of the view. he's like anchch old style libel in this view that the state can do good at racial discrimination,oo that there is such a thing as know good race balancing by the staten and presumably universities as well. and thomas has a long taken the view that there is no such thing as good racial discrimination by the state. so it's fascinating that , you know right as he's leaving thatt issue is sort of coming right back to the front. so so i think the tone will likely be more stridently progressive whoever biden nominates. the end resultt er i don't think the court is going to change i much in terms of how it rulesnk kerry thinking back on the nomination of what would have been another first, whichul is the nomination of janice rogers brown and she was filibustered by none other thant joe biden. so this idea of appointingac a black woman tok the judiciary ,he voted three times againstga confirmingin her just to be a us