you will be inoculated one way or the other foot is not going to be big pharma. they are going to be inoculated by nature. the natural infection, you may not want it, people unfortunately will die from it but if you get it and survive it is profound immunity and giving immunity better than the vaccine because the disease is now evading the vaccine for the most part. >> laura: they don't care about this, they don't care about natural immunity, not really. >> ultimately enough people, it's getting out there, it's not a secret, they can't keep this a secret forever. even the ncaa decided they are going to count natural immunity -- it's for a pitiful 90 days, i've had it for two years now and have immunity. they measure were able to detet immunity. they measure immunity from the 1918 spanish flu and discovered people were still living 90 years later still had immunity. immunity works, it's largely long-lasting, it doesn't prevent infection entirely but it's just like getting the omicron. you are going to have some immunity and resist hospitalization and death. >> laura: we know this but the question is how do you force the federal government to recognize this and it stopped trampling on people's rights with these mandates? i've got to get the dr. fauci because he authored a doomsday prediction the other day saying the worst-case scenario is we are on our way and we get hit with another variant that eludes immune protection. i don't want to say it's wishful thinking but it's almost wishful thinking at this point. >> the man never fails to have

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It ,People ,Laura Ingraham ,Vaccine ,Way ,Immunity ,Disease ,Care ,Foot ,Part ,They Don T ,Infection ,Nature ,Big Pharma ,One ,Secret ,Question ,Ncaa ,Immunity Works ,Hospitalization ,Omicron ,Death ,Flu ,Doesnt Prevent Infection ,Detet ,1918 ,Two ,90 ,Mandates ,Government ,Anthony Fauci ,Dr ,Rights ,Trampling ,Worst Case Scenario ,Doomsday Prediction ,Point ,Hit ,Thinking ,Oman ,Variant ,Protection ,

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