can you imagine we're going to form a blockade and wait 15 minutes and then pass out. do you know what i'm saying like continue with your fake burgers and vegan lifestyle. there's a lot of pressure on that hose, man. >> well dana it's kind of a great metaphor though right? people who claim to protect the earth do way more damage than anyone they condemn. >> first off it sort of looked like breakfast. >> yeah. >> this is how messy this whole thing is, if boris johnson wasn't there but this is the thing that killed me who do they think has to go out and chen that up. >> exactly. >> if they do block the streets whose going to be harmed the most the people that need to get to work that work hourly jobs are trying to put food on the table? they don't help their cause at all. they achieve nothing and until they are ready to talk about nuclear power as an option i don't want to hear from them. i agree completely with that sentiment. you know, kat, i bet you have some kind of analogy about a guy