dominance. and here in pennsylvania, these are issues that everyone understands. our values are not reflected in washington. i haveve a bold,ef loud voice, john. as you know, i part l on the biggest playfield there is which is on television and ii fought big i'm a big, big guyrm with chemical companies, the u.s. government. i know how to win in this t setting. fight these wars, these culture wars, not bringing in index cards into a knife fight, but actually talking about why our values are the right ones right and why they need to be respected conservatives works. donald trump's policies maybe didn't like his tweets, but his policies of peace through strength, free and fair trade deals, lower taxes, less bureaucracy, more securera borders, energy independence. boy, we, could use a lot of that right now. dr. oz wishing you well in your senate campaign. i'm a big supporter ofl it and thank you for beingyo with us. all right. straight ahead, more bad pollsu for biden as the energy crisis is waging on . we'll bring you the latest