money. it's the peoples' money. when vee are residence revenues that are in excess of what we need, we need to give it back to the people and that's what i talked about in my state address when i proposed a number of tax cut proposals and pointed out what a sur surplus we had, how much we had in our tax reserve fund, and why we need to give that money back to the peep whool gave us the money in the first place. >> laura: when you see these insane mandates being rolled out across the done trae, -- country, and these cities that you remember as a kiddo visiting going these are great american cities and they are being destroyed from within. one after the other. i know you don't take, you're competitive as your former governor in a nice way, but this has to be just agonizing for you to see because you actually know how it can work well. >> yeah, absolutely. you know, nebraskans don't need to be mandated to do the right thing. throughout the pandemic, we asked them to do the right