more casualties of the botched fast and furious operation. the man who left it is kenneth melton and is stepping down as the interim head of the a.t.f. they announce he is moving to office of policy where he is will be senior advisor on forensic science. and dennis burke, the u.s. attorney, pushed out after four others in the operation were reassigned. so this is a case of select few bearing the brunt for a plan gone wrong? we'll stay on top of it to bring you the latest. now to the top story tonight, the white house apparently is in panic mode, developing yet another jobs plan. andrea, you have a lot of experience in the press secretary world. we share that experience. if you had woken up this morning and read in the "washington post," not only that your boss is scrambling to come up with a plan, but that coming at the end of a summer of worsening economic news, sagging poll numbers you're trying to resuscitate the presidency and top aides have yet to reach an agreement on the major tenets of the plan that is supposed to be announced next week, what would you do? >> andrea: anytime the word "scramble" in s in a story about your boss and it doesn't have to do with what they ate for breakfast, you are in trouble. the white house did this very, very, in a sloppy fashion. it looks sloppy. i think the way he announced it before he went on vacation was mistake number one. you never, as you know, go to the press and say you have a plan without all the details of that plan hammered out. so look, i think that this has been a bigger theme for this administration. they seem to be able to not manage expectations. that is one of the biggest games of being in politics. this started in 2008 with his campaign arguably. he promised a certain level of unemployment. that was a specific number balanced budget. it went on from there. >> dana: now they promised -- this is a rumors out of leaks from somewhere at the white house, of a plan they will create 1 million jobs. where is the time frame? bob, if you were advising them would you tell them to back off on the specifics? >> bob: i would advise you all first of all to take what the "washington post" says with a grain of salt. number one. number two, obvious, it's always been my bible. the reality is that they haven't settled on all the things they need to do on the jobs issue. there is a lot of dissent in the white house about things to do. there is going to be almost certainly a tax break for business, businesses that hire people, a good idea. put a million people to work. we have ought cut taxes on payroll. for another year, guess who is opposed to that? the big tax cutting republicans. you know the more i look at this, every time obama comes up with a jobs plan, the republicans gut it and tea people are behind it. he can announce all he wants but the tea people and eric and rest of them will bum it out. dab >> dana: setting up the narrative that tea peek are unreasonable. >> bob: they are. >> dana: yesterday, there was an announcement that president obama will fill the position of council of economic advisors with someone who agrees with him. on most things though they will have a little problem in there is something -- >> eric: this is what is wrong with it, if i may. all he is doing is replacing a socialist economist with another socialist economist. >> dana: wait a minute. >> eric: here is a guy who crafted the auto bail-out, the cash for clunkers that was an epic fail. >> bob: tremendous success. >> eric: favor of more taxes in the vat tax. go down the list. he is exactly what peter orszag was, austan goolsbee was. >> dana: we can at least name him. alan -- >> eric: they are tax and spend liberals in the white house. it's not working. >> dana: greg has experience living under a vat tax. alan krueger if confirmed will be the new chief white house economist. he is talking about a vam tax, not in place of an income tax but on top of. >> greg: one of the sneakiest things you can do. overtime, they're probably right, you forget that there is a vat tax, because it's not there. it's like for them, they just think if you across the board put like 7% or 8% tax, you win. because no one will every notice. i got to tell you, president obama to me is adorable. he reminds me of me when i was in college. when you have that time you've got to cram for. and all of a sudden you wake up and go i never went to class and i have to do this final. he has to go to the campus bookstore and find a cliff's notes on the economy. he has to buy that. >> bob: you are talking about kool-aid mix, that means the value-added tax, it's a tax on goods. services as well. >> dana: it starts off on goods and it creeps in to services. in england now you pay 21% sales tax on your electricity. >> bob: my strongest advice is go for a flat tax that would pay off and have people have a choice. do the flat tax or current code? if you did that, people would opt more and more -- >> dana: that would be bold. >> andrea: it would. bob and i agree on flat tax. others would. it make sense but i don't think that is where the president will go. this plan, he is going to under the guise of tax credit credits, he demonizes corporate welfare. what he will likely do is create corporate welfare program. when he talks about the credit for businesses, dana, you know it's not just going to be all businesses. it's probably certain industries and certain regions of the country. watch, purely political. >> bob: talk about a payroll tax cut. >> andrea: credit for hiring. >> bob: why should they get any tax break? >> eric: talking about $5 billion hiring credit. >> bob: they shouldn't get it either. >> eric: $50 million infrastructure bank. $50 billion in -- here is why, because it has to pass through the super committee. you have to come up with $120 billion in spending cuts somewhere else to pay for this. you know thisch >> bob: do you not think we have infrastructure problem in this country? >> eric: yes, we do. we had 830, or $850 billion in stimulus supposed to take care of the problem. >> bob: $325 billion with the tax breaks for businesses. >> greg: the thing that drives me nuts how it's been a year since cash for clunkers, how some say it's a success. >> bob: it was. >> greg: a complete failure. it took cars that were going to be purchased any way out of the deal. people just ended up not buying cars later. >> bob: outside the cars -- >> greg: no. no, no, no, no. it shifted the sales so people bought during promotion and cars they were going to buy later were never purchased. >> eric: the month after the program ended was lower, the sales, auto sales were lower than before the program started. >> bob: barack obama saved the automobile industry in this country, saved it. single-handedly. >> dana: wait, they blamed bush for that. >> bob: bush started it. give him some credit for that. now we have viable automobile industry we would haven't had without barack obama. >> greg: god bless the volt. >> dana: one other thing we want to get to, this last month in july was the highest consumer spending in five months. but today, some of the lowest consumer confidence numbers came out. how do you reconcile those two things? >> andrea: people aren't feeling confident. consumer confidence level is at the lowest point since bob beckel's glory days, that of the carter administration when bob thought the world, everything was going great. the only person in the country. >> greg: he can't remember that. he has no memory. >> bob: there is something to be said about that. >> andrea: the rest of americans weren't smiling there is one positive economic indicator, but still, the consumer confidence is the biggest. people aren't feeling good. >> bob: why did you have to combine the two of those, dana? i was going to end on the great news that we have the best consumer confidence spending in the last five months and big deal and that drives the economy. of course, you had to combine it with other piece of eric crap statistic. >> eric: here it is. a one-month increase in consumer spending. but can't say with confidence that a two-year drop to 44 -- >> dana: it is, what it is. >> eric: massive drop. massive drop. >> bob: i think we should have led the show with the fact that consumers have spent more than they did, more than in five months, a big deal. the consumer drive this economy. made the turn. coming back. >> andrea: why is it relevant? >> bob: growing the economy. >> andrea: every economic indicator is negative. bob finds one little sparkle that doesn't mean that much is this how you pick your women? everything is bad about them, but bob says nice earrings. who cares if she's crazy. >> dana: i don't think -- >> bob: you are the only republican that does, by the way. republicans are waiting for bad unemployment numbers, bad other numbers. they just want everything to be bad. if there was two good numbers in one month eric would be apoplectic. >> eric: you used that word three days in a row. get another one. >> dana: we'll get another one and move on. >> bob: only one i know. >> dana: we'll be apoplectic later. we have talked about president obama's jobs plan and next we discuss the republicans' proposal and what we think of that. e-mail us, too. we love to hear your comments. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> eric: welcome back to "the five." new housing numbers out today. they're grim. all 20 metro areas showing year over year price declines indicating that the economy is still in danger of falling back in to recession. that has president obama takes his sweet time to announce his jobs plan. meanwhile, house republicans are wasting no time unveiling their own version of a jobs proposal. the focus, eliminate job, killing overreaching regulation and tax reductions. dana, the jobs program they put out, house republicans put out focuses a lot on the epa, removing the overreaching regulation of the epa. sounds good to me. >> dana: right. i think that the outline they put out today was decent. a lot had to do with energy. energy is a driving force of any economy. we do need to get a grip here in america on regulations. we can have clean coal. we can have decent pipelines that are environmentally friendly. we can drill responsibly in places that want it like mexico, gulf of alaska, northcadaco the for gas and shale. that's some so the sanity they want to bring to the process. >> eric: seven epa regulation, two nb rollback and repeal of part of obamacare. it sounds like a job -- it is a job create progress pose sal. one we hadn't heard from the obama administration. >> bob: of course you hadn't talked about the 1200 regulations that obama has done away with. i was on the edge of my seat waiting for this republican jobs plan. you know what? it's the same crap i been listening to for ten years. taxes on the rich people, do away with regulations, cut the epa. >> dana: that's not -- >> bob: wait, there is nothing new. nothing new. nothing. >> dana: did you read it? >> bob: i did. >> dana: where does it say tax cut for rich people. >> bob: it says tax cuts. what do you think it means. >> eric: it's for businesses. not rich people. for businesses. >> bob: i see. >> andrea: the democrats haven't had a new idea since the '30s. >> greg: one idea they get from the republican is tax relief spurs growth in tough times. both plans have tax relief in them. i said this the first week of the show, if tax relief is good for tough times, why can't it be good for all times? you don't just take vitamins in the winter. you take them all the time, bob. >> bob: we're talking about the tax break on payroll taxes. that's what he is talking about. the obscene tax cut for rich people. >> dana: that is not fair. everybody got tax cut in 2001. >> bob: wealthier people got more. >> dana: they pay more taxes. >> bob: they shouldn't get tax cut. >> dana: you can have the comprehensive tax reform discussion, but it's not fair to say only rich got tax cut. everybody did. it's relative. >> andrea: the president said he is in favor of cutting the corporate tax. a lot of members of the party are backing off this raise taxes. steny hoyer came out today and said no taxes, we're not raising taxes and we shouldn't. >> bob: not talking about raising taxes. by the way, not a single corporation in this country that pays 35% in taxes. >> andrea: all you want to do is talk about raising taxes. >> bob: i don't, except for on wealthy people. >> eric: last year he signed extension of the bush tax cut going forward and they said this is not a time to raise taxes is this a time to raise taxes with 14 million people out of work? >> greg: this is what you do in tough times, this is what you do all the time. the mistake that obama made was announcing he had a plan. you don't tell a coworker you are going to ask your boss for a raise. then your coworker will do the same thing and around the same time, perhaps before. >> eric: we are getting leaks that the jobs plan will surround the green jobs, green initiative. how do these things get leak and why? >> dana: part is they're floating outside out there you check out a trial balloon and say how is this going to go over? find out how you'd react, how bob would react and figure somewhere maybe we can find middle ground. their problem is their reputation on green jobs has eroded. they should just talk about jobs. if they happen to be in clean energy sector that is great. alan krueger the new chief economist at the white house, or will be, it's interesting that he also says that raising taxes decreases economic activity. you don't want to do that in a recession. that is not what the democrats are saying. >> bob: nobody disagrees with that. democrats bought into it, except for me on wealthy people. >> dana: the name is barack obama. >> bob: you say it's leak and that's why. the plans, you send out different feelers out. 70% of what you read in the paper today will not be in the plan. the republicans put the plan out first. if you want to call that piece of garbage a plan now the nice thing about it is obama has a chance to compare himself to it. >> andrea: i think republicans should have waited. >> bob: exactly they should have. >> andrea: let president obama go first. i think they won't steal his thunder. same with the presidential candidates. mitt romney should have waited then he could have rebutted after. until after, from the p.r. stand point. >> greg: too many plans. >> andrea: the eric cantor plan does make sense. some of the regulation he is is talking about, repealing ozone. 7.3 million jobs there. the president came out today and is fighting with john boehner about regulation. >> eric: alan krueger is also a procap-and-trade guy. that is an alarming thing for american businesses. >> bob: why? >> eric: because, bob. >> bob: when will we get over for feeling so bad about the american business and worry about the american workers. >> dana: when they start hiring. >> bob: they should be hiring. they have money in the bank and they don't use it for anything except to give the rich investors money. >> eric: fat cat, millionaire and billionaire -- >> bob: it's not -- >> eric: coming up, rick perry on social security and the latest poll numbers and a possible democratic challenger to president obama. what? all the top news you need to know next on "the five." ♪ ♪ nationwide insurance, what's up ? what's vanishing deductible all about ? guys, it's demonstration time. let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductle. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100. where am i going, carl ? the next year... that was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side @ ♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪ ♪ hah @ ♪ ♪ >> bob: welcome back to "the five." i was going to ask, bob, people are twittering me or whatever it's called going do you believe the stuff you say? the answer is yes. someone should tell dear old rick perry to think before he talks. >> greg: you may be the person to tell him. >> bob: yes, i can. he made comments about social security. he said, "it's a ponzi scheme for the young people. the idea that they are working and paying in to social security today, that the current program is going to be there for them is a lie. it's a monsterrous lie on this generation. we can't do that to them." no, rick, what you say is a lie. let's go to -- listen, rick perry in two weeks called the head of the federal reserve a traitor, he has got himself in some bad financial contribution schedule in texas. the guy is now, he has now said this about a ponzi scheme. dana gave him cover the other day and said he wrote it in a book a year ago. he just repeated it. good idea. >> andrea: regular, bob beckel. >> bob: would you elect bob beckel president? >> greg: i would. >> dana: let me set the record straight. it wasn't saying it for cover. i was saying he wrote it last year. not 20 years ago. >> greg: what is wrong with what he said? the definition of a ponzi scheme is getting in early so you get your return from other people who come in after you. that is social security. >> eric: not only that, it's not social security but the whole budget. the federal government. there is supposed to be $2.3 there in the social security trust fund. right? >> bob: yes. >> eric: how much is in there? >> bob: $2.3 trillion. >> eric: remember "dumb and dumber"? it's the same thing. ponzi scheme. we hope the treasury will pay off. >> bob: i spent my career scaring people to death about social security. i never believed when we said it. it's not true now. the kids will get all the social security. guest the up side is you were lying before. >> bob: that was to get votes and get my mother to go to the polls. what do you want to move on to? sorry. >> andrea: i think what rick perry said is true. speaking from someone who will by the time it's projected may be collecting social security benefits. by 2017, social security will be, not pay out more than it collects. you have 80 million baby boomers coming in the system. 2037, it will be drained. you have to do something about it. >> bob: i have a crying towel out for you. we have to talk about romney versus perry. talk about dumb and dumber. there is a lot of heat coming down between the two of them. >> eric: you are so bad. >> bob: now, finally, romney decided that perry is a real serious obstacle and started to take him on a little bit. >> eric: don't we have the animation, every time you say something smart it comes true a couple days later. we have a big genie hat thing on? didn't we all say rick perry was the real deal? we held up the rick perry face. he is the real deal. >> dana: that wasn't the question, though. the question is whether or not romney thinks that rick perry is a more serious threat? >> eric: are you kidding me? he is 30%-something to 17%. take him seriously. >> bob: start taking shots at him. >> andrea: he has to. >> greg: if you look at romney it's the look when you leave the mall and you can't find your car. he can't find the campaign. where did his car go? >> bob: do you know how many cars i lost in parking lots. >> andrea: you lost one on saturday. >> bob: i did. what are you saying he has to do it now. realistically -- >> andrea: he needs to take shots immediately to stay alive. romney has to. i know he didn't from a tactical perspective, he wants to not stick his head out of there and hopes to get through the caucuses and be okay. >> dana: one of the way he can do it is through a proactive punch. on tuesday, next week, week from today, governor romney, candidate for president will unveil his plan for jobs and it will be detailed. in some ways you can say i been here and i've done it in business and i can lead this country forward. he doesn't have to take pot shots at perry all the time. >> bob: the pot shot at perry he called him a career politician. we have don't need career politicians. one of perry's major arguments for him is he created all the jobs in texas, again was a lie. it was done by the oil industry. leaving that aside, romney's main pitch is he was a job creator. he has a problem here. if rick perry steals that from him, what does he have to run on? nothing. >> greg: hair. >> eric: you have a glass chin, you don't pick a fight, right? romney has all the skeletons in the closet if he wants to pick a fight with perry, perry opens the closet and says there is obamneycare. >> andrea: it will happen eventually when they address each other head on. start early, especially if your campaign is flailing like romney's is. >> bob: if you opened up perry's closet it would sound like the boston pops at the fourth of july. are you kidding me? you never heard the boston pops? >> eric: trying to figure out the analogy. >> bob: never mind, never mind. it usually gets last for people who are tuned in. they told me i had to tease. okay, producer, i will. stay with "the five." because we have more on 2012, the republicans. so much news to cover, including michele bachmann. yes, another story! crossover sport and the white house response to rue mars that hillary clinton is planning 2012 run. watch this one. ♪ ♪ ♪ ooh baby, looks like you need a little help there ♪ ♪ ooh baby, (what) can i do for you today? ♪ [ feme announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis, a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive syst. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. i'm shannon bream in washington. we're going to look at 2012 politicians tonight on "special report." mitt romney spoke to the veterans of foreign wars in texas. his main rival in the g.o.p. presidential race, texas governor rick perry was there monday. president obama spoke to a different group of veterans today, the american legion. he is getting ready to unveil his jobs agenda. we will have a preview. heads are rolling from operation fast and furious. the failed government gun trafficking plan. we'll get an update from los angeles on that. we've got two stories about the upcoming 9/11 anniversary. the administration issued guidelines about memorial services and we examine the legal situation of cocon sponnors. hurricane irene's effect is still being felt. we a live report from where flooding is a big problem. "special report" sorts at 6:00 eastern. for now, we take you back to "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> andrea: welcome back to "the five." we're still talking 2012. one rumor circulating this election and every election is whether or not hillary clinton will challenge barack obama in the democratic party. jay carney yesterday was asked about just that. >> my question, why is the president certain hillary won't run against him? >> you win the award for originality today. >> running away from the question. can you guarantee that, are you sure hillary is not going to run? >> you have to ask her. we're fairly confident that we need to focus on the task at hand. >> greg: helen thomas looks great. [ laughter ] >> dana: i some sympathy for jay carney in that. it's usually in the briefing room and gets a question toward the end of the briefing. you are running out of air speed and altitude and you get to him. no, she is not running. >> andrea: has to be this question, they're sick and tired of anxiousing because there is no truth to it, right? hillary is not going to run. >> bob: that guy covered the civil war. that is his problem. >> greg: ages. >> bob: i take that eat all the time. hillary clinton is not going to challenge barack obama. she may if he wins re-election go in 2016 or not. the idea, people have to understand if you have ever been in presidential campaign you understand this. the amount of time to get things done between now and 60 days from now is impossible. >> andrea: he controls the party infrastructure. and the money. >> eric: you know may do it for the heck of it for whatever, giggles? dennis kucinich. you have see him on fox news earlier taking serious shot. a libya congressman. >> andrea: there is trouble. new cnn poll shows one in four democrats would like someone to challenge the president. they say 27% of democrats want a different nominee than president obama. 72% want him renominated. trouble on the horizon? >> greg: those people are racistists. >> bob: those are the 27%, for those who consider him is a socialist are liberals who think he went too far to the center. myself included. >> greg: i think they are racists. >> bob: that is something to take back and be quiet about it. they're labor, they are organized women's groups, latino groups and liberal groups that are -- >> andrea: it seem like all the constituencies. that elected him. >> bob: no. a lot more people elected him. >> greg: why can't i call them racists? >> bob: i love you but i'm trying to bail you out. if you are digging a hole, give me the shuttle. >> andrea: some are disgruntle and they will find support in michele bachmann, so says he she. she said she is winning crossover support from the disgruntled democrats and independents. her campaign gave us a similar evidence that people have been coming up to them saying yeah, we're involved in politics for the first time because of michelle. no real support. pollsters saying the same thing, independents favor perry, romney and paul over bachmann. >> dana: maybe her internal poll show shows that. can you think of a person who did not vote for president obama in 2008 that would vote for him in 2012? the white house has to hold on to everybody they can. because there will be crossover voters. there are some democrats that decide they're done with obama and can't vote for republicans and they stay home. >> greg: when she is talking over about crossover appeal i thought she was talking about dead people. >> bob: you'd be the expert at that. i know she never used drugs in her life or i'd accuse her of having a flashback. the idea a democrat would volt for that woman is crazy. >> andrea: ronald reagan did it. >> bob: ronald reagan. i knew ronald reagan. he was a friend of mine. she ain't no ronald reagan. >> andrea: you might not like her politics but people like her hair. she has a coveted hairstyle, that jennifer aniston once had that people are sought after. and in the -- joanna malloy said she called her stylist and even the liberal clients are request the bachmann look. praising her for the looks but same story it looks like -- >> bob: motorcycle helmet. >> andrea: $vii 00 on hair and makeup. more scrutiny of female candidate. >> dana: i don't care how much she spends on hair and makeup she has a flattering haircut. i'm sure what happens is when a liberal woman wants her haircut, she will go in and say now i don't agree with a thing she says. and i don't like -- i used to get. i can't stand your boss, but i love your hair. and where do you get your haircut? it's kind of -- it's a nice little point to score. >> eric: where does biden get his haircut? >> greg: implanted. >> bob: not a single one of my dates ever asked for her hairstyle. >> greg: they ask for other things. i have to say this. this is such a stupid article. where a reporter is looking for an idea no research. they just called somebody up. that's all they did. >> dana: i don't know, i think the hair is flattering. >> andrea: i take her hair. >> greg: the haircut is great but the story itself is stupid. >> bob: what "the five" be without bachmann story? >> andrea: we talked about joe biden's hair and al gore. coming up, just when you think you have heard all the global warming hysteria out there, a new report links it to mental illness. yes, greg will give you his take on "the five" up next. >> bob: which makes sense. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back to "the five." >> new report suggests that climb change could lead to mental illness. the sydney morning herald noticed one and five people report emotional injury, stress and despair after extreme weather they link to climate change. a lot of global warming science looks like this. hypothetical design to foster guilt, fear and grant money. let's be clear. emotional injury and stress are not mental illness. normal responses to bad stuff like natural disasters. the real mental illness comes from other factors. the study seems to imply if you were a little more green, people wouldn't be so ill. so it makes me think climate change doesn't cause mental illness. mental illness causes climate change hysteria. or the harmful chicken little mentality causes panic prone ph.d.s to lead to junk science like this. think about everything we're told that is caused by global warming. acne, bea sting, cannibalism. here is a list. >> it seeps going. hysteria has hellish fantasy thatted aals the brain of the believers no wonder that al gore lost it. >> we have to win the conversation in some climate. they have become incorrect to use the word. [bleep] >> greg: you know what bugs me? we're laughing at this but this is a gross idea that we are linking mental illness, which is a real problem to natural disasters hypothetically caused by climate change. this is insulting with people are real problems, real mental illnesses. >> eric: insulting that al gore comes out with that. if you don't believe in global warming you're a racist? what? c'mon, al. he has clearly lost it. >> greg: you believe in the link, don't you? >> bob: all i can say is -- what was that? my attempt at doing it myself. before the producer yelled at me. listen, i happen to believe on a serious note that global warming is in the only real, it's changed the dynamics of the planet. it's caused a lot of these things, like a lot of the natural disasters and people do get bummed out as a result of that. there are lasting post tra maltic stress from it. you can laugh it off. >> greg: i'm not laughing it off. i think it's laughing at people with serious problems. >> bob: only on this show you could get this many people on the flat earth. >> eric: you are making an exchange to climate change -- >> andrea: but obama is a natural disaster and he bums people out. >> bob: nice shot. >> andrea: why do liberals never want to focus on mental illness? it's serious. we have the arizona shooting and rather than talk about the fact that jared loughner has a serious mental illness, they blame it on guns. now again they blame climate change on -- bob every single piece, serious -- >> bob: every single serious piece of mental illness in the congress was passed by democrats and opposed by republicans. >> dana: wait, that is not true. president bush signed that bill. i was there. >> bob: passed by democrats. >> dana: the republicans were in the majority. let's the facts on that. not fair. >> bob: the ted kennedy bill -- do you remember -- >> andrea: that is the one he sign. >> bob: i'm sure he signed it because it's a law. but somehow that republicans care about -- >> eric: dana, trying to convince bob that president bush was more in global warming than we think. >> dana: no, i didn't say that. what i said is i said you can agree that there is global warming. you might not agree that it -- you might not know if it's caused directly by humans. what i don't understand is why they don't channel the energy to getting something done and construct it. i don't know why al gore all of a sudden is back out of the closet. he was in a box? legacy was better? then all of a sudden he's crazy for four months. >> bob: he has overreacted but he the leading spokesperson on global warming. >> andrea: bob, are you happy about the fact he's the spokesperson for global warming? >> bob: yes, i am. by the way, 99.9% of the people don't agree with you. not the other way around. massive majority -- >> eric: bob, even greg -- >> bob: even greg believes this crap. >> greg: bob, calm down. calm down. i want to talk about something that is far more important than all of this. that is the new cast of "dancing with the stars." i don't even know why we waited this long for this. amazing, do you know who is on? carson kressley, chaz bono, i love him. china phillips, david arquette. you are thrilled, aren't you? >> eric: the big one. the big one. >> greg: my favorite. bob, nancy grace. she is going to grace the floor. >> bob: can you imagine if she stepped on your foot while you were dancing? i mean, why doesn't she stick to courtrooms? she had a run. what was that woman's name? >> greg: i know where you are going. >> bob: never mind. >> greg: yeah. >> bob: the one you like so much. nancy grace got to be a big deal because she covered a bunch of stick crime stories. now she is dancing. fine. let her do the twist. >> andrea: i think liberalism causes mental illness. >> greg: i think on this point. >> bob: who is teasing? greg has a tease. >> greg: i'll do it. unless you want to do it. >> bob: i'll do it. every day i can't come up with an original idea. deprive someone to do it for me. wait. no, that's what one ohio lawmaker is doing. "the five" continues next. thank you, greg! ♪ ♪ nationwide insurance, talk to me. should i bundle all my policies with nationwide insurance ? watch this. on one hand, you have your home insurance with one company. and on another hand, you have your auto with another. and on another hand, you have your life with another. but when you bundle them l together with nationwide insurance, they all work together perfectly and you could save 25%. wow... it's all in the wrists. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ the frontline plus killing force is there annihilating fleas and ticks. ♪ visit and get a coupon for frontline plus. >> dana: welcome back to "the five." penny for your thoughts or lunch for new idea. that is what one lawmaker is offering. she started a contest to offer free lunch to constituent that proposes the best idea to turn into legislation. it's a good idea. i don't think it's laziness. it's representative democracywa do you think? >> greg: my idea i propose is any politician that proposes an idea they use the constituents for ideas and in exchange for a free lunch should be imprisoned. >> dana: who is on first? >> greg: what? >> dana: right. i like it. >> eric: as long as the one that they propose is the fair tax. talk about a flat tax. fair tax that made all the i.r.s. and eliminate 76,000 pages of the i.r.s. documents. >> dana: there ought to be a law against the next story. >> bob: wait. this woman was hired to do her job and make laws and law to outlaw eric, i don't want it. >> dana: representative democracy and citizen participation. and democracy is participation sport and i like it. there should be a law against the next story i want to talk about, which is the tsa caught a woman smuggling into lax and man had snakes in his pants. they're endangered species and is trying to bring it in to the country. does it freak you out? >> andrea: ge getting on a plane freaks me out. so getting on a plane with a snake in my pants really freaks me out. bob, don't go there. >> dana: these are the things they find. >> bob: what is that thing? >> greg: this happened on you but it wasn't on a plane. >> bob: if somebody got on a plane next to me with a snake i'd kill the son of a bitch. i hate these. these are endangered species. terrible. >> eric: did you see that? that is a sock. they snuck a bird in it. >> dana: "snakes on a plane" was a movie. >> bob: maybe they have dope in the birds. >> dana: we should check it out. we want to leave you tonight we promise on twitter we'd show you a sweet video from hurricane irene. where something good happened. little kittens saved by a young girl in goshan county. the firefighters are helping make sure they are okay. look how tiny they are. do you want one, bob? >> bob: are you kidding? >> greg: i hope they're not mentally ill. >> dana: that's it for "the five." we have to go. see you tomorrow. bye-bye. captioned by closed captioning services, inc