the backbone. the end goal of all of this is stop putin and russia's advance and prevent world war three. we don't want world war three. we don't want to be dragged into world war three. we want our american treasure to stay right here at home. remember an attack on one nato country? article five is an attack on all countries. if putin fails in ukraine, he'll never be able to wage war in the baltics or poland or any other nato country. this is not a difficult concept to understand unless of course you're joe biden and you don't know that today is wednesday. now the war in ukraine is not is right now at a very critical juncture. putin has his eyes on the historic port city of odessa and that's not stopping the city's residents from preparing for the worst while remaining calm. take a look at this video. they're preparing to be invaded. they're playing one of zomba bon jovi's anthem songs.