nearest site where you can get a test most often and free. >> greg: that's our president. as far as the test, the white house says it has not finalized the contracts to buy them. once they do get the tests americans can go to a yet to be built government website to get them, because we know those work so well. so, dana, we were promised a winter of death, and now we have a winter of failure and incompetence. this guy had every opportunity to fast-track rapid testing and decided not to, and now we are stuck with this. >> dana: even during the trump administration that was not great, and that's what was supposed to help the biden administration itself, so they had ample warning. what makes me sad is when they said that they had no idea that omicron was going to be this way? you learn this in biology class, but we also knew because of what we had seen with delta. so it was, and i have people