catch mosquitoes with a chain link fence, i mean, it's absurdt that we're continuing to put these things on kids masks. i mean, on kids faces. the emotional toll that this has taken on children isha absolutely despicable and deplorable. there is no science behind this at this point. i mean, a i would like to beliee that at one point there s actually was. but it is so clearce, that thiss all about power and money now and it has been very clear myself and lots of other o parents are working very hard to uncoverrk why this continues and it is becomingco clearermi by the moment, by the day that this is all about funding. this is all about getting money because our loudoun county c public schools wanted more money this year even though their enrollment numbers are way down . and after this they're going to continue to tank. and you know what ? they can't get teachersan and classrooms. they have people atea the administrative building that have to comesroo and fill . and you know why? because they're losing good teachers because who wants to workrk in that environment?e