30 three percent approving of the job he's doing. how can that even be? well, fromla inflation to empty store shelves to store shelves, the government's covid shuffle, the white house has proven utterly he out of touch and ineffective on all fronts. we're seeing a levelro of incompetence in domestic and foreign policy unmatched by anything we've nd witnessed in modern american politics. thus when we heard that biden was actually going to conduct a press conference today, wee expected some level of maybe a little bit of introspection and awareness, but instead wewe got this . >> how do you plan to win back moderates and independents who cast a ballot for you p in 2020? the polls indicate areole unhapy with the way you're doing your job now. >> i don't believe can youha think of any other prison as much as when you say muslims ? okay,ea this man is completely delusional. the staff who told him to say this frighteningly stupid, theyu had to have briefed him