greg: what he think charlie would you make out of this crab. >> yes you can, you've said far worse already tonight. [laughter] so you know the serious side of this though is when you look at you look at our democrat voters who don't like donald trump. in some of them a very good reasons for not liking him, they may not like his style or whatever. and you look at what the leaders in the democratic party have done to them in terms of lying to them. from day one about how we are going to get rid of this guy, and he's committed all of these offenses. they get lied to 30 times a day light from people like adam schiff and there are consequences that they are grown to expect. and they think this is going to end differently. and it causes people to become delusional. and they lose their freaking minds. and those of us in the news business, are sitting here trying to take the stuff seriously, but at the same time you're looking at nancy policy