with the impression that the bureau was trying to do something to him. >> laura: but today's ig report says something totally different saying witnesses interviewed by the oig, the inspector general, also said they discussed trump's potential responses to be told about the salacious information, including trump make statements about or provide information of value to the pending russian interference investigation. rudy, is this evidence that comey and fbi officials were trying to undermine trump? 100%. >> from the very beginning, there's a conspiracy inside of that department, set him up in the first meeting. >> number one, a clear entrapment. 100% clear entrapment by comey who, despite his moral problems, is a very smart guy. unlike mueller who is lacking in intellect. this guy is very smart. he was trying to trap him like he trapped flynn. >> laura: just like it. >> trying to trap. >> laura: you're not a target. >> you're not a target, it's okay. l i have the thing in my bag but i'm not going to tell you and i'll indict you, horrible thing