phobic land mass designed to keep other people out okay? countries imply borders, all right? borders are inherently, you guessed it, racist. >> excellent! >> here is another. give a man a fish. feed him for a day. teach him as a fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. >> well it's clearly a lesson that actually learning a skill is a lot more important than just being given something without earning it. >> i'm going to throw up, okay? teach a man to fish? teaching men to fish is what led to exploiting the environment okay? which led to industrialization which led to overpopulation, which is guess what? a major contributor to global warming. you are on fire, terry. >> how about this one? "hang in there." oh, you want to just hang in thereafter having maybe like a rough day? >> you're in shane, okay? hang in there? this is endorsing capital punishment, you psycho.