abuse power? with no real dates on this is the abuse? we are going to give you abuse of power, go home, pick something you don't like about the president, and there is your abuse of power. >> not just because they don't like the president, they don't like us. they don't like the 63 million people who voted for this president. and they dislike us so much they're willing to weaponize the government. two years ago was the irs, more recently the fbi, and now the impeachment power of congress. >> laura: joining me and i was ken starr, former whitewater independent counsel, fox news contributor, along with robert ray, who succeeded ken as whitewater independent counsel. you both have seen this process up close and personal. can, let me start with you. what do you make of what has unfolded tonight, and in the days and weeks preceding, given what we are facing now, with these two articles of impeachment? >> the democrats have searched so hard, under every rock, for a