case-by-case, the depositions that were taking place or the open hearings, throughout, the entire case is actually in dispute, but they're so invested in this narrative to try to take down the president that they won't see the forest for the trees.t i'll give you one example. the president zelinsky says no demand, no pressure, no quid pro quo. andre your mack said the first version that adam scschiff uses that meeting that took place in warsaw is not accurate. that's from the ukrainian side. we heard it from the u.s. officials and the ukrainian officials but pelosi, schiff, nadler, they keep saying the facts are uncontested. they're wrong. >> i think the most revealing comment came from nancy pelosi i believe last week. she said we didn't rush it through, we've been working on this for 2 1/2 years. that's revealing in itself. i want to move on to other topics because i think the impeachment talk in some regards just exhausting to a lot of people at home. but, senator, i want to go back to you because we t saw bernie sanders standing side-by-side