>> sean: hypocrite of the day, squad member congresswoman tlaib's spotted maskless. the video comes on the day she was critical of senator rand paul for speaking out against new cdc guidelines, the same one she's not adhering to. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham killing it, takes over. >> laura: hannity, i think she actually went to the barack obama school of dance. none of these people can dance. no, i'm not going to dance on camera. >> sean: let me see you dance. wait, whoa, whoa, that would be really high ratings. i love to see you dance on camera. >> laura: only when you do. >> sean: hell will freeze over. i have done juul on camera. i'm not dancing on camera. >> laura: awesome. we will do the dance video show and tell as the weeks go on, okay? i'm going to get you to dance.