishment , Reasons , Afraid Becauseid , Biden Administrationf Puni L Political Prosecutions , Tie , Point , Neck , Makesink , Doing It , Goingoing Tog , Seein Ag , Outside , Area , Valley , California , Central Out Valleyside , Rall Iy , Or Imperialalley , Ti , California Cal , Win , Working Class , Justioink Ev The Traditionaenl , Blue Collar Workers , Trump A , Party Apparatus , Immense Supporgt , Mother , We Saw , Himthere , Californiathroughoe Whol , Stage Equipment , Enthusiasm , O , Protesters Couldn T , Publications , Loved Fest , Toutth , Trump Wa , Egging Themg , Itves , Commercial Vehicle , Gmc , Military , Military Officer , Military Person , Military Rank , Nothing , Tremendoufs Amount , Decline , Hope , Great To See You Tonight F M , Eeks , Sensy , Cheerin G , Line , Guy , Reporting , Jail , Slanted Coverageh , Holiday , Flag Day Usa , On Down , Movement , Maga , Seriousconsti , Existence , Danger , Constitutioed , Doneto , Estate , Constitution , Liresounding , Candidate , Thoug , Nice Try , Trythe Nejames , Mega Deprogramming Project , Nightmare , Many , Ri , Phrase It , Reeducation Camp , Reeducation Camps , Schools , China , Part , Camps , Former , Preeducation , Orwellian , Vivekviv , Theythey Don Guessin , Mejoining Vivek , Gop , Vivek Ramaswamy , Mistake , Ieian Movet , Whiche Orwellian Move , Contromedianl Media , Guessing , Reeducate , The Masses , Hunter Biden , Election , Story Suppressedg , Origin , Shame , Systematicall , Thr , Shamamericane Me Stemat , Covid 19 , Tricks , Attempt , Eve , Arouns G , Whichn , Toldth , Administration , Hesitantin , To Zelenskyy , Laughingi Sc Laughin , Dayspent Grovelinthg , Money , Bill , Trouble , Weeks , Funding , Fitve , Bus , Ms , Ttch , Chair , Members , Who , That S Right , Some , Fake , Bowing , Monee Our Mont , To Owin Zelenskyy , Likmoe , Peace , Strength , Weakness , Look , Ronald Reagan , Kind , Moneye Moneaine , Idol , Frailty , Forking , Exhibitinfrailtied Wetr , Problem , Respect , Presidentsis , Direction , Uk , Apology , Need , 8th On , Running , The S First Place , Countries , Apologies , Boder , Cultur Oev , Bothn Th , American Culture , Leadership Of Bide , Glo Stage , Weiv , Lot , Americafn , Apologizing , Exceptionalism , Sense , Data , Self Loathing , Identity , Engagings Sl , Camp Be , Phase , Clou Pashed Slowly Passing Acros The Country , War , Everyone , Soundsrussia , Putin , Russi Sounda , Onn Offensive Push Inside Russia , Defenainet Tod , Voters , Victoria Nuland May , Planning , Wherwh Headed E , Regimi Guess , Do Regime Che , Place , War Goaln A , Part Becas , Spirit , Goal , Articuthisd , Reason , Beyond , State Departmentthit , Game , Regime Change , Strings , Russia , D This Road , Goalngs Accore , Betteime Ter Thae , Aa Res , G , Resolution , Facts , Way To Go , Eme E , Deal , View , American Interestson , People Thought Th Controversial , Bu Verall Team Biden , Side , Answer , Subversive Intentione , We Ne , Sport Venue , Jobs , Yo Imagine , Insteadod Remade Over , Thinthink Thrderk Border Next , Energy Drink , Still Life Photography , Design , Still Life , Tableware , Ceramic , Small Appliance , Baby Bottle , Table , Plastic , Arm , Hand , Stock Photography , Black And White , Elbow , Monochrome , Monochrome Photography , Physical Fitness , Body Jewelry , Jewellery , Fashion Accessory , Bead , Jewelry Making , Necklace , Bracelet , Chain , Craft , Gemstone , Creative Arts , Things , Families , Makers , Billions , Safer , Planet Cleaner , Keepr , Intod Ou , Toothbrush , Material Property , Cylinder , Brush , Petal , Cake Decorating , Icing , Meringue , Style , Rose , Rose Family , Rosales , Garden Roses , Dessert , Confectionery , Buttercream , Sweetness , Nail , Pattern , Metal , Texture , Aluminium , Heart , Candy , Paper , Figurine , Paper Product , Toy , Winter , Drinking Straw , Transparent Material , Textile , Skin , Creperie , Products , Recycling Technologies , Smarter Solutions , Sustainable Changean , Writing Implement , Pencil , Silver , Trademark , Label , Artwork , Emblem , Room , Interior Design , Furniture , Dress , Shoulder , Real Estate , Kitchen , Curtain , Living Room , Houseplant , Thigh , Couch , Floor , Floral Design , Leg , Door , Home Appliance , Hair , Brassiere , Undergarment , Hair Care , Hair Accessory , Daylighting , Head , Human Body , Ear , Stomach , Baby , Human Leg , Daughter , Lingerie , Happy , Vacation , Exercise , System , Crepe , Ultra Crepe Grease , Classroom , Sitting , Learning , Teacher , Exercise Machine , Exercise Equipment , Fitness Professional , Bodybuilding , Eating , Clothing , Sleeve , Waist , Beige , Knee , Shirt , Sportswear , Trousers , Top , Sleeveless Shirt , Underpants , Undershirt , Briefs , Flesh , Wood , Calf , Tights , Skin Care , Cream , Lighting Accessory , Fluid , Cosmetics , Water , Manicure , Nail Care , Peach , Website , Women , Given Thousands , Creepers Ultra , Celebrity Secret , Rave Reviews , Document , Fashion , Spring , Flower Arranging , Floristry , Garden , Black Hair , Portrait , Photo Shoot , Nose , Portrait Photography , Friendship , Shrub , Bouquet , Cornales , Landscaping , Model , Major Appliance , Refrigerator , Kitchen Appliance , Bathroom , Something , Ultra , Creator Rates , Patients , Cranberries , Dry , Creepy , Ankle , Scar , Chip , Wrist , Glasses , Hospital , Organization , Tooth , Medical Assistant , Health Care , Service , Medical Equipment , Medical , Physician , Patient , Dentistry , Dairy , Chin , Wrinkle , Eyebrow , Ring , Smoothing , Gift , Breakthrough Solution , The Fountain Of Youth , Eyelash Extensions , Artificial Hair Integrations , Selfie , Identity Document , Hat , Tongue , Layered Hair , Earrings , Feathered Hair , Lip Gloss , Lipstick , Cranberry Ultra System , Four , Customer Favorite , Dish , Side Dish , Sweet Corn , Produce , Corn Kernels , Vegetable , Junk Food , Breakfast , Breakfast Cereal , Bean , American Food , Capsule , Food Grain , Fish Oil , Cod Liver Oil , Footwear , Value , Power , Offer , 143 Dollars , Gold , Bling , Macro Photography , Disease , Perfume , Don T Wait , Shelf , Bed , Shelving , Hardwood , Family Members , Camp Lejeune , Marines , Biracial Tricom , 91581 , Chemistry , Denim , Birth Defects , Child , Cancer Neurobehavioral Effects , North Carolina , August 1953 , December 1987 , Glacier , Earth , Geological Phenomenon , Cloud , Mountain Range , Winter Storm , Biathlon , Gopro , Adaptation , Radiology , Compensation , Injury , Border Move , August 10th 2024 , 5717272 , 1 800 5717272 , Atmosphere Of Earth , Geology , Atmosphere , Medical Imaging , Animation , Social Group , Public Space , Travel , Walking , Queue Area , Sidewalk , Diagram , Airline , Blazer , Thing , Pain Won T , Pro , Solution , Passions , Pain Relief , Anesthetics , Absorbine Pro , Company , Parallel , Rectangle , Beard , Moustache , Buzz Cut , Flowerpot , Bonsai , Herb , Annual Plant , Grass , Liqueur , Beer , Wood Stain , Alcohol , Glass Bottle , Property , Botany , Local Food , Balcony , Meg , Craig , Pet Shop , Fleet , T Mobile , Verizon Wireless , Bird Squawks , At T , Liquid , Personal Care , Deodorant , Energy Shot , Personal Lubricant , Spray , Presentation , Lecture , Standing , Desk , Coat , Display Case , Shopping Mall , Personal Computer , Computer Monitor , Computer , Restaurant , Motorcycle Helmet , Sports Gear , Sports Equipment , Motorcycling , Town , Neighbourhood , Residential Area , Motorcycle , Thoroughfare , Road Surface , Bike , Suburb , Equipment , Possibilities , Comcast Business Mobile , Smarter Savings , Recreation Room , Vacuum Cleaner , Electrical Wiring , Iron , Electrical Supply , Hardware , Gas , Percussion , Musical Instrument , Smartphone , Mobile Phone , Communication Device , Portable Communications Device , Feature Phone , Daytime , Online Advertising , Operating System , Jeans , Temple , Pocket , Carpenter Jeans , Boot , High Heels , Foot , Outdoor Shoe , Leather , Shorts , Brick , Brickwork , Iphone , Mobile Device , Ipad , Portable Media Player , Window Covering , Window Treatment , Fashion Model , Red Hair , Haute Couture , Square , Cat , Animal , Pet , Whiskers , Wildlife , Felidae , Persian , Maine Coon , Ball , Sphere , Incandescent Light Bulb , Costume , Carnivore , Natural Material , Black , Sunlight , Shadow , Fiction , Dreadlocks , Fur Clothing , Candle , Lamp , Evening , Heat , Dining Room , Work , Operation Restore Record Isfrane , France , Morning , Love , Light Bulb , Backlighting , Metropolitan Area , Proof , Yo Wit The Jobs Market , Biden Agenda , Slot Machine , Wages , Inflation , Su S Report , Job Numbers , Rate , Eyes , Expectations , Employers , Jaw Drop , Thesexcept , Bit , Numbers , Others , Economists , Crowing , New York Times , Reportth , Job Growth , Trends , Yoone Problem , Ys The Skirt , 272000ther , 272000 , Workers , Unemployment Rate , Holdingp , Let Sg Digging Deeper , Bo Workers , Native , Illegals , Politicoo , Though , Help , Cue , 663000 , 414000 , Story , Comparison , Squad , Racist , Amarme Moosa Frome The Biden Reelection , Labor Market , Minorities , Graph , Player , Anyone , Immigrants , Biden Regime Doesn Why , Citizens Of The World , Ea Illegal , Both , Contributors , Sean Duffy , Spectator , Editor , Fox Business , Ben Domenech , Co Hosyt , Photobombing , Bite , Is Thi Have S , Su Biden , Voter , Esoos , Fintok , Apple , Thtake Anoeo , Issue , Household , Illegal Workerkers , Economyere , Surved Thi , Foreign Born , Workinbut , Well , Loss , A , Jobs Re , Virgini , 408000 , Automated Teller Machine , Ith , Young Americans , Age , Jobsob , Ans Ane , Homes , Rates , Spending , Numberscause , Hispanics , Hig H , Blackses , Ben Biden , Labors , Adviser , Grass Family , Lawn , Artificial Turf , Prices , Working Americans , Marketrg Amntinually , Ls , Leaf , Land Lot , Gas Pump , Filling Station , Ifs , Singl Sine , Loonke Shouldk , Lara , Thatthat , Happeningifk , 2 8 Million , Government Jobs , Thosetho Jobs , Somewhere , Health Services , Orange , Anotheknowr , U Social Services , 2 6 Million , 1 Million , 600000 , Doesn T , Moneymaking , Taxpayer , Thriving Economn Doesnl , Directlyie , Keep , Bunch , Dependenton Th , Taxpayer Funds , Etc , Merchan , Peoplasee , Taxpayer Funding , Accident , Urchan , Court Systems Facebook , Verdict , Defense , Comment , Hush Money Trial Sentro A , Prosecution , New York State , Letter , Leftfacebo , Cousin , Thoughts , Aonvi Juror , Knoten , Commenant , Gettince , Juror T , Juror , Didn T , Investigation , Brando , Anybody , Bent B , Teamhe Eam , Sitoe , Information , Impact , Isn , Verdics Thatt , Strange , Stranggeeh E Case , Soviet Union , Questionquestion T , Usoen , Sector , Economy , Communism , Government Led Economies , Socialism , Free Enterprise , State Run , Aeconom , Economies Bu , Goin That Sg , Juo , Interest Rates , Thn , Slap , Coming Up , Rande , Last Gasp , Agret Noe With , Skyline , Stand , Family , Friends , Plus , Report , Duty , Gearing , Brothers , Romance , Groom , Mohawk Hairstyle , Superhero , Superman , Justice League , Folk Dance , Religion , Best , Bueller , Light Emitting Diode , Orangutan , Snout , Ape , Bird , Album Cover , Professor , Symbol , Automotive Design , Personal Luxury Car , Limousine , Rolls Royce , Executive Car , Auto Show , Concept Car , Rear View Mirror , Student , Windshield , Video Game Software , Moves , Action Film , Automotive Mirror , Sleep , Net , Japanese Idol , Gravure Idol , Bedtime , Nap , Mattress , General Motors , Steel , Bumper , Aerial Photography , Bird S Eye View , Urban Design , Water Resources , Junction , Landscape , Waterway , Infrastructure , Mixed Use , Transport Hub , Estuary , Highway , Freeway , River , Floodplain , Panorama , Intersection , Channel , River Island , Artificial Island , Golf Equipment , Golf , Golf Club , Putter , Golf Course , Grassland , Vision , Liberty , Politics , Sovereignty , Woke Revolution , Sand , Soil , Formation , Badlands , Adventure , Soldier , Ancient History , Farm , Woody Plant , Garmon , Drum , Coffee Table , Patio , Outdoor Structure , Porch , Tripod , Camera Accessory , Filmmaking , Cameras Optics , Free , Record , Warriors , Veteran , Veterans , Pete Hegseth , Cindy Crawford , Temple Fade , Wheel , Rim , Suzuki , Tread , Tire Care , Synthetic Rubber , Art Model , Drawing , Gown , Fashion Design , Figure Drawing , Fashion Show , Runway , Cocktail Dress , Surfer Hair , Step Cutting , Makeover , Caramel Color , Melon , Dr , Jean Louis Sobel , Youth Preserving Formulas , Secret , South , Beauty Supreme , French , Tesla Model S , Land Vehicle , Mercedes Benz , Mercedes Benz Viano , Mercedes Benz R Class , Mazda Cx 9 , Mazda3 , Compact Mpv , Opel Insignia , Volkswagen Touareg , Hatchback , Sedan , Mercedes Benz A Class , Mercedes Benz M Class , Volvo Cars , Mercedes Benz Vito , Mercedes Benz E Class , Book , Reading , Book Cover , Prairie , Hot Air Balloon , Plain , Crop , Mountainous Landforms , Vegetation , Highland , Hill Station , Wilderness , Nature Reserve , Hill , Mountain , Plant Community , Biome , Natural Environment , Shrubland , Chaparral , Bridge , Ecoregion , Forest , National Park , Rainforest , Rural Area , Mount Scenery , Fell , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Escarpment , Plateau , State Park , Meadow , Wildflower , Terrain , Cumulus , Tourist Attraction , Jungle , Steppe , Massif , Park , Trail , Summit , Batholith , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Plantation , Savanna , Tundra , Field , Branch , Natural Landscape , Depression , Mountain Pass , Alps , Lake , Leaf Vegetable , Flowering Plant , Gardening , Vitis , Gardener , Spring Greens , Agriculture , Groundcover , Herbaceous Plant , Lettuce , Watermelon , Citrullus , Carving , Cucumber Gourd And Melon Family , Cindy , Youth Molecule , Preserving , Small Today , Enzyme , Cantaloupe , Muskmelon , Galia , Cucumis , Steering Wheel , Hybrid Vehicle , Honda Cr Z , Hot Hatch , Electric Vehicle , Wedding Reception , Beauty , Pop Up Event , Meaning , Tints And Shades , Bob Cut , Mansion , Condominium , Roof , Apartment , Village , Tent , Canopy , Pavilion , Shade , Festival , Gazebo , Blouse , Sweater , Cardigan , Leggings , It Doesn T , Bags , Pregnancies , Pigmentation , Twig , Lavender , Next , Cleanser , Dark Circles , Puffiness , Cindy S Lifting Eye , Mascara , Youth , Crow , Melon Serum , Serum , Generation , Feet , Recovery Night Cream , Csaba , Rejuvenation Begin , Moisture , Mason Jar , Blender , Juice , Herbal Medicine , Thousands , Melon Leaf , Magic , Series Of , Vitality , Clients , Plant Stem Cells , Insect , Calligraphy , Visual Arts , Carrot , Food Group , Smoothie , Comfort Food , Root Vegetable , Papaya , Pianist , Folk Instrument , Price , Bargain , Affordable , Banknote , Super Treatments , Coupon , Yoga , Duo A , Borders , Add Cindy S , Super Brightening , Promo Code , Com , Super Saturday On Fox , Sports , Bat And Ball Games , Team Sport , College Softball , Ball Game , Baseball , Baseball Field , Tournament , Softball , College Baseball , Baseball Positions , Baseball Player , Baseball Equipment , Baseball Uniform , Baseball Park , Pitch , Baseball Protective Gear , Pitcher , Competition , Underwater , Marine Biology , Underwater Diving , Scuba Diving , Play , Time , Class , Mets , Belmont Stakes , Saratoga , Brian Rush , Phillies , Clock Tower , Steeple , Spire , National Historic Landmark , Historic Site , Listed Building , Arena , Sports Uniform , Net Sports , Volleyball , Cheerleading , Cheering , Contact Sport , Anime , Infielder , Horse , Parade , Carnival , Pride Parade , Horse Racing , Animal Sports , Equestrian Sport , Mare , Horse Harness , Jockey , Race Track , Flip Acrobatic , Extreme Sport , Pest , Fly , Ski Jumping , Membrane Winged Insect , Wing , Invertebrate , Bridle , Halter , Horse Trainer , Stallion , Horse Tack , Rein , Downtown , New Year , Epic Rivalry , Season , New York City Lights , Dodgers Battle The Yankees , Jersey , Football Player , Football , Baseball Umpire , Catcher , Baseball Glove , Soccer Specific Stadium , International Rules Football , Soccer Player , Arena Football , Soccer , Icon , String Instrument , Plucked String Instruments , Auditorium , Convention , Disco , Queens , Cash , Boxing Ring , Individual Sports , Bowling , Balloon , Playground Slide , Inflatable , Party Supply , Hot Air Ballooning , Weightlifting , Circus , Playground , Outdoor Play Equipment , Big On The , Quiz , Tuesdays On Fox , Big , Hulu , Air Hockey , Swimming Pool , Swimming , Dolphin , Marine Mammal , Cetacea , Wind Wave , Wave , Swimmer , Sea , Reflection , Air Travel , Moonlight , Horizon , Details , Headlines , Trial , Justice , Davifox News , Anywhere , Correspondent David Span , Sirius Xm , America Is Listening , Fox News Radio , Computer Program , Padlock , Security , Attorney , Decision , The Stand , Abbe Lowell Hunter , Nba , Presenting Witnesses , Witness , O Makebiden , Son One G , Huntr Biden , Weekend , Name , Tai Biden , Eldesttaking T , Chunte , Naomshe , On Monday , N Emotmeanwhile , Fence , Funeral , Campus , His Sistero , Heru Ser , Car Crash In Delaware , Sunglassesh On , Infant , Thatg , Diedr , Naomi Hunter , Neilia , Tb , Form , Picture , Gunnaomi , Uncomfortableo , Naomn Wai , October 2018 , Comics , Sketch , Comic Book , Dad , Tecalledshe , Beau Biden , Talking Abu Biden , Uncle , Shus E , Quote , Voice , Drug , End Quote , Dad K Ealls , First Lady , D Day , Wednesdangy On Yesterday , Tuesday , Law Enforcement , Military Uniform , Wife , Schedule , Thelmingt , Husband , State Dinner , Hr , Cominonnday G To Wiln On Sunday , Abbe Foce , Abbw , Sformt , Times , Signature , Gun Form , Itemsts , Hunte Gun Form , Notigin , Case , Jury Instructionjurytructions , Cross Examination , Closing Arguments , Nots Ation , Monday Afternoo Atn , Confirmation , Segment , Ds Reallyo Despise Lawor Enforcement , Captain America , Avengers , Connecticut , State Trooper , Kiron Pelletiekentuckyr , The Thin Blue Line , Town Council Member , Weea T , Memory , Traffic Stop , Blue Lin Wethersfield , Hit And Run , Wikipedia , Concerns , Thelives Ma , W Ik I Quickly , Racism Dia , Matter Movt , Storming , Rally , Neo Nazi , White Nationalist , Attendee Tsf H , Capitol , Movementd Neo Hites In Atd , Councilwoman , Half Mast , Republicans , Counci , Fac , Thnow The American Flag , Favorn Blue , Thew Pride , Town Hall , Ted Inl , Briana Kimbrough , Fact , Colleague , Everywhere , Knowledge , Democrats Reallysreally T , Republicanssi , Council , Situations , Majority , Ths , Views , Entireas State , Opinion , Trooper First Class , Responders , Aunt , Aaron Pelletier , Glastonbury , Connecticut T Iss , Officers , Riots , Honorings , Comments , Reference , Injured E , Pride Flag , Befl Flowow , News Interviews , Officer , Statsee , Pride Ceremony Saying , Outpouring , Againy , Half Mast Forl , Note , Favor , Brianna , Council Members , Intentions , Safety , Manufacturing , Ntsome , Politicaine P , Mickey Derek , Councilors , Etn A , Political Pointsn , Yha Doingt , Rain , Father , Law , Thethe , Honest , Daynythin , Justth Honor , Law Enforcement Familiemy , T Wawe , Addition , Processing Issueed , Dayso Pr , Wishes , Request , Face Test , Doesn On , You S Thanko , Councilwomane Test Thank N , Commercial Building , Raymond Arroyo , Artificial Intelligence , Businesses , Follies , Life Saving , Wetland , Firearm , Stable , Livestock , Paddy Field , Cash Crop , Fodder , Pasture , Supervillain , Training , Education , Boutique , Outlet Store , Shopping , Blue Collar Worker , Hard Hat , High Visibility Clothing , Workwear , Engineer , Construction Worker , Plaza , College Town , Town Square , Companies , Ai , Leader , Independence Day , Memorial Day , Telephone , Electronics Accessory , Red Flag , Walkway , Boardwalk , Nonbuilding Structure , Market , Marketplace , Bazaar , Architecture , Château , Palace , Official Residence , Presidential Palace , Classical Architecture , Stately Home , University , Corporate Headquarters , College , Seat Of Local Government , Manor House , Courthouse , Sun Set , Leaders , Sun , Congress , Deck Patio , Tracl , Stand Up For Innovation And Protect America S Competitiv T , Enje Edge , Medieval Architecture , Headquarters , Yard , Umbrella , Swing , Wind , Siding , Backyard , Awning , Pricing , Sun Setterfor , Wesform Get Instant Protection , Shadet Instae , Livis , Transform Living Space , Sun Glare , 000 , Hydrangea , Pergola , Shed , Outdoor Furniture , Resort , Fixture , Picnic , Sharing , Kit , Sun Setter , Retreat , Certificate , Awning Idea Kit , A Limitet , Villa , Cottage , Sash Window , Deck , Garden Buildings , Orangery , Discount Certificate , Retractable Awning In America Will Le , Sun Center , Fo , Ypati , Plue , 00 , Nanny , Baby Products , Sofa Bed , Sunlounger , Studio Couch , Leisure Centre , Comfort , Chaise Longue , Recliner , Stairs , Handrail , Wheatgrass , Discoy Life , Warranty , Noour Homew You , Nthay , Loveseat , Family Pictures , Laptop , Jacuzzi , Treadmill , Extensiongo , Talkym , Add Led Lighting , Options , Extra , Evening Enjoyment , Lunch , Bottled Water , Awning Certificate , Obligation , Styles , Built Awnin , Solar Energy , School , Composite Material , Barechested , Triathlon , Dog Breed , Dealer Info , Save , Fning Ide Outdoor Living Space , North , Effects , Cancer Neurobehavioral , Elise Stefanik , 800 5717272 , Clip Art , Price Lock , Clock , Commercials , Plan , Guarantee , Him , Un Carrier , Unruly , Kiss , Display Window , Water Cooler , Plumbing Fixture , Exhibition , Museum , Connection , Damage , Session , Xfinity , Art Exhibition , Office Chair , Riding Boot , Uncalled For , Wine , Lubricant , Wood Flooring , Tile , Turquoise , Plate , Loudspeaker , Lampshade , Suite , Earlie Wmentior , Raymond , Forx , Foxwsg , Surf , Bombs , Bided Another , Thand , Pump Point , Rangers , Cliffs , Ma , On The Beach By , Sergeant Leonard , Field Marshal Romneyy , Sergeant , Frommel , Instinct , Pinsti , Instincts , Walk , Ways , Naturalwa , Walk Away , Walking Awaytura , Way , John Kerry , Shock , Top Gear , The Melting Pot , G Rry , Zelensky Wity , Note Cards , Press Avail , Center Stage , Ukrainian , Tiple , Meeting , Academic Conference , You Haven T Yieldeatd , Tony Blinken , Fruition , Money Growrowsn , Hubba , Cost , Halnyf , So Th , 25 Million , 225 Million , Ewish , Cards , Generoueg To You Tonight , The Apprentice , Aren T Sweet , Diwali , Fête , Christmas Eve , Pageant , Usath , Firstt , Misses , Miss , Lamp Today , Lookmy Firstish , Host , Winner , Maryland , Prom , Sari , Marriage , Malt , Wwae , Kelly , Contender , Contestant , Barrier , Magaini , First Biological Male , Person Usa , Competitions , It S , What Women Want , Jusust , Sketches , Trump Trial , Toddler , Crayon , Cast , Planet Of The Apes , Sketch Artist , Lines , Drawings , Norman B Rockwell , Throw , Photos , Photographer , Throwback , I Don T Know , Sons , Uth Te , Dick Tracy , Tracy Moment , Jaylin Chaney , Bathrooms , Passengertos , Las T , Matinee Idol , Delta , Airlines , Seats , Plusl Plus Size Influencer , Shene , Crohn , She , Size , Influencer , Psht , Rideshare , Drivers , Belt , Extendert Extes , Lyft Don N T Havet Seatbelt Extenderr , Upset , Deltas Dis , Tm Reimburse , Tik Tok , Truck , Straps , Ups , Loads , Ei Wish , Thinc Override , Tand Why Raymond , Spiders , Victim , Arachnophobia , Ospi , Grant , Cooking , Fast Food , Fast Food Restaurant , Diner , Brunch , Supper , à La Carte Food , Taste , Dinner , Bangs , Sleep Deprivation , Mike Huckabee , Groceries , Health Crisis , Sec , Arkansas , Landscape Lighting , Hotel , Cardinal , Sleep Relaxium , Blood Pressure , Cardiovascular System , Immune System , Neurologist , Prescription Drug , Chemical Compound , Medicine , Pharmaceutical Drug , Clarity , Drinking Water , Health , Relief , Benefits , Prescription , Sleep Doesn T , Sleeping Pills , Mind , Sleep Cycle , Body , Risk , Chemicals , Bodybuilding Supplement , Pet Vitamins Supplements , Trouble Sleeping , Bottles , Water Bottle , Visit , Life Insurance , Heart Attack , Try Relaxium , Dot Com , 8064851 , 800 8064851 , Household Supply , Countertop , Cabinetry , Afro , John A , Policy , Insurance , Selectquote , Select Com , 00000 , 500000 , Certified Dietary Manager , My Name Annie , Plant Stem , Botanical Garden , Hydrangeaceae , Greenhouse , Mehndi , Henna , Tattoo , Hairdresser , Salad , Chef , Cooking Show , Baking , Dover , Herbs , Son , Soft Drink , Carbonated Soft Drinks , Cola , Perennial Plant , Whole Food , Solanum , Tomato , Pumpkin , Nightshade Family , Bush Tomato , Everybody , Care , Anything Else , Driveway , Path , Curb , Cruciferous Vegetables , Cookware And Bakeware , Wok , Stir Frying , Brussels Sprout , Asian Food , European Food , Broccoli , Street Food , Geranium , Mammal , Dog , Vertebrate , Canidae , Dog Walking , Sporting Group , Siberian Husky , Leash , Obedience Training , Great Dane , Non Sporting Group , Pointing Breed , Working Dog , Guard Dog , Pointer , Brittany , Vascular Plant , Fern , Conifer , Pine Family , Arecales , Ferns And Horsetails , Hemp Family , Fir , Supplies , Make A Splash , Usa Today , Entertainment Weekly , Wall Street Journal , Dparry , Writing Club , Freestyle Motocross , Motocross , Spoke , Motorcycle Speedway , Motorcycle Racing , Endurocross , Chopper , Freeride , Motorsport , Leather Jacket , Downhill Mountain Biking , Off Roading , Off Road Racing , Dirt Road , Dust , Off Road Vehicle , Mountain Bike , Mountain Biking , Bicycle Motocross , Mountain Bike Racing , Woodland , Longboard , Skateboard , Longboarding , Race Car , Skateboarding , Skateboarding Equipment , Supercar , Open Wheel Car , Sports Car , Laminate Flooring , Cycling , Boardsport , Elephants And Mammoths , Elephant , Troop , Middle Ages , Writers , Films , June 21st , Atmospheric Phenomenon , Road Trip , Electricity , Fire , Flame , Riot , Explosion , Guitarist , Alley , Full Size Car , Classic Car , Vintage Car , Classic , Antique Car , Muscle Car , Coupé , Mud , Exhaust System , Automotive Exhaust , Vehicle Brake , Weapon , Tabloids , Nice , Seven , Public Transport , Cruiser , Pickup Truck , Baby Carriage , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Bugatti Veyron , Bentley , Bugatti , Porsche , Lamborghini , Gaz M20 Pobeda , , Musical Keyboard , Flash Photography , Campfire , Bonfire , It S Time , Eighties , Sale , Tickets , Leg Warmers , Game Show Legend Return , Pop Culture Trivia , June 20 , Optoelectronics , Computer Hardware , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Star , Social Media , Insects , You Knowme O Media , Yeam , Eve Dad , Graphics Software , Spider , Arachnid , Arthropod , Spider Web , Mosquito , Way Uplp , East Coast , Upthesesleg Span , Parasite , Orb Weaver Spider , Engineering , Andy Davis , Autumn School , Ecologist , Ecology , Worstcar Tog , University Of Georgia , The Cicadas , Spider Friends , Media Sensation , Newsd , Mediaion Well , Yes , Zero , Grain , Grai , Youv , Staff , Si , Life Teasing , Legs , Riceth , Jar , Microscope , Container Heret , Of Ae , Spiderr , Spider Size , C , Mitt , Ricsmall , Everybodnd , For Real , Urban Legend , Trees , Parts , Bushes , Treesss , Harvestmen , Widow Spider , Tangle Web Spider , Water Boatmen , Spider Wasps , Araneus , Stoneflies , Web , Webentary , Nowill Notr W , Ca B For Thn , Lon Ying , Longhorn Beetle , Beetle , Darkling Beetles , Antlions , Rove Beetle , Pepeke Nguturoa , Blister Beetles , Weevil , Woodsal , Dogs , Webs , Decor , Wait , Off , It Migh Yeah , The Spider , Ai Throwf , Yourr , Rise , Terrestrial Plant , Sedge Family , Pink Family , Orchid , Dendrobium , Yellow Garden Spider , Argiope , Tachinidae , Scentless Plant Bugs , Spide , Thatte , Labn My , Bee Stinerebisg , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Boy , It B , E On M , Tiff , Tk You , Day Fort The Ingram , They L Leavel , Likeke , Gu , Beautiful Ceremonhay , Maria , Oldest , Parents , Uh , High School , Texasnds Ag , Co 2 , Mycaroline , Spring Break , Bridal Clothing , Wedding , Wedding Dress , Bride , Wreck , Mente Wreck , Advice , Ccoi , Lord , Hershe Friendlove S , Bridesmaid , Bridal Party Dress , Block Party , Wheelchair ,

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