political process. i come at it from someone with experience in the criminal justice system, and it was abhorrent by myself and my colleagues, and my former colleagues as well, that the fbi was politicized. so, now we see them moving away from that and getting into another area. >> laura: it's a last straw for them. but, jamie raskin commented from desperate. desperate. delaware is calling this all desperate. >> this cannot go on this way. i mean, it's impossible to believe that the democrats will be able to run and impeachmentte president. >> laura: maryland. >> proposed to him remove that president on the basis of secret information. to say to the american people, the president has to be removed we cannot tell you why, but we have got good reasons. you need to trust us on this. i just will not work, at some point, very soon, we are going to have to hear what these witnesses are saying. >> laura: byron, great to have you both on tonight, thank you