and threw it in her face. >> once it hit me, i could actually hear it bubbling and sizzling my skin. >> tonight, the search for a stranger who attacked this woman on the street. >> jon: don't panic. that request from the governor of massachusetts as hurricane earl heads towards new england. the storm expected to scrape by cape god, nantucket and martha's vineyard in the overnight hours. earl has weakened considerably over the last couple of days. but the national hurricane center reports at least at last check earl was still a category 1 hurricane, maximum sustained winds of 80 miles per hour. nasa has now released video that astronauts shot from the international space station a couple of hundred miles above the storm. these images from yesterday when earl was packing winds of 115 miles per hour as it headed toward north carolina. astronaut douglas welock took this photo just hours ago as the international space station passed over the storm. but, despite earl's shear size, north carolina caught a bit of a break when the storm hit early this morning. >> jon: earl ended up farther from the outer banks than forecasters had predicted so the wind was less fierce than it might have been. the storm still knocked out power to thousands and closed down the main link to the barrier islands to the main land. jeff flock was on the beach as the winds picked up. >> we're now getting a wind shift with the storm drawing even with us here at nag's head. we are really beginning to get sandblasted down this beach because the wind has shifted from blowing on shore to blowing out of the north. continued indicates the storm -- >> jon: don't worry, jeff is just fine. gives you a sense how powerful earl was as it hurled up the coast. team fox coverage first steve in massachusetts. >> jon, just a gentle breeze beginning to pick up right here in cape cod. throughout the day we have seen people really trying to secure their property for the oncoming storm. they have been tracking it, paying very close attention just where it could go, how powerful it can be. throughout the day we have seen people pulling boats out of harbors, tieing down lawn furniture. some people putting up plywood store windows. one of the concerns we had to talk to today they are concerned about losing electricity on this island. >> it's always a question whether the storm is going to come or not. basically, got to be cautious and based on what we do on the forecast to protect the property and people's boats. >> the first thing that comes to my mind when the hurricane comes is we are going to lose our power because it doesn't take much to lose our power here. and that is what i remember from last time. we were six day was 6-year-old and a 2-year-old. i don't have a 6-year-old and 2-year-old anymore, but no power is no fun. >> more than 50 electric power trucks have been sent to the islands to deal with any emergencies. the number of temporary shelters have been set up in public schools, too, if evacuation does become necessary. right now on cape cod there is a feeling of confidence while people are securing their property. most people are not leaving the island. they feel they can ride this one out at home. jon, back to you. >> jon: steve harrigan, thanks. looks like long island here in new york state will avoid a direct hit that's a good thing considering how many homes sit on the coast with nothing between them and the olings except for sand. most obvious effects of hurricane earl were big waves. catch a few people off guard without doing much serious damage. officials on the eastern end of long island are warning people there don't get complacent about watching the weather. >> you might be feeling pretty good about things right now. but out of nowhere there can be a torrential downpour where you will have extreme limited visibility. >> jon: good advice for anyone on the outskirts of earl's most hazardous area. rick leventhal live on montauk on the eastern end of long island. what's it look like now, rick? >> jon, conditions have deteriorated rapidly over the past couple of hours. in fact, we just lost our satellite signal briefly a short time ago. we are getting heavy rain bands. winds teens and 20's expected to gust into 30's and 40s. montauk did not get a direct hit from hurricane earl but they are getting pounded most visibly by the waves. vicious, vicious surf has been crashing on shore for the past couple of days forcing beaches to close entirely. you can see why. going out into that surf could be deadly. in fact, in new jersey, two young men tried to go out into the water. one on tuesday in as bury park and one yesterday in bellmar and near one of those men came out alive. that's why officials are trying to keep these records clear. they are expected to churn for at least another day or two, jon. the skies should clear up and the rest of the weekend should be sunny. not clear if diminish actually go out into the ocean. >> jon: labor day weekend, obviously. how has the storm impacted business there in montauk? >> [inaudible] long island railroad -- you got me back? >> jon: yeah, got you back. >> the ferries stopped running today, jon, also long island -- >> jon: all right. now we don't. now you see him, now you don't. rick leventhal sometimes tough to punch a satellite signal through when the wind is blowing the dish around like that. that's probably what happened there. we will try to get back to him later. more tough news on the job front. president obama says help is on the way. unemployment rate up for the first time in four months to 9.6% and overall the country lost 54,000 jobs last month. but the president says there is a bright spot. private companies actually added 67,000 jobs more than economists were predicting. it's the eighth straight month of increases after two years of losses. >> the economy is moving in a positive direction. jobs are being created. they are just not being created as fast as they need to given the big hole that we experienced. >> what's obvious all across this country but apparently is not obvious in the rose garden is that the economic policies of this administration have failed. >> jon: but the president says there are better days ahead. next week he would unveil to put new plans to put even more americans back to work. our senior white house correspondent major garrett live on the north lawn. so what ideas are on the table, major? >> well, jon, there will not be a second big stimulus package from this white house despite some reporting suggesting there might be. i talked to senior administration officials today who said, look, we're going to have some small proposals, research and development tax credits, maybe more targeted small business tax credits. things that move towards more green jobs or incentives to create those green jobs. part and parcel things you have seen before from the president but maybe with a little bit more new emphasis on them but targets differently. there will not be another massive intervention the kind the first stimulus tried to create on the jobs front and the congressional budget office a nonpartisan referee said that stimulus spend diagnose save or create a good number of jobs, possibly as many as 3 million. the private sector simply is not creating jobs nearly fast enough to make this what the administration called it in may a recovery summer. that's for the white house and the difficult political situation which they are going to try to get out of starting next week. >> jon: what about the future of the bush tax cuts though. isn't that the question that liewms over the whole economic debate? >> it does. here at the white house and on capitol hill when congress returns in a couple of weeks. whatever the president proposes and you put that on the table next to things that have already been proposed. overshadowed by aggregate extending bush tax cuts the real debate is when do you extend them and do you extend therm for all american taxpayers and even the wealthiest which the president says he does not want to do. none of this going to be resolved before elections. the democrats are not going to deal with the debate if the price of dealing with the extended bush tax cuts is also extending them for the wealthy. he doesn't want to go there, at least not yet. >> jon: major garrett my understanding last live shot from the white house. >> indeed it is. >> jon: do you want to tell folk us what are going to be up to. >> i will be writing long term national journal great reputation here in washington. they are building a phenomenal team. i will just be one member of that great team. i will spend a lot of time thinking and writing about journalism, about jirlistic about politics and american government something did i when i first arrived in washington back in 1990. television is a great medium but i need some time to step back, think a bit more and write better and enjoy it more. >> jon: great to have you. as a colleague we are honored. thanks for being tonight, major, good luck to you. >> all the best, jon. >> jon: seep you around the white house. >> thank you. >> jon: as we mentioned that jobs report major was talking about was better than economists predicted and the markets seemed to like it. in fact, the dow back in positive territory for the year. it jumped more than 100 points today to close above 10,400. the nasdaq up more than 30 points and the s&p gaining 14. security scare in miami as a man who was once caught transporting the bubonic plague attracted some attention from screeners. we will tell you what he had in his bag that forced them to clear passengers clear out of airport. plus, a warning from a major terrorist group. attacks are come to the united states and soon. details ahead from the journalists of fox news, this is "the fox report." [ male announcer ] millions of men 45 and older just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t. c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. while i was building my friendships... my family... while i was building my life... my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why my doctor prescribed crestor. she said plaque buildup in arteries... is a real reason to lower cholesterol... and that, along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol... it raises good. crestor is also proven to slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. crestor isn't for everyone, like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. you should tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. while you've been building your life, plaque may have been building in your arteries. ask your doctor if crestor can help and go to to get a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> jon: a new threat from the pakistani taliban terror group that attacks are coming very soon. the warning reportedly comes from one of the group's commanders who says attackers are planning to hit both the united states and europe. this just days after the state department announced a 5-million-dollar reward for the pakistani taliban's boss. after washington officially added the group to a list of foreign terror organizations. the taliban commander who threatened new attacks says washington is just showing everyone that the u.s. is scared. a guy once charged with transporting the bubonic plague caught with another suspicious item and it shut down most of miami international airport for hours. security screeners spot ago possible pipe bomb in the man's luggage last night. catherine herridge in our d.c. newsroom. what happened? >> thank you, jon. most of the airport was shut down after this suspicious metal canister was found in the suitcase. it was a t.s.a. screener, who first noticed the canister as it went through customs. the inspector ran the name on the luggage through their database and came up with that name dr. thomas butler traveling from the middle east. former law enforcement source telling fox that the container was, in fact, a legitimate experiment and that the u.s. attorney's office agreed there was no federal violation, adding that everyone involved today, including the doctor, was extremely cooperative throughout, jon. >> jon: what's this about the plague? >> well, a law enforcement source here in washington did not dispute to me today that there was a connection between the scientists detained in miami and this incident seven years ago in texas with missing violation of bubonic plague, which is a severe and highly contagious bacterial infection. a frantic search for the vials ended when dr. thomas butler admitted a, quote, misjudgment when he didn't tell his boss that the vials had been accidently destroyed. the allegations of smuggling and illegally transporting deadly germs were not proving at his trial but he was found guilty of mislabeling samples of the plague that eventually were sent to africa. butler claimed at the trial fbi agents forced him into a series of admissions to calm the public. a law enforcement source said today that they wanted to emphasize that there was never any danger to the public at miami with this incident with dr. butler, jon. >> jon: catherine herridge in washington. thanks. >> you are welcome. >> jon: a strong early morning earthquake rattles parts of new zealand doing damage to major city there goggle gists say the magnitude 7.0 quake was centered outside of christchurch outside of new zealand. second largest city in the country. video from christ church shows extensive damage to several buildings and cars. police say they shut down the streets while they get a look at the wreckage there. so far, we have not heard any reports of serious injuries from the quake. fidel castro showing up in public in his full military uniform for the first time since he transferred pga power to his brother raoul four years ago. analysts say that could be a sign he is plotting a comeback. castro, speaking to students at the university of havana today, the biggest crowd he has faced since he came out of seclusion in july. the 84-year-old stepped down as president of cuba after a serious illness that reportedly almost killed him. for the first time we are hearing from a woman who survived a vicious acid attack. >> once i let it soak in, i could start to feel it burning through my flesh. like burning through a second layer of my skin. >> jon: did you hear that? she could feel the acid burning through her flesh. next, she recounts the attack and talks about what it means for her outlook on life. >> jon: a woman in can curfew says she was getting coffee and celebrating a new job when a stranger tossed acid in her face, burning her severely. seemed like senseless unbearablably cruel act. but the way the victim is handling it all it has become inspiration for many. this was bethany before the attack. doctors have placed a wrap over her entire face and head leaving holes only for eyes and mouth. >> i have ups and down and, you know, i think about what happened and i get frustrated and ask why. of course all the typical questions why did this happen to me? and then i'm okay. [crying] >> i'm sorry. >> jon: bethany was already hard of hearing and she credits the divine for ensuring the attack didn't blind her as well. trace gallagher explains. >> severely burned, heavily bandaged, bolstered by her parents, 28-year-old bethany storos talks for the first time about being viciously attacked. >> i can't let what she did to me wreck my life, you know? that is not fair. i can't, like, not do the things i love to do. and and let her wreck my life. >> this is what bethany looked like a few days ago then she stopped at a starbucks in vancouver, washington, when a woman she didn't know walked up to her and said hey, pretty girl, want to drink this? then threw acid into her face. >> it went through my clothes and instantly touched my shirt. i looked down and it just ripped through my shirt. it made holes in my shirt. so imagine that on your skin. so i could hear it zifling. once it hit me i could actually hear it bubbling and sizzling my skin. >> the burns cover most of her face but luckily she was wearing sunglasses. doctors say they may have saved her eyesight. and she had just bought them right before the attack. >> it's a miracle. because i mean, 20 minutes before, you know, i was in the i want to buy sunglasses today. that's like -- that's jesus for sure. i mean, you know, that's a miracle. >> but bethany is a known fighter. as a child she had two bouts of spinal meningitis and as a result lost part of her hearing. over the years she has learned to forget about what she doesn't have and focus on what she does have. >> i have an amazing family and friends that love me and i'm blessed. i'm trying to stay positive. i'm a happy person. i like making others laugh. i'm hilarious, i mean, hello. >> trace: she is suffering from second degree burns and some may be more severe. doctors believe they can repair the damage. bethany says in time she will forgive the woman who did this to her but for now she wants that woman captured so she does not do it to someone else. jon? >> jon: trace gallagher, thanks. new legal action in the case of the man who police say escaped a private person in arizona with the help of his fiancee, slash cousin. he could cost the state and prison millions of dollars. he broke out of facility in july and spent three weeks on the run. investigators say casslyn welch helped with the escape and took off with mccluskey. during their run police say mccluskey murdered this couple gary and linda ha samplet s now the mother of gary has filed 10-million-dollar claim against the state of arizona and owners of the prison from which he escaped. mccluskey and welch are both in jail facing murder charges. he says he was just trying to honor his grandparents who died of cancer. but one student's tribute could get him suspended. that's coming up on "the fox report." >> jon: and hurricane earl not done with the east coast just yet. you're looking at live pictures of long beach, new york, where surfers from around the world have arrived to take advantage of the waves. the storm is now heading north. live team fox coverage in our top story at the bottom of the hour. hi. well, this is where it all starts at regions. where we build each of our customers a better banking experience. here, we're working on something really special in our family department. hey, mike. hey, sam. (rings bell) bell works. love that bell! regions recognizes the unique needs of families. and we want to make sure you have exactly what you need - from the right checking account, to a mortgage, to loans for just about anything. those are for the kids, mike. so if you're ready for a bank that can give your family the financial freedom you want, switch to regions. jon jon there are, of course, lots of ways to quit smoking, use patches, gum, coloring books. indonesian toddler quit his pack a day after a psychologist figured how to distract him withdrawing and play time. he burned up the internet a few months ago. every time they would try to get him to quit he threw a tantrum. the psychologists tried to figure out how to distract the toddler. the boy has stopped asking for cigarettes. >> jon: cool critters now and sharks finding themselves a feast in the waters off australia. that dark mass is actually a big school of fish about to get attacked by a whole swarm of sharks. they saw more than 100 sharks going in for the kill here. you can actually see the fish opening up a path for the sharks trying to get out of the way as the predators come looking for a meal. i'm jon scott in for shepard smith. this is "the fox report." it's the bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news. hurricane earl storming towards new england at this hour. the storm now a category 1 with winds up around 80 miles per hour. not as powerful as it was when it hit north carolina but make no mistake, the storm is still dangerous and it is still capable of doing some damage. officials in plymouth, massachusetts had prisoners sandbagging some areas to try to prevent flooding. amtrak had to suspend train service between new york and boston when a tree fell across some electrical lines. already a lot of headaches and still hurricane earl is on the move. we have team fox coverage with rick reichmuth tracking the storm and the fox extreme weather center. first though to david lee miller live in newport road, island, david, any signs of the storm there? >> well, you know, jon, at this very hour there is very little rain and there is -- very little wind and no rain whatsoever. we did see heavy bands of rain pass through earlier today and showers. there is a lot of anxiety as the state of rhode island waits for the arrival of the storm. earlier today the governor said that it looked like the state going to dodge a bullet that said, the state is still expecting gusts of about 40 miles per hour, three inches of rain, possibly more along the i-95 corridor. and that has raised concern that there could be flooding along a major interstate. another significant concern today is that the heavy winds, 40 mile-per-hour gusts are still significant could knock down tree limbs and that could knock down power lines. they have at least 100 crews on stand by to restore power if they are needed. lastly, they do expect the sun to come out by tomorrow morning. they expect this storm to move very quickly through the area. authorities also warn that after earl is gone the threat of rip tides here will remain. >> jon? >> jon: how bad do they think it might get there? >> they think it's going to be far less than was first feared. as i mentioned, they do expect these wind gusts to get up to about 40 miles per hour. one of the things that the authorities have done here is that the u.s. coast guard has closed the ports. ship owners here have, in many cases, taken their ships to safe harbor. others have made sure that those ships are secure. but people here are hoping for the best but prepared for the worst. jon? >> jon: david lee miller, thanks. we have been watching hurricane earl skim most of the east coast as it moves. that means a small shift in one direction or another could mean a big difference in weather. so we go to our chief meteorologist, rick reichmuth, to see what happens next. he is live in our fox extreme weather center, rick? >> for sure we are going to see the storms stay offshore. that's good news. you get winds 40 miles per hour and you think that might not be that big of a deal. the problem we have right now all the trees --s still have leaves. we will see trees topping bling down on power lines causing power outages. cold front making it move off quickly to the northeast. northeast is the official track of it now instead of more toward the north angle. the center of the storm right around here continue to pull off towards the northeast and skip the nantucket area and skip cape cod. take a look at this very heavy rain moving in across portions of eastern long island and that will move toward the southeastern area of massachusetts. still see some winds maybe 60 mile-per-hour at times and officially as it makes kind of its close rest approach tonight, probably knocked down to a strong tropical storm. take a look at this, by the time we get to tomorrow afternoon, it is long gone. and in the wake of this, we're going to see much colder air move. in we have been dealing with extreme heat across the eastern seaboard. five days with temperatures above the 90's. check this out. 60's and 70s. 62 in buffalo for a high for your saturday. it's going to feel like fall for much of this weekend. jon? >> jon: rick reichmuth, thanks. to the war in afghanistan now where the defense secretary says he is seeing signs of progress. robert gates visits kandahar where u.s. troops are trying to take back the taliban strong hold. he says he is encouraged the president's new strategy is working but this is far from a done deal. >> there is a loft hard fighting to go, but the confidence of these young men and women that they can be successful in turn gives me confidence. >> jon: gates telling the troops they know better than anyone there will be more tough days ahead. a shopper fights off a gunman in a wal-mart parking lot. our top story on a fox trip across america. texas, a 56-year-old woman finishes shopping near houston. as she gets in her car, a man points a gun at her and she fights back. >> she struggled with her attacker, obtained a pistol from her center console of the vehicle. >> jon: the man grabs her purse, runs back to his vehicle and a get away driver speeds away. >> i need to report a shooting that's happening out in our parking lot. >> she fires at them five times. the woman says she hit the van at least once. more importantly, she got a license plate number. at last check, police still looking for the suspect. arizona, a mattress factory catches fire in phoenix, sending smoke across the downtown area. officials say it took 40 firefighters to protect surrounding buildings. we're told there were no injuries and no word on the cause. california. rockland high school student hunter cooper facing disciplinary action for wearing a breast cancer awareness bracelet at school, then refusing to turn it over. it reads i heart boobies. cooper's mother gave him the bracelet in honor of his grandparents both of them who died of cancer. >> my grandmother passed away before i met her though but i have learned tons of stories and i love her from what i heard. >> the school demand he take it off. >> if it said i love boobies, yeah it's inappropriate for school. >> the problem came when the student refused to give up the bracelet. the principal gave him choice of saturday school or on campus suspension. the family plans to appeal the punishment. that's a fox watch across america. >> jon: the texas attorney general reportedly investigating whether google's web search rankings are fair. regulators from washington to europe along with google's competitors say they fear the internet giant has too much control over where people go online. google reports it's goal is to give users the best result and not every web site can be on top. social networking site facebook launching a new security feature to keep intruders out of people's accounts. it let's users see if they're logged into their account on different computers and if so log off remotely. users will find the option in the account tab. electronics company samsung showing off answer to the ipad. it's called the geax galaxy tab. it runs on android operating system. it includes a touch screen and takes memory cards. arizona governor jan brewer has been anything but camera shy lately, especially when it comes to defending her state's controversial immigration law. so why did she freeze for what seemed like an eternity during a televised debate? the governor's explanation next. and one of america's best known labor unions offering jobs to unemployed americans. so why do critics call it a stunt to gain sympathy for illegal immigrants? details ahead on "the fox report." no, over there, we've just gotta keep going to the left. what's your deal with going left? 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[ male announcer ] in these changing times, the name on your medicare health plan may be more important than ever. choose a company you can depend on. [ woman ] life's too short to worry about health care. i hate to worry. i like things i can depend on. [ male announcer ] don't spend life wondering about your medicare coverage. talk to securehorizons today to get the answers you need. call now. just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t. c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. jan brewer . >> jon: the next day the governor talked about what was going on in her head during that painful pause. >> that was the longest seconds in my life at one time. you know, it was a brain freeze. it was, you know, i just -- i'm human and i just blanked out. >> jon: she just blanked out. after the debate governor brewer went silent again when reporters asked her if she was going to retract the statement she had made about headless bodies being found in the desert. the local newspaper found that story to be false. brewer has not retracted the statement but she has said she will not take part in any more debates before the election. >> jon: on the job hunt this evening, a major american labor union now offering to help unemployed americans get work. but the union is the united farm workers of america. the jobs, the kind that usually go to illegal immigrants and the job offer? causing some controversial. claudia cowan live tonight in san francisco. claudia? >> jon, in response to calls to crack down on illegal immigration, the ufw has launched the take our jobs gain. the critics call it a political stunt designed to push an open border agenda, but union leaders say they are trying to show americans what migrant farm workers do and they are giving anyone looking for work the chance to train for jobs in the field. so far only a handful of people have taken the union up on its offer. organizers say that's because of the back breaking labor and difficult working conditions. >> the fact that you are going to be working out in the hot sun, it's going to be 100 degrees plus there no ire conditioning out there. oftentimes there is no shade for the workers. if they're not ready to tolerate those kind of conditions. >> critics argue those conditions and wages are perpetuated by the influx of cheap mexican labor. securing the border would labor shortage driving up wages and sparking competition to get even the toughest farm worker jobs. >> there are no jobs that people won't do. there is only wages that people won't accept. if we saw some fair wages with farm workers, we would probably see more americans lining up for these jobs. >> of course, those, quote, fair wages would mean significant price hikes for american produce, leaving stores and shoppers to choose between cheap fruits and vegetables from south of the border or higher priced goods picked by their neighbors. in this economy, the union says that's no choice at all. but critics say it's a small price to pay for putting americans back to work and securing the border, jon? >> jon: thanks. a fox urgent, investigators releasing the emergency calls from the hostage crisis at discovery channel earlier this week. chief fox report correspondent jonathan hunt with the news live in the newsroom. jonathan? >> jon, these tapes give us a dramatic glimpse into exactly how that hostage crisis unfolded both for the police who were attending it and for the civilians who were witnesses to it. first of all, we heard a lot on the police radio, including this from an officer who described what appeared to be a bomb strapped to james j. lee, listen. >> minibackpack, like two canisters on the outside, looks like a propane bottle on the inside, two coffee cans surrounded by propane canister, flashing light left hand almost like a death grip, red loom news life continuously flashing, same thing on the front strapped around his waist. >> of course, jon that did turn out to be one of several pipe bombs that james j. lee was carrying. we also heard on tapes from witnesses who called in including this woman describing what she saw. listen again. >> yeah, i mean, i saw some men on the ground. somebody on the ground. i'm across the street and i see a security guard with his hands in the air. there was a man like on his stomach. now they just made the other security guard from behind the desk get on his stomach as well. >> all in all, james j. lee took three hostage during what was, of course, an hours' long stand off with police on wednesday afternoon. two of those hostage were discovery employees. the other was a security guard. and police moved in ultimately, jon, you will remember when those three hostage began to make a break for it the police said they heard a pop and they heard james j. lee shouting. at that point they decided they had no choice but to take action because they believed the lives of the hostage may be in danger. so they moved in and they shot james j. lee dead. the hostage all got out. it's not clear at this stage of which them was leading that escape attempt, but we do know that the security guard who was involved in that was actually a military veteran and had served in iraq, jon. all three of those hostage, of course, got out completely unharmed. nobody else who was in that building during this whole terrifying crisis that unfolded on wednesday afternoon was hurt either. james j. lee, of course, shot dead by the police. jon? >> jon: jonathan hunt in the newsroom. thanks. a fire sent more than a dozen oil rig workers into the gulf of mexico. now that they are safely out, the company is searching for signs of a leak. ahead, what they say they found. plus, steelers quarterback ben roethlisberger got a six game suspension after a sexual assault investigation in georgia. will he be stuck on the bench for the whole stretch? the nfl commissioner's decision coming up on "the fox report." desperate for nighttime heartburn relief? for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. and for the majority of patients with prescription coverage for nexium, it can cost $30 or less per month. headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are possible side effects of nexium. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. ask your doctor if nexium can help relieve your heartburn symptoms. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> the coast guard reporting it has not found any signs of an oil leak after the latest incident at an oil platform in the gulf. early reports described it as an explosion. although the company now says it was more of a fire. whatever it was, it sent all 13 rig workers into the water. they got out safely. adam housley with the news live in new orleans. adam, any word about what caused this thing? >> well, jon, we do know that the coast guard is conducting the ongoing investigation with that new regulatory agency that's been developed to watch offshore drilling. right now they are looking at what you are talking about. it was originally called an explosion. now they are leaning more towards a fire. we do know this, this t. didn't take place near the operations that were bringing the oil and the natural gas out of the sea floor. that's one reason why there has been no spillage reported so far, jon. >> jon: and the crews have removed the blow out preventer; is that right? >> well, blot-out preventer was from the deep water horizon explosion, an incident that happened five months ago. that's a big event, too. we have live pictures coming from the bottom of the sea as they move that massive blow out preventer up to the top as part of the ongoing investigation into that incident, again, five months ago. to give you an idea how massive this thing is, it's going to take 24 to 36 hours to bring that to the surface. it's a couple of stories high. it's more than a million pounds, jon, there are investigators waiting at the surface of the water, ready to take that thing into custody as that investigation continues. now we have, again, two here in the gulf. the good news is the one yesterday, no major injuries. and no environmental disaster like we saw with the deep water horizon. jon? >> jon: that is good news. adam housley, thanks. the latest series of terror attacks in pakistan has left dozens of people dead as that country deals with crippling floods. officials reported bombings into two locations. plistles say one attack killed at least 43 people. the pakistani taliban claimed responsibility for the bombings. the united states just designated that group a terrorist organization earlier this week. the iranian government holding rallies across the country making clear who is an enemy and who is a friend. our top story as we go around the world in 80 seconds. iran. [chanting] >> jon: the crowds taking to the streets nationwide to protest against israel and in support of the palestinians. the protests take place every year and the government backs them. president mahmoud ahmadinejad joining the demonstrators chanting death to america. death to israel. he also condemned the mideast peace talks in washington this week and urged palestinians to keep fighting. germany, someone set nine cars on fire in hamburg. authorities say there are no reports of any injuries but we're told such arsons are an ongoing problem in the country. no word on specifically who is to blame. although officials say extreme left activists are likely responsible. indonesia. a volcano, quiet for more than four centuries, putting on quite a show. experts say powerful blasts shooting ash 10,000 feet in the air. many residents wearing surgical masks to protect themselves from ash that's covered nearby villages. japan, check out these twin giant pandas. they may not look so giant now. but they are just a few weeks old. keepers at the adventure world zoo say the brother and sister are doing well. zoo officials say the country now has 11 pandas in captivity and that's a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. hey, steelers fans, take heart. big ben won't be out of action quite as long as we all first thought. the nfl commissioner announcing he has reduced the quarterback suspension from six games to four for good behavior. the league punished ben roethlisberger in april for violating its personal conduct policy. if you remember, a college student in georgia accused roethlisberger of raping her at a nightclub. it was the second such accusation against him in a year. roethlisberger did not face charges in either case. a wild car chase caught on a police cruiser's dash camera. we have the just released video and wait until you see where this guy takes his truck. plus, we're just minutes away from a new update on hurricane earl. we'll have that from the fox extreme weather center. during the break, check out to see some of the damage earl has done already. click on the main hurricane story and you will see a slide show link on the picture there. throughout the day. so it's nice that clor disinfecting products help kill the germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. ♪ feels sweet when i can touch you ♪ on sone way i can take careurs. of my engine? take care of your engine and it'll go far. one a day men's -- a complete multivitamin for my overall health. plus now it supports my heart health and helps maintain healthy blood pressure. 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[ male announcer ] the award-winning mfp lineup from sharp. work without limits. from sharp. patience, son. ah! [ female announcer ] sometimes, you can get so much out of so little. woohoo! [ female announcer ] especially when it comes to charmin ultra soft. its ultra soft design is soft and absorbent. it has so much absorbency, you can use 7 sheets versus 28 of the leading value brand. so your family can get more out of less. mom's never gonna believe this one. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft. enjoy the go. >> jon: top stories coming up. first a police chase caught on tape and this one going off road. running a red light and losing one of his timplets he keeps going on the rim and heads off the road and eventually right on to a bike pack. the suspect finally endings up in a ditch. nobody hurt. the 40-year-old man now faces multiple charges including burglary and theft. updating some of our fox stories tonight, the unemployment rate up to 9.6% last month as the nation lost another 54,000 jobs. a scientist once charged with transporting the plague triggering a bomb square that shut down most of the miami airport for hours. metal canister turned out to be a legitimate experiment. hurricane earl heading up the east coast so. far some damage but no injuries. chief meteorologist rick reichmuth in the extreme weather center. rick? latest update coming in. up to 2 miles per hour. and it's also moving slightly more towards the east at this point. very heavy rain long island. moving in across parts of southeastern areas of massachusetts. good news is winds have come down to 7 a miles per hour. so barely hanging on to hurricane status. down to a tropical storm strength probably by the 11:00 advisory as it moves closest in and across the southeastern area of massachusetts. i want to talk about what else is out there. we have been looking at thee fiona and it's kind of disappeared it was right there headed toward bermuda. not going to cause many problems. jon, we have got another storm out there back across parts of the atlantic. that's it. it potentially reinvigorate and become gas ton again. we could be dealing with another hurricane by the time we get five to six days now. maybe sphwhr a similar track we saw to earl. we will be watching that. and behind that storm there is another wave coming off the coast of africa right now. we are dealing with a very active season. we are in the peak of it right about when we should be. >> jon: rick reichmuth, thanks. and on this day in 1777, the kant negligent army raised the american flag in battle for the first time during the revolutionary war. general william maxwell ordered his troops to raise the flag as they battled the british at kutc h's bridge, maryland. the original official flag of the united states had alternate 13 stripes and 13 white stars in a blue field. as legend has it betsy ross designed the stars in a circle for general george washington. of course the design would change just as the united states did over the years but the stars and the stripes first flew in battle 233 years ago today. and that's "the fox report" for friday, september 3rd, 2010. i'm jon scott in for shepard smith. thanks for having us into your home tonight. have a great labor day weekend, everyone. stay safe. the best of the factor is up next.