>> jesse: chocolate one. >> lawrence: glazed. >> dagen: i ate a whole doddsen in one sitting. they are it was beat. it was a dare. >> jessica: that's more interesting. even though john did a great job. was the original doughnut round? if so claimed to inventing the ring shaped doughnut in 1847. that's a bit of history for you. i know the hat doesn't fit my hair is too big for it anyway, happy doughnut day. >> dagen: i shouldn't have picked this one. it looks like i stuck my face in gravel. >> jessica: it's cute. >> lawrence: vegetables on display. check out travis scott. he unveiled a new campus garden at houston elementary school. he presented the garden at young elementary school sunny side community. he was inspired by his grandmother's garden as she grew during his childhood. the rapper's nonprofit the purpose of young elementary said the garden will be used as a teaching tool to promote healthy