their money back to the cartels. >> laura: dan there have been some reports of border patrol agents cutting the razor wire that your states have put up. now, this is lieutenant chris olevares how he responded. >> by cutting the wire that we have put in at the state to rappel mass migration completely undermines our ability to secure the border. that's the whole reason we placed that wire along the river is to redirect, to deter any mass groups crossing that dangerous river especially now with the extreme heat. >> laura: now, dan, have you heard those reports? i mean, now, this is upside down here. >> it is upside down. we want to stop people from crossing. we don't want anyone to drown in the river but biden is the person who's saying -- he's coaxing them literally -- he's never come to the border but if he did, dive in, at he okay, the water's not that deep. no, this is a very dangerous situation that he's created. by the way i know there was some

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Laura Ingraham ,Money ,Agents ,States ,Cartels ,Border Patrol ,Reports ,Lieutenant ,Estate ,Border ,River ,Groups ,Cutting ,Ability ,Reason ,Redirect ,Rappel Mass Migration ,People ,Dan Patrick ,Anyone ,Heat ,Crossing ,Way ,Person ,Water ,Saying ,Situation ,Dive In ,

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