and when you have npr coming out and saying a significant majority of american people are concerned about the president's mental health maybe he's not the person to lead this revolution who's invigorating to their base. >> laura: doug, this is quite something though, you have two, kind of charismatic in their own ways, rfk jr. is, not a dumb person he's very smart and cornell west has been around for decades sounding a lot of these themes democrats have latched on to when it comes to reparations and other race irons so have they gotten themselves in a box holding on to biden so tightly? >> in a word, yes. laura, rfk jr. and marry and williamson right now are getting up to 32% of the vote. >> laura: i forgot marianne williamson. thank you. >> yeah. and i think that could go up as biden's numbers continue to erode as i think is at least