we're watching 100% right, in fact, he under played it and i have to say to myself all of the time is this the policy and then this story comes out about suzanne rice backeds up byst five different peoplore and shes maybe calling the shots behind scenes more than we'll ever knop and storley written bit bidene administration talk about her.t rice vented inth a note sheth scribbleatd detailing position r advocate whoib who believe a boa closure was compelling parents with unaccompany minors toco the border really -- she goes this is bs. what is leading to voluntary separation is our generosity to the unaccompany minors. so she knows the policy of come one come all is causing all kidi to come with sends into our country if they stack up they'rt like trumpry. they're going to abusing kids so eve this t o quickly disperse to sponsors who are qualified or vetted who get money for taking kids they don't care about. >> can i add one psa but why nog